Office for Victims of Crime
Community-level Replication Guide
 September 2012 Text size: decrease font size increase font size   Send e-mail icon

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Step 5. Taking Measure
Compile the Tracked Information Regularly

Devise a system with your partner agencies for compiling the tracked information at regular intervals. The pilot sites, for example, compiled information quarterly. Adapt this system or devise your own method for organizing and storing the collected information on a spreadsheet or in a database.

Consider the following when determining how often to compile information:

  • How will you avoid counting the same people if they are still receiving services from one quarter to the next?
  • Who will be responsible in each agency for tracking and compiling the information?
  • How often will each agency track?
  • How often will the larger group gather the information? Who will be responsible for gathering the data from partner agencies?
  • How long will you track these data?

The pilot sites tracked information about crimes against persons with disabilities for a year during the project but have continued to track after the project ended. Track the data long enough to notice if changes are occurring—for a minimum of a year. If at all possible, institutionalize the change so that your community automatically collects data every quarter.