Multispectral Thermal Imager (MTI)

Information updated on October 27, 2009, 5:08 pm GMT

General Data Description

The Multispectral Thermal Imager is a space-based research and development project sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Office of Nonproliferation and National Security. MTI's primary objective is to demonstrate advanced multispectral and thermal imaging, image processing, and associated technologies that could be used in future systems for detecting and characterizing facilities producing weapons of mass destruction. However, ARM and the MTI have an arrangement that allows ARM to receive MTI images.

The MTI system consists of a single satellite in polar, 360-mile-high orbit carrying an advanced multispectral and thermal imaging sensor. MTI's 15 spectral bands are selected to collect data needed to derive a broad range of information on facilities and activities, including surface temperatures, materials, water quality, and vegetation health. To enhance accuracy, additional bands provide simultaneous information on atmospheric water vapor, aerosol content, and sub-visual cloud presence.

ARM's agreement with the MTI Project places the following restrictions on data access:

Only U.S. citizens may have access to unpublished MTI data.

Users of these data must comply with required Laboratory review of resulting publications for technical content and national security issues, proior to submission. Publications include reports, manuscripts, submissions to conferences and WWW pages intended to be accessible to individuals outside the proposer's team. This process typically takes about a week. Publications produced with SNL collaborators must be cleared through SNL, publications produced with LANL collaborators must be cleared through LANL, and publications not involving either SNL or LANL must be cleared through at least one of the Laboratories.

Users of these data must acknowledge the United States Department of Energy - Office of Nonproliferation and National Security as the MTI sponsor in all publications utlizing MTI data. (Principal DOE laboratories are Sandia National Laboratories, Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Savannah River Technology Center).

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Data Stream Names

Measurement Description

MTI Product Description

]]> MTI Data Information

What's included:


This file contains the separate images for each sensor chip assembly (SCA). The pixel size is the native pixel GSD (Ground Sampling Distance). This is approximately 5 meters in the visible and 20 meters in the infrared.

The level1b is a Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file with the following data sets:

visImage_SCA1, visImage_SCA2, visImage_SCA3 - each of these is a three dimensional array containing the visible image for bands A, B, C, D in averaged spectral radiance in units of W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 (um=micrometer).

irImage_SCA1, irImage_SCA2, irImage_SCA3 - each of these is a three dimensional array containing the infrared image for bands E, F, G, H1, H2, I, O, J, K, L, M, N in averaged spectral radiance in units of W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 (um=micrometer). In the case of a night image, only the last five bands are populated.

visQuality_SCA1, visQuality_SCA2, visQuality_SCA3 - each of these is a three-dimensional array containing a quality metric image for each band in the visible image.

irQuality_SCA1, irQuality_SCA2, irQuality_SCA3 - each of these is a three-dimensional array containing a quality metric image for each band in the infrared image.

btemp_SCA1, btemp_SCA2, btemp_SCA3 - each of these is a three-dimensional array containing the brightness temperature image for each band in the infrared image. The units are degrees Kelvin assuming an emissivity of 1.

Additional data in this file includes image name, target name, date, times and detector parameters.

This file contains the full image cube registered band-to-band without spatial interpolation. The level1R is a Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) file with the following data sets:

Image_cube - this is a three dimensional array containing the visible and infrared image for bands A,B,C,D, E, F, G, I, O, J, K, L, M, N in averaged spectral radiance in units of W m^-2 sr^-1 um^-1 (um=micrometer). For image collected at night, bands included are J, K, L, M, and N.

NOTE: This image cube is registered at the visible resolution. Infrared pixels are resized to the visible resolution by pixel replication. No interpolation or smoothing has been performed.


Quick look jpeg images are provided for true color (CBA) color infrared (DCB) and false color in frared (NML). For night images only the false color infrared is produced.


This is a text file containing satellite collection and geometry parameters that are useful for analysis.

Temporal Coverage

Data are available at irregular intervals beginning in June 2000 until 2003-01-04

Data Availability and Retrieval:

For details see: the XDC inventory

To retrieve files, contact the mentor

Area Covered

Currently, data are available at the ARM Archive covering the NSA, and the SGP Central Facility and Extended Facilities.

Data Stream Inputs


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Data Source

  • Institution
  • Multispectral Thermal Imager Project of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Savannah River Technology Center and Sandia National Laboratory


MTI	Multispectral Thermal Imager
NSA	North Slope of Alaska
SGP	Southern Great Plains

Citable References