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Trampoline Safety

September 24, 2012

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Pediatricians around the country have come out against backyard trampoline use multiple times in the past. Now, armed with updated data, they're out with a reminder in 2012.

The good news, trampoline injuries have steadily declined. But there were still nearly 98-thousand trampoline-triggered injuries in the United States in 2009.

Common injuries include sprains, strains and contusions. Falls accounted for 27 to 39 percent of all injuries. Kids 5 and under were at highest risk, with 48- percent of injuries in this age group resulting in fractures or dislocations. Lots of people jumping at the same time increases the injury risk.

Bottom line, the American Academy of Pediatrics would like to see you turn your back on the trampoline and find another, safer form of family recreation.

I'm Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV, with the news the doctors are reading – health news that matters to you.