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The mission of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center is to generate the scientific information and analysis necessary for the conservation, management, and utilization of the region's living marine resources.

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Posters presented by AFSC scientists at national and international meetings and symposia are available online. More>
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The AFSC Multimedia Gallery is a searchable repository of select photographs and videos spanning years of AFSC field research on the living marine resources of the North Pacific and Arctic Oceans. More>
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Explore the AFSC's education and outreach website designed for students, educators, and life-long learners, with information on internships, careers, job shadow, and cool science. More>
Cool Stuff
Multimedia Gallery, Juneau Humpback Catalog, Groundfish Survey Data, Glacial Ice Photos, Fish Ageing Demo, Rockfish Game, Fish & Invertebrate Photos
AFSC Divisions
"" Auke Bay Labs
"" Fisheries Monitoring & Analysis
"" National Marine Mammal Lab
"" Resource Assessment &
  Conservation Engineering
"" Resource Ecology & Fisheries
Research Programs
Information on the AFSC's research divisions, programs, projects, and plans.
General Info
Information about the AFSC mission, administration, directory, activities, facilities, directory, jobs, news, links
Information on species of fish, invertebrates, marine mammals, and seabirds.
Citations database, stock assessments, tech memos, journal articles, research reports.
Data & Tools
Survey, catch, age and growth, life history, telemetry, interactive maps, spatial data, software.
Quick Links

Aerial Surveys of Arctic Marine Mammals (ASAMM): Preliminary Results for 2012

  • The ASSAM project is the only project providing broad-scale visual information about the distribution, relative abundance, and behavior of marine mammals in the Alaskan Arctic during summer and fall. In order to minimize and mitigate the effects of anthropogenic activities on arctic marine mammals, information on marine mammal ecology is needed for all seasons in which activities could occur. More>

Research to Reduce Crab Mortality and Improve Near-bottom Pollock Capture

  • AFSC scientists aboard the chartered fishing vessel Great Pacific continued studies in September to reduce effects of fishing gear on Bering Sea crab resources. The second objective of this research cruise was an initial study of alternative trawl groundgear for capturing pollock concentrated near the seafloor. More>

New Collaborative Research Surveys in the Eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas

  • The Recruitment Processes Program reports on a busy field season in the eastern Bering and Chukchi Seas in collaboraton with the AFSC Ecosystem Monitoring and Assessment and the Midwater Assessment and Conservation Engineering Programs and National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMMLand the Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory. More>

The Effects of Ocean Acidification on the Living Marine Resources of Alaska

  • Global climate change studies have revealed that the rate of increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increased substantially since the industrial revolution. The world's oceans have absorbed between 30% and 50% of that new CO2. The increase in oceanic CO2 makes it more difficult for some calcifying organisms to sequester calcium and carbonate to build shells. The marine organisms in Alaska are particularly at risk to effects associated with ocean acidification. Read more>

Ecosystem Considerations Report (Draft) Includes Alaska Arctic Assessment

  • The Alaska Marine Ecosystem Considerations draft report, released September 2012, includes a preliminary Arctic ecosystem assessment this year. The intent of adding the Alaskan Arctic to the Ecosystem Considerations report is to provide an overview of general ecosystem information that may form the basis for more comprehensive future Arctic assessments that would be useful for fishery managers making decision on the authorization of new fisheries. More>



This is an official United States Government web site produced by the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, United States Department of Commerce. 

Last updated 24 October, 2012


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