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Tribimaximal lepton mixing with A4?(Z2)3

We consider a model based on A4?(Ze�Z?�Z?) flavor symmetry for tribimaximal lepton mixing with two scalar A4 triplets whose vacuum expectation values have the same alignment. Neutrino masses are generated through effective dimension-five Weinberg operators. Charged lepton mass hierarchies are generated with an ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Relating quarks and leptons without grand unification

In combination with supersymmetry, flavor symmetry may relate quarks with leptons, even in the absence of a grand-unification group. We propose an SU(3)�SU(2)�U(1) model where both supersymmetry and the assumed A4 flavor symmetries are softly broken, reproducing well the observed fermion ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

CP violation and FCNC in a warped A4 flavor model

We recently proposed a spontaneous A4 flavor symmetry breaking scheme implemented in a warped extra dimensional setup to explain the observed pattern of quark and lepton masses and mixings. The quark mixing is absent at leading order in the VEV expansion and it is induced at next-to-leading order by bulk ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Approximate flavor symmetries

We discuss the idea of approximate flavor symmetries. Relations between approximate flavor symmetries and natural flavor conservation and democracy models is explored. Implications for neutrino physics are also discussed.

DOE Information Bridge

Phenomenology in the Higgs triplet model with the A4 symmetry

We discuss the phenomenology of doubly and singly charged Higgs bosons [of SU(2)L-triplet fields] in the simplest A4-symmetric version of the Higgs triplet model. Mass eigenstates of these Higgs bosons are obtained explicitly from the Higgs potential. It is shown that their decays into a pair of leptons have unique ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Measurable neutrino mass scale in A4�SU(5)

We propose a supersymmetric A4�SU(5) model of quasidegenerate neutrinos which predicts the effective neutrino mass mee relevant for neutrinoless double beta decay to be proportional to the neutrino mass scale, thereby allowing its determination approximately independently of unknown Majorana phases. Such a natural quasidegeneracy is ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Mechanisms of Deterioration of Nutrients.

The retention of flavor during freeze drying was studied with model systems. Mechanisms by which flavor retention phenomena is explained were developed and process conditions specified so that flavor retention is optimized. The literature is reviewed and ...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Discrete lepton family symmetries and their phenomenological consequences

The standard model of electro-weak and strong interactions is a successful theory for particles and their interactions. Recent studies of solar, atmospheric and reactor neutrinos established that neutrinos have nonzero mass and they mix among themselves much like the quarks, thereby providing the first evidence of new physics beyond the standard model. The ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Phenomenology in the Zee model with the A4 symmetry

The Zee model generates neutrino masses at the one-loop level by adding charged SU(2)L-singlet and extra SU(2)L-doublet scalars to the standard model of particle physics. We introduce the softly broken A4 symmetry to the Zee model as the origin of the nontrivial structure of the lepton ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Light Sterile Neutrinos: Models and Phenomenology

Motivated by recent hints in particle physics and cosmology, we study the realization of eV-scale sterile neutrinos within both the seesaw mechanism and flavor symmetry theories. We show that light sterile neutrinos can rather easily be accommodated in the popular A_4 flavor symmetry models. ...

E-print Network

On the equivalence of the Skyrme-Witten model and large-N[sub c] quark models

The authors review the equivalence of the two-flavor Skyrme-Witten model and the two-flavor large-N[sub c] quark model. The claimed equivalence for three flavors between these two models is shown to be incorrectly given in the literature, and the properly equivalent ...

Energy Citations Database

A4-based neutrino masses with Majoron decaying dark matter

We propose an A4 flavor-symmetric SU(3)?SU(2)?U(1) seesaw model where lepton number is broken spontaneously. A consistent two-zero texture pattern of neutrino masses and mixing emerges from the interplay of type-I and type-II seesaw contributions, with important phenomenological predictions. We show that, if the Majoron becomes massive, such seesaw ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Light Flavor Vector and Pseudo Vector Mesons from a Light-Cone QCD Inspired Effective Hamiltonian Model with SU(3) Flavor Mixing Interactions

Based on the light-cone effective Hamiltonian with confining potential and SU(3) flavor mixing interactions, the flavor mixing mesons on the u, d, and s quark sectors are investigated. The mass eigen equations of the flavor mixing vector and pseudo vector mesons are solved. The calculated masses are in good agreement with the ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Distributed Object Oriented Programming

... In addition, it describes a computation manager that implements this model and a compiler that translates a subset of Common Lisp with Flavors ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Flavor changing neutral currents and the third family.

