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Congressman Edolphus Towns

Congressman Edolphus Towns
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  1. #NY10 FYI- The ASPCA (the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and the NYC Animal Planning Task Force have established a 24-hour hotline for evacuees of Hurricane Sandy who had to leave their pets behind. The hotline number is 347-573-1561.
  2. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman Edolphus TownsSee All
    • 2yrs of suffering 24/7 and over fiftry doctor/specialists... and not one is able to offer diagnosis or effective treatment. I'm unable to eat of drink anything except plain water without erupting in burning-swelling-rashing skin in under 3mins. My vision doubles, plus I'll get severe chest pains, aching joints and bones, severe tremors (unable to balance food on fork). Trying to tell doctors I can't eat, but they brush of as minor complaints. I need to eat. I need to drink something. Countless test... still they say they've never seen anything like it in their entire medical careers. Yet they offer little advice. Appointments are spaced out by months, in the gaps I suffer endlessly, no remedy. Have lost my job, schooling as a nurse, friends, relationships, and thousands of dollars in treatments expirementing. Buring pain so severe unable to sleep... up for 2 to 3 days at a time before I can finally pass out and sleep a few hours until the burning swelling pain wakes me again. I've pleaded, begged, screamed at doctors, still I've nowhere closer to an answer. I've told them that I can't eat, but it's not an emergency to them I need medical attention and I'm just being stringed out to rot.
      23 hours ago
    • Rick O'Shea
      Gonna help this criminal get away with his crimes a little longer. President Romney will do the same thing O'buttboy did, and we will see. Be careful who you climb in bed with ED, O'buttboy has a history of throwing supporters under the bus. ASK HIS GRANNY. According to Judicial Watch, Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.
      October 30 at 10:50am
    • John David Lee Brown
      1 · October 24 at 4:57pm

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