National Gallery of Art - EDUCATION

School Tours: French- and Spanish-Language Tours

Grades 9–12

Note: The Gallery is no longer taking Spanish-Language Tour requests for fall 2012.

Request this tour | Pre-visit PowerPoint (for Grades 4–12)

Tours conducted in French or Spanish by fluent speakers are intended for advanced high school language students. This tour has limited availability. If a foreign-language docent is not available for your requested time slot, the Gallery can make an English-language tour available as an alternative. Please check this option on the tour request form if you are interested.

Foreign-Language Tour Topics

Explore works of art while practicing your language skills. These tours, conducted in French or Spanish by fluent speakers, are intended for advanced high school language students. During four to six tour stops in the galleries, students are encouraged to look carefully and to engage in discussion-based activities. Experienced docents will customize the tour according to students' language abilities to ensure a balance between art learning and practice of language skills.

Tours generally include works from the French or Spanish collections but may also include works from other areas of the Gallery, depending on availability. Docents will contact teachers to tailor tours to learning goals.

Looking and Learning Skills

The following skills are promoted:

  • making and voicing careful observations
  • formulating questions that demonstrate curiosity and engagement
  • comparing different works of art and articulating connections between them
  • reasoning with evidence from the works themselves—seeing the works of art as primary sources
  • developing new ideas about French or Spanish art, culture, and history
  • connecting tour ideas to prior knowledge and experience

Logistical Information for French- and Spanish-Language Tours
Group Size: Up to 18 students (for tours in French);
20 students (for tours in Spanish)
Length: 75 minutes (for tours in French);
90 minutes (for tours in Spanish)
Meeting Location: West Building, Rotunda, Main Floor
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