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NASA Website

Serologic Profiles of Chickens Infected with Subgroup J Avian Leukosis Virus

... aviar subgrupo J han sido identificadas mediante la cuantificación del antígeno específico de grupo, empleando la prueba ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure


hSc 12Z[ 8_#wz (1>w aAB3 tN\\x)f vt33 *H#M Fjnv pDMs Ste6H sMv6 1\\C[f Z=34*SF __Da CTg0W #...... 1 Q$%N$b"fv"F.cvD sBB$ +7vv&FbG Y>!{#: 2cl'. ...

NASA Website

The Potato virus X TGBp3 protein associates with the ER network for virus cell-to-cell movement

for encapsidation and viral intercellular trafficking (Chap- man et al., 1992; Forster et al., 1992). The triple Petit Havanna and Samsun nn, N. clevelandii, and N. benthamiana, Chenopodium quinoa, Gomphrena glo- bosa GFP:TGBp2 GFP:TGBp3 Nicotiana tabacum cv. Petit Havanna 0% (0/80)aA 3.3 (3/92)aAB 9.5% (7/74)bB N

E-print Network

Regiospecific Quantification of Triacylglycerols by Mass Spectrometry and its Use in Olive Oil Analysis

The MS3 method was developed to estimate the contents of regioisomers of TAG, AAB and ABA, from biological origins. The content of AAB in (AAB + ABA) is estimated as (A + rA)/(A + B). A is the abundance of the ion [AAB + Li - ACOOH - A'CH=CHCOOH]+ from AAB alone. Minor amount of ...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Leaf Traits as Functional Descriptors of the Intensity of Continuous Grazing in Native Grasslands in the South of Brazil

... ajustada mensualmente. Los GFP fueron definidos seg�n un an�lisis num�rico, donde un algoritmo identifica un subgrupo �ptimo de ... ...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

Highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of banana cv. Rasthali (AAB) via sonication and vacuum infiltration.

A reproducible and efficient transformation method was developed for the banana cv. Rasthali (AAB) via Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of suckers. Three-month-old banana suckers were used as explant and three Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains (EHA105, EHA101, and LBA4404) harboring the binary vector pCAMBIA1301 were used in the ...


AAB Repeating Pattern

Students are asked to extend a repeating pattern cube train and identify the units and a missing section.

NSDL National Science Digital Library

Analysis of the distribution and structure of integrated Banana streak virus DNA in a range of Musa cultivars.

Summary Banana streak virus strain OL (BSV-OL) commonly infects new Musa hybrids, and this infection is thought to arise de novo from integrated virus sequences present in the nuclear genome of the plant. Integrated DNA (Musa6+8 sequence) containing the whole genome of the virus has previously been cloned from cv. Obino l'Ewai (Musa AAB group), a parent of ...


Agonist-like autoantibodies against calcium channel in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy.

The calcium channel may be an important target in the autoimmune pathogenesis of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). The presence and function of serum autoantibodies against calcium channels (CC-AAbs) in patients with DCM were studied. Calcium-channel AAbs were detected in 80 patients with DCM and 80 controls by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). ...


Measurement of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity in the Bandelier Tuff at Los Alamos

Hydraulic conductivities, K, were experimentally determined as a function of volumetric water content, {theta}, in Bandelier Tuff cores from Los Alamos, New Mexico. These data were used to determine the feasibility of applying a new unsaturated flow technology (UFA{trademark}) to further hydrologic studies of tuffaceous rocks at Los Alamos. The K({theta}) relationships for eight cores of Bandelier ...

DOE Information Bridge

Aptamer Neutralization of Beta1-Adrenoceptor Autoantibodies Isolated From Patients With Cardiomyopathies.

Rationale:Autoantibodies directed against the beta1-adrenoceptor (beta1-AABs) have been proposed to drive the pathogenesis of idiopathic dilated cardiomyoparthy (DCM), Chagas' cardiomyopathy, and peripartum cardiomyopathy. For disease treatment, aptamers that bind and neutralize beta1-AABs could be significant.Objective:We determined whether ...


Iron fortification of banana by the expression of soybean ferritin.

Iron deficiency anemia is one of the serious ailments related to nutrition in the developing countries. Fruit and vegetable crops favor the bioavailability of iron. Banana is consumed as a staple food in the tropics. Iron-fortified bananas provide an effective means of controlling the iron deficiency. Embryogenic cells of banana cv. Rasthali (AAB) were ...


Low level of systemic autoimmunity in Western Australian multiple sclerosis patients.

Previous autoantibody (AAb) studies in multiple sclerosis MS have produced conflicting results. The objective of this study was to determine AAb frequency and association with the HLA-DRB1 genotype. Antinuclear antibody, antithyroid peroxidase and anti-aquaporin-4 assays and HLA-DRB1 genotyping were performed in 198 MS patients and 188 controls. There were ...



seminarios en forma participativa. Previas a las actividades del grupo de clase magistral y del subgrupo de 1 T�tulo: Estado y norma jur�dica 2 horas de actividades espec�ficas: clase magistral, preguntas y de actividades espec�ficas: clase magistral, preguntas y respuesta. Exposici�n por grupos y Actividad

E-print Network

^XYX^a^TKOXgda]`]adfb`d[XRTZ]hgh`^W]ei^[`cje^edcb_TSZ_bcgjheZU ...

... }.~�.z|{{|{utpqmkmeccbaaaaaa_^bcbdbeefdbcc`_aab`db`cbdd]aa`_^^aafbabba^baba` `cdc]`` ...... � |ytso[_efe\\aab_^`cdc]\\_dgc^bba__^dba`hgefc_bcc`_d\\W[_`adaa` ...

NASA Website

NOUS41 KWBC xxxxxx AAB

NOUS41 KWBC 251256 AAB PNSWSH Technical Implementation Notice 10-44: Amended National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC 855 AM EDT Mon Oct 25 2010 To: Subscribers:... Websites

Linguistics Single Majors UCAS Code Typical A-Level Offer

105 Linguistics Single Majors UCAS Code Typical A-Level Offer Linguistics BA Hons Q100 BA/Ling AAB Linguistics (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q102 BA/LSA AAB Sociolinguistics BA Hons Q140 BA/SIng AAB Sociolinguistics (Study Abroad) BA Hons Q141 BA/SSA AAB Combined Degrees English Language and Linguistics BA Hons QQC3 BA

E-print Network

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