
Summary (PDF)

Summary:  The Royal Academy of Engineering report on nanotechnologies - Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties - was published on 29 July 2004. The report illustrates the fact that nanotechnologies offer many benefits both now and in the future but that public debate is needed about their development. It also highlights the immediate need for research to address uncertainties about the health and environmental effects of nanoparticles one small area of nanotechnologies. It also makes recommendations about regulation to control exposure to nanoparticles.

annexAcnAbbrev (PDF)

Summary:  The Royal Academy of Engineering report on nanotechnologies - Nanoscience and nanotechnologies: opportunities and uncertainties - was published on 29 July 2004. The report illustrates the fact that nanotechnologies offer many benefits both now and in the future but that public debate is needed about their development. It also highlights the immediate need for research to address uncertainties about the health and environmental effects of nanoparticles one small area of nanotechnologies. It also makes recommendations about regulation to control exposure to nanoparticles.

Nanobusiness (PPT)

Slides from the FDA Nanotechnology Public Meeting in October 10, 2006 held in Bethesda, Maryland


Various files related to the potential regulation of Nanomaterials.

2nd Nanotechnology and Occupational Health symposium (DOC)

Notes from 2nd Annual Nanotechnology Occupational Health Symposium

ASTM nano standards (PDF)

ASTM International has issued proposed standards for nanoparticles in six categories: terminology; environmental and occupational health and safety; international law and intellectual property; international cooperation; risk management and product stewards

ACC Panel on Nano (PDF)

Various files related to the potential regulation of Nanomaterials.

EPA presentation on its Voluntary Stewardship Program for NanoMaterials (PPT)

EPA presentation on status of the program as of July 16, 2008. Presented at July 16 EC Nano ESOH WG mtg

Overview of current status of EPA Nano Voluntary Stewardship Program (PPT)

Hand out/presentation by EPA at July 30 Nano ESOH WG mtg.

ROOM AT THE BOTTOM?  Potential State and Local Strategies for Managing the Ris (PDF)

This report by environmental law and policy expert Suellen Keiner presents an in-depth analysis on the role that local and state governments can play in the design and implementation of effective and forward-looking oversight systems for nanotechnology.

Water Treatment (PDF)

Information on the potential impacts of Nanoparticles on Ecological Systems

Last Modified: 01 December 2010 at 15:47