Statement on DOJ Lawsuit Against AT&T/T-Mobile Merger

Aug 31, 2011 Issues: Telecommunications

Houston, Texas - Congressman Gene Green released the following statement in reaction to the Department of Justice’s announcement on filing a federal antitrust lawsuit against the pending AT&T/T-Mobile merger:  

“It is important that any merger be thoroughly vetted by the federal government to ensure that it complies with our laws.  However, in this instance, I am disappointed that the Department of Justice has announced they are officially trying to block this merger.  I am concerned that the impact of this deal falling through will be severe for our nation’s job market.  

It is important to note that AT&T, an American-owned company, just today, announced that as part of its deal to purchase T-Mobile, from its European parent company, it would reverse the decisions made by Deutsche Telekom that led to over 5,000 jobs being outsourced to Asia.  It is this type of commitment to American job growth that must be encouraged, not blocked, if we are going to remain the largest, most productive economy with the most innovative technology sector in the world.”