Livable and Sustainable Communities


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Welcome to the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) Livable and Sustainable Communities webpage. FTA is pleased to do its part by advocating and supporting initiatives that demonstrate ways to improve the link between public transit and communities. We at FTA believe public transportation provides critical "lifeline" services that connect all members of the community with employment, health, educational, and other important opportunities and services.  This page highlight's how FTA programs fit into the larger DOT Livability Initiative and the Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities.

The Interagency Partnership for Sustainable Communities


This is an exciting time where the Department of Transportation (DOT), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) are working together like never before to provide citizens with access to affordable housing, more transportation options, and lower transportation costs, while protecting the environment in communities nationwide.  For all of the latest information from th Partnership, please visit the Partnerhip for Sustainable Communities website.

 Livability at the Department of Transportation

U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood has identified livability as a key priority for transportation. The Secretary's vision is "transportation policies that focus on people and communities who use the transportation system."

U.S. DOT's Livability Initiative will enhance the economic and social well-being of all Americans by creating and maintaining a safe, reliable, integrated and accessible transportation network that enhances choices for transportation users, provides easy access to employment opportunities and other destinations, and promotes positive effects on the surrounding community. DOT will build on innovative ways of doing business that promote mobility and enhance the unique characteristics of our neighborhoods, communities and regions. DOT has already taken significant strides to improve livability through numerous programs. To see what Federal Highways is doing to promote livability, follow this link:

Under the Livability Initiative, Federal policy will enable communities to:

  • Better integrate transportation and land use planning.
  • Foster multimodal transportation systems and effective multimodal connections.
  • Provide more transportation options to improve access to housing, jobs, businesses, services and social activities.
  • Increase public participation and enhance coordination of transportation and housing and healthy communities.
  • Reduce emissions.
  • Plan for unique needs.

FTA will work with other DOT agencies to craft details, identify gaps in existing programs and examine new legislative concepts to further the Livability Initiative.

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For More Information...

The Office of Budget and Policy is leading FTA's participation in the livability initiative. If you have further questions please click on the link below to fill out a web form.

  • If you are looking to make your community more "livable" please begin by contacting your regional office.
  • General questions on Livable and Sustainable Communities can be addressed to Kate Mattice.
  • For legal questions, please address your correspondence to Jayme Blakesley.

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