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The Latest...
Koch Brothers Exposed in Brave New Video: Our friends at Brave New Foundation are brightening the spotlight on the Kochs' political tactics with a series of new videos in their new Koch Brothers Exposed campaign. Click here to read more...

Republican Budget is NOT a Deficit Reduction Plan: House Republicans’ plan to privatize and destroy Medicare as we know it, lavish more huge tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans, continue costly tax loopholes for corporations and force working families to shoulder an ever-increasing share of the tax burden. Click here for more (PDF)...

WE ARE ONE: The Democratic staff of the House Education and Workforce Committee has prepared an information packet about the assault on America's workforce. Click here to find this and other resources to help in the fight for America's bargaining rights...

Organizing News: BCTGM Local 24 has organized bakers, cake decorators and donut fryers at three Safeway stores in Sunnyvale, Menlo Park and Santa Cruz, California...Read more...

President Hurt meets with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) as a result of his recent letter expressing the BCTGM’s  “deep concern and disappointment” that our Union had not been invited to participate in the agency’s Stakeholder Discussion Series on tobacco regulatory policy...Read more...


Recommended Links...

Vist the Canadian Labour Congress' 26th Constitutional Convention web site for daily updates on delegate action in Vancouver!
WE ARE ONE!  Click here to read about the Wisconsin protests on the AFL-CIO Blog

Get the latest issue of the BCTGM News:Click here to download the latest issue of the BCTGM News!

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10401 Connecticut Ave. Kensington, MD 20895 - bctgmwebmaster@bctgm.org