United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment

Inspector General Reports: FY 1996 Index

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Report Title Date Number
Review of NRC's Progress in Developing and Implementing and Integrated Payroll/Personnel System (PAY/PERS) 09/30/1996 OIG-96A-15
Improvements Needed in Agency Oversight of Information Resources Management Activities 09/24/1996 OIG-96A-11
Opportunities for Savings Available Through Improved Management of Warehouse Operations 09/13/1996 OIG-96A-16
Review of NRC's Part 170 License Fee Billing System 09/13/1996 OIG-96A-09
NRC Staff Actions to Address CU-29 Isolation Valve Issue 09/03/1996 OIG-96-06S
NRC Handling of Issues Related to Refueling Operations at Millstone Unit 1 07/23/1996 OIG-96-05S
NRC Staff Actions to Address Northeast Utilities System (NU) 1991 Self-Assessments 05/31/1996 OIG-96-02S
Review of Videoconferencing Capabilities and Utilization 05/21/1996 OIG-96A-12
NRC Staff's Actions Related to Regulation at Maine Yankee 05/08/1996 OIG-96-04S
Selecting, Managing, and Utilizing the M-Cubed Contract 04/17/1996 OIG-96E-13
NRC's Decommissioning Financial Assurance Requirements for Federal Licensees May Not Be Sufficient 04/03/1996 OIG-95A-20
Implementation of Recommendations to Improve NRC's Program for Protecting Allegers Against Retaliation 03/05/1996 OIG-96-01S
Results of the Audit of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Fiscal Year 1995 Financial Statements 03/01/1996 OIG-95A-17
Survey of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Information Management Needs for Current and Future Licensing Demands for Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste 02/12/1996 OIG-96A-01
Review of NRC's Implementation of the FMFIA for 1995 01/04/1996 OIG-96A-05
Factors Contributing to Inconsistency in the Operating Reactor Inspection Program 12/27/1995 OIG-95A-04
NRC Failure to Adequately Regulate - Millstone Unit 1 12/21/1995 OIG-95-077I
Adequacy of the Controls to Prevent Violations of Ethics Requirements 11/30/1995 OIG-95A-19
Review of NRC's Individual Plant Examination Program 11/06/1995 OIG-95A-16
OIG Survey Observations on NRC's New Rulemaking Process 10/02/1995 OIG-95A-18
Page Last Reviewed/Updated Thursday, March 29, 2012