We consider a Two Higgs Doublet Model with Flavor Changing Scalar Neutral Currents arising at the tree level. All the most important constraints are taken into account and the compatibility with the present Electroweak measurements is examined. The Flavor...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Flavor Anarchy in a Randall-Sundrum Model with 5D Minimal Flavor Violation and a Low Kaluza-Klein Scale

A variant of a warped extra dimension model is presented. It is based on 5D minimal flavor violation, in which the only sources of flavor breaking are two 5D anarchic Yukawa matrices. These matrices also control the bulk masses, which are responsible for the resulting flavor hierarchy. The theory flows to a next to ...

Energy Citations Database

Applications of flavor symmetry to the phenomenology of elementary particles.

Some applications of flavor symmetry are examined. Approximate flavor symmetries and their consequences in the MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model) are considered, and found to give natural values for the possible B- and L-violating couplings that...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Phenomenological consequences of the seesaw mechanism in S4 based models

Reference proposed a flavor model based on the symmetry group S4, managing to describe fermion masses and mixings. The Weinberg operator has been used in order to provide the smallness of the neutrino masses, while a set of scalar fields, getting nonvanishing vacuum expectation values, spontaneously breaks down S4 and provides the tri-bimaximal pattern as ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Flavored dark matter in direct detection experiments and at the LHC

We consider the possibility that dark matter can communicate with the standard model fields via flavor interactions. We take the dark matter to belong to a �dark sector� which contains at least two types, or �flavors,� of particles and then hypothesize that the standard model fields and dark matter share a ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Generalized mixing angles in gauge theories with natural flavor conservation

A number of theorems, relating Natural Flavor Conservation and Calculability are proven for general gauge models of the weak and electromagnetic interactions with an unbroken U(1) symmetry. The concept of nontriviality - a necessary condition that all naturally flavor conserving gauge models must obey in order to ...

Energy Citations Database

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Flavor constraints in a bosonic technicolor model

Flavor constraints in a bosonic technicolor model are considered. We illustrate different sources for their origin, and emphasize, in particular, the role played by the vector states present in the technicolor model. This feature is the essential difference in comparison to an analogous model with two fundamental ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Standard model and supersymmetric flavor puzzles at the CERN Large Hadron Collider

Can the Large Hadron Collider explain the masses and mixings of the known fermions? A promising possibility is that these masses and mixings are determined by flavor symmetries that also govern new particles that will appear at the LHC. We consider well-motivated examples in supersymmetry with both gravity and gauge mediation. Contrary to spreading belief, new physics need not ...

Energy Citations Database

Scalar non-degeneracy and flavor unification

Grand unified models of the strong and electroweak forces generally predict some types of flavor unification. The flavor structure in unified theory is probed with superparticle mass spectrum observed in future particle experiments. It is shown that the generation dependence of sfermion mass non-degeneracy provides direct imprints of ...

Energy Citations Database

Neutrino Flavor Changing Neutral Currents and Stellar Collapse

Flavor changing neutral current interactions are predicted in some extensions of the Standard Model. We discuss a process by which a neutrino can change flavor by scattering with a quark. We show how the stellar collapse environment is sensitive to neutrino flavor changing scattering on heavy nuclei. In particular, ...

Energy Citations Database

Flavor from Minimal Flavor Violation & a Viable Randall-Sundrum Model

We present a variant of the warped extra dimension, Randall-Sundrum (RS), framework which is based on five dimensional (5D) minimal flavor violation (MFV), in which the only sources of flavor breaking are two 5D anarchic Yukawa matrices. The Yukawa matrices also control the bulk masses, which are responsible for the resulting flavor ...

E-print Network

Flavor physics of leptons and dipole moments

This chapter of the report of the �Flavor in the era of the LHC� Workshop discusses the theoretical, phenomenological and experimental issues related to flavor phenomena in the charged lepton sector and in flavor conserving CP-violating processes. We review the current experimental limits and the main theoretical ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Patterns of flavor signals in supersymmetric models

Quark and lepton flavor signals are studied in four supersymmetric models, namely, the minimal supergravity model, the minimal supersymmetric standard model with right-handed neutrinos, SU(5) supersymmetric grand unified theory with right-handed neutrinos, and the minimal supersymmetric standard ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Testing minimal lepton flavor violation with extra vectorlike leptons at the LHC

Models of minimal lepton flavor violation where the seesaw scale is higher than the relevant flavor scale predict that all lepton flavor violation is proportional to the charged lepton Yukawa matrix. If extra vectorlike leptons are within the reach of the LHC, it will be possible to test the resulting predictions ...

