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Established in 1986, the Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association is the nation's largest and oldest professional nursing organization dedicated to promoting excellence in hospice and palliative nursing care. Learn more ... 

HPNA is the collaborative and visionary professional hospice and palliative specialty nursing organization with evidence-based educational tools to assist members of the nursing team with:

  • ensuring quality nursing care delivery
  • managing complex symptoms along with grief and bereavement
  • having the difficult conversations
  • educating healthcare providers and family about the hospice or palliative care philosophy
  • influencing palliative nursing through leadership and research

A unique membership organization with individual membership levels for all members of the nursing team - HPNA's nursing expertise makes us the authority in the area for the specialty nursing resources, information, and direction. HPNA supports the nursing team's compassionate work with the patient and their family as they journey through the experience of life-limiting illness.

Choose to become an involved member through national or local leadership opportunities.  Affirm your passion for the profession.  Be certain to take full advantage of your HPNA membership benefits!

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Case Studies Call Is Open Thru Nov. 1!

 E-Learning Webinars

 ELNEC-Core Courses co-sponsored by HPNA 

 Nov 1 & 2 in Pittsburgh PA


NA Teleconference


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