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AARMA HGHPoyntzpass Acton

with its regimented box hedges and a fascinating sundial dating back to the 1820s. For more details see w

E-print Network

The adaptive ARMA analysis of EMG signals.

In this study, Adaptive auto regressive-moving average (A-ARMA) analysis of EMG signals recorded on the ulnar nerve region of the right hand in resting position was performed. A-ARMA method, especially in the calculation of the spectrums of stationary signals, is used for frequency analysis of signals, which give frequency response as sharp peaks and ...


New variables in ONC (Parihar+, 2009)

The photometric observations of the ONC reported here, were obtained between 2004 January 18 and 2008 April 15, using the 2m Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) and the 2.3m Vainu Bappu Telescope (VBT). (3 data files).

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A large-scale inheritance-based morphological lexicon for Russian R. Evans

for example work on the MULTEXT-EAST project by Dimitrova, Erjavec, Ide, Kaalep, Petkevic and Tufis (1998, Tomaz Erjavec, Nancy Ide, Heiki Jaan Kaalep, Vladimir Petkevic, Dan Tufis. 1998. Multext-East: Parallel

E-print Network

################## astro�ph/9909437

evolution. 5. Dark matter in voids In the mid�1970s it was discovered that field galaxies are not randomly################## astro�ph/9909437 26 Sep 1999 Dark Matter in Groups and Clusters of Galaxies Jaan populations with those of dark halos. Dark matter around galaxies, and in groups, clusters and voids

E-print Network

Twenty-five years of observational astronomy at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics.

Reports observations of stars and galaxies mainly from the Vainu Bappu Observatory (VBO), Kavalur, over the last 25 years. The Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA), of which the Vainu Bappu Observatory is a field station, was created as an autonomous research institution on 1 April 1971. This article is written in commemoration of the Silver Jubilee of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Bappu, Manali Kallat Vainu (1927-82)

Born in Hyderabad, India, of an astronomer father, and became director of the Kodaikanal Observatory. Following a chance meeting with SIR HAROLD SPENCER JONES and HARLOW SHAPLEY, enrolled in Harvard, was co-discoverer of comet Bappu-Bok-Newkirk. Working with OLIN WILSON at the Mount Wilson Observatory, Bappu discovered that for stars of spectral types later than G0 there is a relationship ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Stability and fluctuations in ordered copolymer phases Chuck Yeung , An-Chang Shi , Jaan Noolandi and Rashmi C. Desai

, = gyroid, = cylindrical and being the spherical phases. Varying at fixed has little effect on the stability lamellar-to-cylindrical (L-to-C) and lamellar- to-gyroid (L-to-G) transitions. The presence of a small

E-print Network

Chapter for: Cultural Dynamics of Women's Lives Ana Cecilia Bastos, Kristiina Uriko & Jaan Valsiner (Eds.)

! Or is it in love with love? Ye Gods, what fools men do make of themselves! I went out with my French Canadian of love become uncertain. We examine how ambivalence emerges in June's experience, and how she attempts). Women's roles in the home, in work, and in love have been redefined. In the early 20th century

E-print Network

Bacterial growth and motility in sub-micron constrictions Jaan Ma�nnik, Rosalie Driessen, Peter Galajda, Juan E. Keymer, and Cees Dekker1

research, quan- titative studies of the effects of confinement on bacteria have been limited. Here, we distributions of bacteria in soil and Earth's subsurfaces have been studied, it is largely unknown how bacteria of E. coli bacteria has been studied by Takeuchi et al. in microfabricated structures (14

E-print Network

Spectral Line Variations in the Ap Star HD 42536

The Sr-Cr type chemically peculiar star HD 42536 (= HR 2195) was observed with the 2.34 meter Vainu Bappu Telescope. Kavalur during the period of November 1998 to April 1999. A total of 46 spectrograms were obtained in the wavelength region of 3900 � to 4300 � at a linear dispersion of 0.65 � per pixel. The equivalent widths of Sr (4077) and Cr (4172) have been found to ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

UBVRI differential photometry of DM UMa (Rosario+, 2009)

During 1993-94 and 2004-08, DM UMa was observed on a total of 82 nights in standard Johnson BV bands with the 34-cm telescope of Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur. All the measurements were made with respect to BD+60 1301 during 1993-94 and with respect to BD+61 1210 during 2004-08. BD+61 1210 and BD+60 1297 were observed as check stars during the first and second periods, ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Professor M.K. Vainu Bappu (1927-82)

It was with great sadness that we received the news of the death, on 19 August 1982, of Professor M.K.V. Bappu, President of the International Astronomical Union and Director of the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, Bangalore, India. Professor Bappu was spending a few months with ESO in Munich, doing research within solar and stellar spectroscopy and at the same time preparing for the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Observations of occulation of HIP 66446 by (423) Diotima on 2001 March 15 from India - Detection of a companion to the star