Energy Citations Database

Applications of flavor symmetry to the phenomenology of elementary particles

Some applications of flavor symmetry are examined. Approximate flavor symmetries and their consequences in the MSSM (Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model) are considered, and found to give natural values for the possible B- and L-violating couplings that are empirically acceptable, except for the case of proton decay. The coupling ...

Energy Citations Database

Large top-quark mass and nonlinear representation of flavor symmetry.

We consider an effective theory (ET) approach to flavor-violating processes beyond the standard model, where the breaking of flavor symmetry is described by spurion fields whose low-energy vacuum expectation values are identified with the standard model Yukawa couplings. Insisting on canonical mass dimensions for ...


Large Top-Quark Mass and Nonlinear Representation of Flavor Symmetry

We consider an effective theory (ET) approach to flavor-violating processes beyond the standard model, where the breaking of flavor symmetry is described by spurion fields whose low-energy vacuum expectation values are identified with the standard model Yukawa couplings. Insisting on canonical mass dimensions for ...

Energy Citations Database

S100A4 and Metastasis

The calcium-binding protein S100A4 promotes metastasis in several experimental animal models, and S100A4 protein expression is associated with patient outcome in a number of tumor types. S100A4 is localized in the nucleus, cytoplasm, and extracellular space and possesses a wide range of ...

PubMed Central

Semidirect product groups, vacuum alignment, and tribimaximal neutrino mixing

The neutrino oscillation data are in very good agreement with the tribimaximal mixing pattern: sin?2?23=1/2, sin?2?12=1/3, and sin?2?13=0. Attempts to generate this pattern based on finite family symmetry groups typically assume that the family symmetry is broken into different subgroups in the charged-lepton and the neutrino mass matrices. This leads to a technical problem, where the cross ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

An Analysis of Operational Availability of Brazilian Navy and ...

... Title : An Analysis of Operational Availability of Brazilian Navy and Argentine Air Force A-4 Fleets Using Simulation Modeling. ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Hadron dynamics in the three-flavor Skyrme model

We present the three-flavor formalism for scattering of pseudoscalar mesons from baryons in the class of models in which the baryon is viewed as a ''hedgehog'' soliton in the meson field. To test this formalism, we apply it to N scattering in the Skyrme model. The result, as compared with the ...

Energy Citations Database

Confronting flavor symmetries and extended scalar sectors with lepton flavor violation bounds

We discuss the tension between discrete flavor symmetries and extended scalar sectors arising from lepton flavor violation experiments. The key point is that extended scalar sectors will generically lead to flavor changing neutral currents, which are strongly constrained by experiments. Because of the large parameter space in the ...

Energy Citations Database

The Prediction of Mass of Z?-BOSON in a Flavor-Independent Potential Model

The mass of Z? boson is considered in a flavor-independent phenomenological potential model. We have used the low energy parameters and the estimated value so obtained is accessible to experiments at low energies.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Natural inflation and flavor mixing from Peccei�Quinn symmetry breaking

We propose a left�right symmetric model to simultaneously give natural inflation and flavor mixing from a Peccei�Quinn symmetry breaking at the Planck scale. Our model can be embedded into SO(10) grand unification theories.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Is It Still Interesting to Search for Lepton-Flavor Violation in Rare Kaon Decays?

Further possibilities of experiments aimed at searches for lepton-flavor violation in kaon decays at present and future intermediate-energy accelerators are considered. It is shown that such investigations are complementary to searches for muonic lepton-flavor-violating processes and can possess, in some models featuring approximately ...

Energy Citations Database

Dark matter from minimal flavor violation

We consider theories of flavored dark matter, in which the dark matter particle is part of a multiplet transforming nontrivially under the flavor group of the Standard Model in a manner consistent with the principle of Minimal Flavor Violation (MFV). MFV automatically leads to the stability of the lightest state ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

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Bose�Einstein Condensation in Strong-Coupling Quark Color Superconductor near Flavor SU(3) Limit

Near the flavor SU(3) limit, we propose an analytical description for color-flavor-locked-type Bardeen�Cooper�Schrieffer (BCS) phase in the Nambu Jona�Lasinio (NJL) model. The diquark behaviors in light-flavor and strange-flavor-involved channels and Bose�Einstein condensation (BEC) of ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A Prototypical Implementation of Galahad: A Conceptual ...

