Ready North Carolina
Prepare Now for Emergencies

Deaflink Video

We never know when an emergency might happen. They come in the form of severe weather, accidents, and unfortunately, terrorist attacks. Planning now for how you would respond will help you remain calm, think clearly and react appropriately to any disaster scenario.

Taking responsibility for your own safety by being prepared with plans and an emergency supply kit not only increases your ability to survive, but reduces the workload of first responders, emergency medical services, fire fighters and law enforcement.

No community is truly prepared for a disaster until every individual, family and household takes personal responsibility for his or her own safety.

The Ready North Carolina campaign provides North Carolinians with the information you need to prepare for all types of emergencies. 

This web site and the ones listed below will help you prepare for any emergency.  Please take the time to prepare now.  Your safety is important to all of us.

Ready Business

N.C. Citizen Corps  
100 county emergency management Ready Kidsagencies  

The Department of  Public Safety

English    Espanól
Home Make A Plan Build A Kit Be Involved
Family Preparedness Emergency Kit Checklist Seniors and Disabled Pets
Food and Water Utilities Phone Evacuate Shelter-in-Place
First Aid Home Safety Community Volunteer Drought
Contagious Diseases Terrorism Radiation Earthquake Fire
Flooding Hurricane Tornado Tsunami Winter Storm

Be Prepared, Be Safe (2010) (9 minutes)  Be Prepared, Be Safe video

Get Ready, North Carolina - 2007
(23 minutes, Windows Media Player format)
Get Ready, North Carolina!
      OR view in QuickTime format
