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Air Force officials announce FY11 additional force management measures
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 Air Force officials announce FY11 additional force management measures - 2/2/2011
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 2011 Force Management
Officials to conduct DOS rollback

Posted 2/3/2011 Email story   Print story


by Daniel P. Elkins
Air Force Personnel, Services and Manpower Public Affairs

2/3/2011 - RANDOLPH AIR FORCE BASE, Texas (AFNS) -- Air Force officials announced Feb. 2 plans to conduct an enlisted date of separation rollback as part of its ongoing measures to manage the force and maintain a quality enlisted corps.

The DOS rollback affects enlisted members in the grades of senior master sergeant and below with fewer than 14 or more than 20 years of service as of May 31, 2011. The rollback will accelerate the date of separation for Airmen based on their years of service and certain re-enlistment eligibility, assignment availability and grade status reason codes as well as reporting identifiers.

Under the DOS rollback, Airmen must separate no later than May 31 or retire no later than June 1, 2011, if they possess select codes preventing their re-enlistment. Airmen identified for the rollback and eligible for retirement must submit their retirement request via the Virtual Military Personnel Flight by March 11.

Airmen with at least 180 days of active-duty service and are separated or retired under the DOS Rollback are authorized transition assistance benefits. Those include 180 days of extended medical care for themselves and their families and an ID card permitting base commissary and exchange privileges for two years.

Those separated with more than six years, but less than 20 years total active service are eligible for one-half the amount of separation pay, but must sign an Individual Ready Reserve agreement to serve for a minimum three years following their military service obligation. Those declining to serve in the IRR will be ineligible for separation pay.

The Air Force will not recoup unearned portions of education assistance funds, special pay, unearned portions of bonuses or other monetary incentives under the DOS Rollback Program. Additionally, most Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits will not be impacted; however, the transferability of benefits to dependents may be affected. Airmen should consult their local education centers or the VA concerning transferability.

For more information visit the Air Force personnel services website and select the 2011 Force Management link or call the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102.