Observations of the occulation of the star HIP 66446 by (423) Diotima on 2001 March 15 made by the team at the Vainu Bappu Observatory and three mobile teams at Ganeshgudi, Londa and the CES Field Research Station at Sirsi are presented. We make a preliminary estimate of 186 km x 149 km for the projected size of the asteroid. The immersion and emersion events occurred in two ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


The 19th Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India was held in Bangalore during February 1 - 4, 1999. The meeting was hosted by the Raman Research Institute (RRI) as part of its Golden Jubilee celebrations. The 4-day Scientific Programme was prepared by the Scientific Organising Committee, chaired by Prof. G. Srinivasan (RRI). The highlights of the meeting were the special sessions on (a) New ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Vainu Bappu Memorial Lecture: What is a Sunspot?

Sunspots have been known in theWest since Galileo Galilei and Thomas Harriot first used telescopes to observe the Sun nearly four centuries ago; they have been known to the Chinese for more than 2,000 years. They appear as relatively dark patches on the surface of the Sun, and are caused by concentrations of magnetism, which impede the flow of heat from deep inside the Sun up to its otherwise ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Distance Determination For High Luminosity Stars Using The Extended Wilson-Bappu Effect.

In 1957, Olin Wilson and Vainu Bappu published evidence for a direct correlation between the width of the 3933A Ca K line emission core seen in late type stars, and the stellar absolute magnitude, Mv. In 1977, the third author on this abstract published a spectroscopic survey that showed the wing emission features seen in the broad wings of the K line among higher luminosity ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Centre for Astronomical Data and Software at Indian Institute of Astrophysics
2006-11-01 We propose to set up a Centre for Astronomical Data and Software (CADS) at the CREST campus of IIA. A Data Centre is many things. At the most basic level, it is simply a place to warehouse astronomical data but this has led in the past to a sterile environment which may not serve the user. We plan, on the model of the Virtual Observatory, to set up a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Modeling of Jets from Comet Hale-Bopp (C/1995 O1): Observations from the Vainu Bappu Observatory

Jet and shell structures from Comet Hale-Bopp during the period October 1996 to October 1997 using data from the Vainu Bappu Observatory are modeled. Evolution of jet and shell structures during the period of observations could be attributed to activity from sources near +65 deg, +35 deg, +5 deg, -5 deg, -35 deg, -65 deg in latitude. Although no deliberate attempt was made to ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Spectroscopy of the post-AGB star HD 101584 (IRAS 11385-5517)

From an analysis of the spectrum (4000 � to 8800 �) of HD 101584 it is found that most of the neutral and single ionized metallic lines are in emission. The forbidden emission lines of [OI] 6300 � and 6363 � and [CI] 8727 � are detected, which indicate the presence of a very low excitation nebula. The H? , FeII 6383 �, NaI D1, D2 lines and the CaII IR triplet lines show P-Cygni ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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The Role of Interest in Learning and Development.

This book examines recent theoretical and empirical contributions in the field of interest research. Chapters in part one address some general questions in the study of interest, while those in part two cover individual interest and learning in school. Chapters in part three examine situational interest, and the chapters in part four present special approaches to explain interest effects. Part ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Education and Technology: Critical Perspectives, Possible Futures

This book offers a truly learner-centered and learning-centered approach to educational technology. In substantial and interdisciplinary ways it carefully builds a foundation not just for rethinking the potential for technology in light of educational principles but, more importantly, rethinking teaching and learning in light of technology's potential. Now that technology is both so ubiquitous in ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

Analysis of the Type IV Fimbrial-Subunit Gene fimA of Xanthomonas hyacinthi: Application in PCR-Mediated Detection of Yellow Disease in Hyacinths

A sensitive and specific detection method was developed for Xanthomonas hyacinthi; this method was based on amplification of a subsequence of the type IV fimbrial-subunit gene fimA from strain S148. The fimA gene was amplified by PCR with degenerate DNA primers designed by using the N-terminal and C-terminal amino acid sequences of trypsin fragments of FimA. The nucleotide sequence of fimA was ...

PubMed Central

Parents' Cultural Belief Systems: Their Origins, Expressions, and Consequences.

This volume presents observations and thinking of scholars from a variety of disciplines about parental cultural belief systems. The chapters are concerned with the sources and consequences of parental ethnotheories in a number of societies. The following chapters are included: (1) "Introduction" (Sara Harkness and Charles M. Super); (2) "Parents' Free Descriptions of Child Characteristics: A ...

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

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