Senior Leadership Biographies

Mrs. Jessica L. Wright
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Reserve Affairs)

Secretary Jessica L. Wright was confirmed as the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs on May 24th, 2012. Prior to confirmation she served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (Manpower & Personnel) and as the Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. She is responsible for all matters of the Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs as they relate to the men and women of the Guard and Reserve...


Mr. David L. McGinnis
Principal Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

David L. McGinnis currently serves as the Principal Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. He was sworn in as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs on April 8, 2009. In the two years immediately prior to this appointment Mr. McGinnis served as the Virginia Veterans Mental Health Coordinator and advisor to the Commissioner, Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Substances Abuse Services. In this capacity he was instrumental in the...


Command Sergeant Major John D. Gipe
Senior Enlisted Advisor Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs

Sergeant Major John D. Gipe, ARNG, is the ninth Senior Enlisted Advisor assigned to the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. He is responsible for advising the Assistant Secretary and staff on enlisted affairs of the 1.2 million military personnel of the Army and Air National Guard, and the reserves of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard. He serves as the Chairman of the Department of Defense Reserve Forces Senior Enlisted Advisory Council.


Mr. John T. Hastings
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (Resources)

Mr. John Hastings is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (DASD) Reserve Affairs for Resources. In this role, he serves as the principal staff assistant and advisor to the ASD (RA) on all matters pertaining to the DoD Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution System (PPBES), and to Reserve component resource management. He coordinates the overall activities of the OASD/Reserve Affairs staff in the planning, programming and budgeting processes, and interactions with the six...


Mr. Richard O. Wightman, Jr.
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (Materiel and Facilities)

Richard Wightman is the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs (Materiel and Facilities) in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. He has served in this capacity since March of 2010. He is responsible for managing the National Guard and Reserve Equipment, Facilities and Military Construction requirements for the Defense Department’s Reserve components.


Mr. Paul D. Patrick
Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense Reserve Affairs (Readiness, Training & Mobilization)

Paul D. Patrick joined the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs in September 2010, following his retirement as a Major General from the US Army Reserve. He serves as the principal staff assistant and key advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs with specific responsibility for exercising policy, guidance and overall supervision in the areas of Reserve Component readiness, training, operations, mobilization, force mix, capabilities, sustainability...


Mr. Ronald G. Young
Director (Family and Employer Programs and Policy)

Director Ron Young is a career senior executive service member hired into his position on June 7, 2010. Mr. Young is the principal staff advisor to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs on all matters involving Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, Yellow Ribbon Program, and Individual and Family Programs for the 1.2 million members in the Reserve Components of the United States Armed Forces...


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