1/10/2012 12:38:22 PM ET
including all options the AF is ran like corp america mind you the AF would rather use the DOS as a tool to get exp airman out with a sublimtal amount of derogortory paper work in their file to keep rec depos open to pay neebees a little of nuthing i wonder how the ARMY and Marines save the gov money i guess their chow halls just suck
SrA Kay, robins afb
4/26/2011 10:39:56 PM ET
How does one volunteer for the Dos Rollback?
A1C Sullivan , United States
2/14/2011 8:18:03 PM ET
Thank you SMS Bryan. I just hit my 11th year mark a month ago. I have built my future on the premise of having a great company to work for. In my short 11 years I've seen more change for the bad than anyone needs to see. First off last year they changed the HYT for MSgts and we lost a lot of MSgts. That left us SSgt and TSgt's to fill those voids without a promotion enhancement mind you. On top of that if you get rid of one MSgt you can pay three Airmen the same paycheck. So now I'm doing my own work doing the work of MSgts and training 3 brand new Airmen. THANKS But then the Air Force took it a step farther and decided that I should still volunteer to receive proper recognition go to school complete my course 14 write additional EPRs DECs and award packages AND become a gym rat. I now have to spend additional hours every week working out to pass a PT test that is practically impossible to pass for me anyway. Never mind the fact I was last year's nominee for out ...
KMan, Colorado
2/13/2011 8:21:54 PM ET
With the HYT readjustment roll back talk and just about everything that is going on right now in the Force I'm ready to retire just the same. Never ending deploymnets unkept promises and the general disregard for morale has made me seen that the AF isn't nor ever was a family. It's a business plain a simple...and not very well run one either. I will happily leave when my time is through and I am so disgusted with what is going on I will just walk out the door with 26 years of service. I dont want medals a retirment ceremony or any of the trappings I thought I would look forward to so many years ago. No since the AF is only worried about the bottom line, money - thats all I want when I finally my retirment check. Thank you AF have done a wonderful job enraging a generation of Airmen.
SMS Bryan, Charleston SC
2/6/2011 8:23:40 PM ET
How many supervisors and commanders are going to scramble and change the code so their ineligible Airmen become eligible to re-up? It happened the last time there was a DOS rollback and it'll happen this time. Supervisors want to be friends instead of leaders and commanders don't want to be the bad guy. And for those of you who complain about the EOY spending process complain to Congress. They're the ones who establish how FY funds need to be spent instead of saved for another year.And those of you who complain about our end strength once again complain to Congress. They're the ones who fund us and set DOD manpower goals. Call or write your rep and senators. They're the only ones who can help. Otherwise you're tilting at windmills.
Hapily Retired CMSgt, Florida
2/5/2011 2:45:31 AM ET
G Man, The problem is that despite the tiger teams TQM AFSO 21 and other programs that have been McPeaked through the years. We just cannot streamline our processes to include kicking people out. I guess we need to use more red in our ppts because that is all leadership at any level seems to care about fixing... I mean not see anymore.
2/4/2011 1:05:24 PM ET
I like how people speak when they do not have the facts. Just like That Guy in Florida said, these are people with codes making them ineligible to reenlist such as article 15's, court martialed, etc. So, instead of them possibly spending the next couple of years wasting our time and money, make them get out now. If they were good enlisted personnel then they would not have a code denying reenlistment.
G-Man, San Antonio
2/4/2011 12:36:58 PM ET
Capt T at Tyndall is correct, these force shaping initiatives are affecting the officer corps as much if not more than the enlisted corps. I have seen officers up on staff sweat it out until they found out they were not selected. I am glad we are looking accross the board now and not in select AFSCs. But what we really need to do is to change how we spend our budget. Having been in for almost 25 years now it is terrible how at the end of the year we have to spend all our funds. If we realigned our budget process maybe we could keep some our Airman in the AF. Furthermore it makes no sense to kick out good Officers or Enlisted just to replace them later with untrained individuals. If we were a company we would have been bankrupt long ago.
KW, Langley
2/4/2011 11:41:04 AM ET
Hey guys lets not get into which side is taking the brunt of the cuts. The bottom line is our leaders have not properly planned the force structure nor have they exercised fiscal responsibility which is why we are experiencing these cuts. There is plenty of work to do but no money to do it.
Jon, LA CA
2/4/2011 10:06:09 AM ET
If your retirement eligible you need to retire...the Air Force is quickly becoming a shell of need to get out and collect your benefits before they take those away as a cost saving measure. The Air Force doesn't want you or appreciate're a tool; don't believe all the we are a family hype and we'll take care of're a tool.
Thankfully Retired, USAFA
2/4/2011 8:35:12 AM ET
Geren, Perhaps you should read the Force Management story linked above. They are getting rid of officers as well. As a matter of fact they have been messing with the officer corps since 2006.
Nick, Illinois
2/4/2011 7:49:59 AM ET
The link provided is a GREAT tool to use. AFPC has a listing of the codes that will be used. They also have a matrix of AFSC as well. Here are the codes 9A100 Airman awaiting retraining disqualified for cause 9A200 Airman awaiting discharge separation or retirement for cause 2X Denied re-enlistment 4H Serving suspended punishment pursuant to an Article 15 4I Serving on the Control Roster AAC 10 Denied re-enlistment AAC 12 Article 15 punishment AAC 16 GSR 4B 16 Control Roster GSR 4B Grade reduction - Article 15 In my opinion anyone with the above code should feel threatened to be separated.
That Guy, Florida
2/4/2011 6:45:10 AM ET
I think they should roll back all Airmen with codes that render them ineligible to deploy. We wear the uniform to perform a wartime mission. Most AF jobs can be filled by civilians or contractors in garrison. If they can't deploy put 'em out.
Deployed MSgt, COS Marez Iraq
2/4/2011 6:28:18 AM ET
Geren in Houston - Obviously you didn't read the story released 2 Feb stating the officer corps will be subject to another RIF. Feel free to read the Additional Force Management Measures story before you pull out the old O vs. E strategy.
2/4/2011 5:22:20 AM ET
I agree with Geren that the Officer Corps in most AFSCs is fat and happy. They are also allowing most officers to stay to retirement which is more money away from everyone else.
Kelly, Geilenkirchen NATO AB
2/4/2011 3:50:35 AM ET
Figures, we're already short manned why not cut more positions. The civilian hiring wave is the main driving force behind cutting enlisted personnel. Most places it's the good ol boy system. The work ethic among most of them is worse than I've seen with anyone. Keep forcing people out who want to stay and forcing the ones to stay who want out. In two years there will be another article about how short we are and behind on recruiting numbers the service is overall theyll bring back a ton of SRBs and the wave will start all over again. The top guys just moving around their plastic army men its just a game to most people. AFPC is a story all in itself
Scott, JBER
2/3/2011 8:57:14 PM ET
No problem. I will be more than happy to assist. It's about time we open our eyes people. You need enlisted folks to fly airplanes unless you have a plan in-place for a cargo version of a UAV.
Brian Andersen, JBLM
2/3/2011 8:38:59 PM ET
I tried to retire using the DOS rollback last year but AFPC would not let me because I have a pending assignment. Also, I can't even deploy at my next base because I'm coded. What sense does that make? Im sure my new Commander/Leadership will love me. lol
I trying to retire MSgt, Texas
2/3/2011 7:55:02 PM ET
Geren please get your facts straight. The officer corps is also under the same scrutiny. Please consult the Air Force Officials Announce FY11 Additional Force Management Measures article from yesterday. Straight from this article...The fiscal 2011 involuntary force management efforts predominantly affect officers. No one is sitting fat and happy as us officers are under yearly threat of Force Shaping Boards and other involuntary separation measures. This is my third year in a row dealing with similar measures. Instead of pitting officers against enlisted yet again let's be considerate of the impact of these policies on ALL airmen equally.
Capt T, Tyndall AFB FL
2/3/2011 2:20:18 PM ET
Really? Another kick to the enlisted force. Why don't we just do the VSISSB that we did in the early 90's and not spring things on folks? Selected Codes...I will bet AFPC has no clue today what those codes are, much like they did not know what the FY11 Force Shaping criteria were when I called them. How many folks do you need out, I asked. Not sure, Sir...but we need folks out. If I ran a company and needed to cut costs to ensure the survival of my business but could not quantify it, I would be out of business.
Retiring SMSgt, Germany
2/3/2011 1:52:22 PM ET
Air Force Officer Accessions are curently 2300 over authorization. Enlisted Accessions are under their authorized allotment. Yet the enlisted corps is taking more cuts and the officer corps are sitting fat and happy.
Geren, Houston TX
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