... DIESEL ... Another interesting feature of the Flavors language is the dynamic ... notion that no single programming model provides elegant solutions to ...

DTIC Science & Technology

Twisted split fermions

The observed flavor structure of the standard model arises naturally in 'split fermion' models which localize fermions at different places in an extra dimension. It has, until now, been assumed that the bulk masses for such fermions can be chosen to be flavor diagonal simultaneously at every point ...

Energy Citations Database

Twisted Split Fermions

The observed flavor structure of the standard model arises naturally in ''split fermion'' models which localize fermions at different places in an extra dimension. It has, until now, been assumed that the bulk masses for such fermions can be chosen to be flavor diagonal ...

Energy Citations Database

Twisted Split Fermions

The observed flavor structure of the standard model arises naturally in ''split fermion'' models which localize fermions at different places in an extra dimension. It has, until now, been assumed that the bulk masses for such fermions can be chosen to be flavor diagonal ...

DOE Information Bridge

Flavor encapsulation in yeasts: limonene used as a model system for characterization of the release mechanism.

Empty yeast cells are used as a new delivery system for flavor encapsulation. The flavor release mechanism from yeast cells is characterized using a series of analytical techniques, and limonene is used as a model representing a hydrophobic flavor. Furthermore, the thermal stability of the capsules was assessed. ...


Lepton flavor violation in a nonuniversal gauge interaction model

The flavor-changing neutral currents (FCNC) are derived at tree level if the electroweak gauge group depends on the fermion family, which are absent in the standard model. We study the lepton flavor violation through the FCNC interactions in a nonuniversal gauge interaction model where the third generation fermions ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Differentiating neutrino models on the basis of $\\theta_{13}$ and lepton flavor violation

The authors show how models of neutrino masses and mixings can be differentiated on the basis of their predictions for {theta}{sub 13} and lepton flavor violation in radiative charged lepton decays and {mu} - e conversion. They illustrate the lepton flavor violation results for five predictive SO(10) SUSY GUT ...

Energy Citations Database

Habituation of unconditioned fear can be attenuated by the presence of a safe stimulus: Assessment using the neophobic response of the rat

Protection from extinction of conditioned fear has been demonstrated when a conditioned inhibitor of fear is presented during extinction treatment. The present study assessed if similar results could be obtained during the analogous habituation of unconditioned fear. The neophobic response typically elicited by the presentation of a novel flavor was used as a ...

PubMed Central

Flavor at the TeV scale with extra dimensions

Theories where the standard model fields reside on a 3-brane, with a low fundamental cutoff and extra dimensions, provide alternative solutions to the gauge hierarchy problem. However, generating flavor at the TeV scale while avoiding flavor-changing difficulties appears prohibitively difficult at first sight. We argue to the contrary ...

Energy Citations Database

Understanding the flavor symmetry breaking and nucleon flavor-spin structure within the chiral quark model

In {chi}QM, a quark can emit Goldstone bosons. The flavor symmetry breaking in the Goldstone boson emission process is used to interpret the nucleon flavor-spin structure. In this paper, we study the inner structure of constituent quarks implied in {chi}QM caused by the Goldstone boson emission process in nucleon. From a simplified ...

Energy Citations Database

New mechanism of flavor symmetry breaking from supersymmetric strong dynamics

We present a class of supersymmetric models in which flavor symmetries are broken dynamically, by a set of composite flavon fields. The strong dynamics that is responsible for confinement in the flavor sector also drives flavor symmetry-breaking vacuum expectation values, as a consequence of a quantum-deformed ...

Energy Citations Database

Suppressed flavor changing neutral current in new physics with shared flavor symmetry

Many extensions of the standard model (SM) generate contributions to flavor changing neutral current (FCNC) processes that must have sufficient flavor suppression to be consistent with experiments, if the new physics (NP) is associated with a scale of a TeV. Here we present a mechanism for suppressing the NP effects to FCNC processes ...

Energy Citations Database

Solving flavor puzzles with quiver gauge theories

We consider a large class of models where the SU(5) gauge symmetry and a Froggatt-Nielsen (FN) Abelian flavor symmetry arise from a U(5)xU(5) quiver gauge theory. An intriguing feature of these models is a relation between the gauge representation and the horizontal charge, leading to a restricted set of possible FN charges. Requiring ...

Energy Citations Database

QCD phase structure at finite temperature in three-flavor random matrix theory

The QCD phase structure is studied at finite temperature in a three-flavor random matrix model formulated with nonzero quark chemical potentials. In the case of no flavor mixing, we analytically obtain temperature dependent critical chemical potentials for finite quark masses. Numerical results show that the QCD phase diagram as a ...

Energy Citations Database

Naturally degenerate right-handed neutrinos

In the context of supersymmetric theories, a weakly broken gauged SO(3) flavor symmetry is used to produce two highly degenerate right-handed neutrinos. It is then shown that this SO(3) flavor symmetry is compatible with all fermion masses and mixings if it is supplemented with a further SU(3) flavor symmetry. A specific supersymmetry ...

Energy Citations Database

Signals from flavor changing scalar currents at the future colliders.

We present a general phenomenological analysis of a class of Two Higgs Doublet Models with Flavor Changing Neutral Currents arising at the tree level. The existing constraints mainly affect the couplings of the first two generations of quarks, leaving the...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Recent Searches for Lepton Flavor Violation.

No process which does not conserve lepton number has been observed. However, since this empirical information is incorporated in the standard model in an ad hoc fashion, searches for reactions which exhibit lepton flavor violation (LFV) may lead to new ap...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Probing the flavor changing vertex of the top-quark.

The implications of the flavor changing neutral current vertex, t (yields) cX, where X = (gamma),g, Z, or H is examined in the Standard and two-Higgs-doublet models. 9 refs., 3 figs.

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Probing the flavor changing vertex of the top-quark

The implications of the flavor changing neutral current vertex, t {yields} cX, where X = {gamma},g, Z, or H is examined in the Standard and two-Higgs-doublet models. 9 refs., 3 figs.

Energy Citations Database

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Lepton flavor mixing and baryogenesis

Recently a new general class of quark mass matrix ansatz has been proposed, which originates from some flavor symmetry. We extend that symmetry to the lepton sector and study the neutrino mass matrix and address the question of the baryon asymmetry of the universe in this model.

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Lepton Flavor Conservation Tests with Muons.

Some results are reviewed of work on lepton flavor nonconserving processes. Models are briefly reviewed that have additional lepton generation with a heavy neutrino or exotic particles without additional leptons. Experimental results for muon reactions th...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Flavor Mixing with Quarks and Leptons.

The last year has brought such a wealth of new information on heavy flavors that meaningful bounds can now be placed on all fermion mass related parameters in the Standard Model. The status of the KM matrix is reviewed with particular emphasis on the theo...

National Technical Information Service (NTIS)

Dynamical-symmetry-breaking solution to the problem of flavor

We propose a fully dynamical moose'' model with a top-quark condensate. The scale of new physics {Lambda} may be in the TeV range with flavor-changing neutral currents protected by a Glashow-Iliopoulos-Maiani mechanism.

Energy Citations Database

A flavor protection for warped Higgsless models

We examine various possibilities for realistic 5D Higgsless models on a Randall-Sundrum (RS) background, and construct a full quark sector featuring next-to-minimal flavor violation (with an exact bulk SU(2) protecting the first two generations) which satisfies electroweak and flavor constraints. The 'new custodially protected ...

Energy Citations Database

Soft supersymmetry breaking terms from D{sub 4}xZ{sub 2} lepton flavor symmetry

We study the supersymmetric model with D{sub 4}xZ{sub 2} lepton flavor symmetry. We evaluate soft supersymmetry breaking terms, i.e., soft slepton masses and A-terms, which are predicted in the D{sub 4} flavor model. We consider constraints due to experiments of flavor-changing neutral current ...

Energy Citations Database

Signals from flavor changing scalar currents at the future colliders

We present a general phenomenological analysis of a class of Two Higgs Doublet Models with Flavor Changing Neutral Currents arising at the tree level. The existing constraints mainly affect the couplings of the first two generations of quarks, leaving the possibility for non negligible Flavor Changing couplings of the top quark open. ...

DOE Information Bridge

Quartification with T' flavor

In the simplest (nonquiver) unified theories, fermion families are often treated sequentially and a flavor symmetry may act similarly. As an alternative with nonsequential flavor symmetry, we consider a model based on the group (T'�Z2)global�[SU(3)4]local which combines the predictions of T' flavor symmetry ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Flavor mixing in a Lee-type model

An exactly solvable quantum field theory (QFT) model of Lee type is constructed to study how neutrino flavor eigenstates are created through interactions and how the localization properties of neutrinos follows from the parent particle that decays. The two-particle states formed by the neutrino and the accompanying charged lepton can be calculated exactly ...

Energy Citations Database

Travel Cost Method Modeling Development

Travel Cost Method Modeling Development Research Task: 832798A.4.0 Task Manager: Aaron Douglas The Travel Cost Method (TCM) is one method of determini...

NBII National Biological Information Infrastructure

New Physics in the Flavor Sector

The standard model suffers from the hierarchy problem and the flavor problem. Various extensions have been proposed to alleviate these problems, supersymmetry and U(2) flavor symmetry being among them. Flavor changing neutral current rare decay modes of the B-meson is an excellent probe of such extensions. Recent ...

Energy Citations Database

Flavor-changing top-charm associated productions at the ILC in the littlest Higgs model with T parity

The littlest Higgs model with T parity has new flavor-changing couplings with the standard model quarks, which do not suffer strong constraints from electroweak precision data. So these flavor-changing interactions may enhance the cross sections of some flavor-changing neutral-current ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

Sequence analysis of Leuconostoc mesenteroides bacteriophage (phi)1-A4 isolated from industrial vegetable fermentation

Vegetable fermentations rely on the proper succession of a variety of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) including Leuconostoc mesenteroides. L. mesenteroides initiates the fermentation, producing lactic and acetic acids, CO2, and many flavor compounds. As the fermentation proceeds, L. mesenteroides dies of...

Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN)

Lepton flavor violation at LEP II and beyond

At present, two fundamental mysteries in particle physics are the origins of electroweak symmetry breaking and the fermion mass matrices. The experimental discovery of superpartners would represent enormous progress in the understanding of electroweak symmetry breaking, but would it also allow progress on the flavor problem? To date, nearly all experimental studies of ...

Energy Citations Database

Coactivation of Gustatory and Olfactory Signals in Flavor Perception

It is easier to detect mixtures of gustatory and olfactory flavorants than to detect either component alone. But does the detection of mixtures exceed the level predicted by probability summation, assuming independent detection of each component? To answer this question, we measured simple response times (RTs) to detect brief pulses of one of 3 flavorants ...

PubMed Central

1-2-3-flavor color superconductivity in compact stars

We suggest a scenario where the three light quark flavors are sequentially deconfined under increasing pressure in cold asymmetric nuclear matter as, e.g., in neutron stars. The basis for our analysis is a chiral quark matter model of Nambu-Jona-Lasinio (NJL) type with diquark pairing in the single flavor color-spin-locking (CSL), ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

[Analysis of liquor flavor spectra and pattern recognition computation].

Chinese liquor is a complex mixture and contains a large amount of microconstituents, which affects the quality and flavor of liquor. In order to discriminate liquor flavors rapidly, the spectra of liquors were obtained by FTIR and employed as the input patterns of pattern classification algorithms, then liquor flavor discrimination ...


TASI Lectures on Flavor Physics

This review is based on lectures on flavor physics given at TASI 2008. First I summarize our present knowledge on the fundamental parameters of the flavor sector. Then I discuss various scenarios going beyond the standard model which attempt to explain aspects of the "flavor puzzle". Relating quark masses and ...

E-print Network

Maximal flavor violation from new right-handed gauge bosons

Theories of flavor violation beyond the standard model typically suppose that the new contributions must be small, for example, suppressed by Yukawa couplings, as in minimal flavor violation. We show that this need not be true, presenting a case for flavor violation which maximally mixes the first- and ...

NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

A Statistical Word-Level Translation Model for Comparable ...

... yr rn4BT{H A4BTBpn4q �d � @4A4n6Bpodl0 � qd 1y�B� �gyrz4ot Pe1Bpy�BpA �dq '0A4n� qdi6 1@4{|n� �qB¤ �gBpq)�gBTn¦ hpot 1qdq { ...

DTIC Science & Technology

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