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Rob Woodall

Rob Woodall
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  2. Eleven years ago in Washington, D.C., smoke rose from the Pentagon. The world watched on television as the Twin Towers fell and there were rumors that other attacks were imminent. We learned of the heroism on Flight 93 and we continue to see that heroism in our men and women serving on the front lines today. As I walk into the United States Capitol to cast my vote on your behalf today, I am mindful of the sacrifices that have been made by so many Americans to protect our freedom and our way of life. God bless our great nation and all who have answered the call of duty to defend her.
  3. Back in March, I and 22 of my House colleagues wrote President Obama to oppose his proposal to defund the 287(g) program—one of the most effective tools available to local law enforcement in the fight against illegal immigration. Months la...
    ter, an Administration official finally wrote back on his behalf. Rather than beginning a real discussion or offering a serious response, all we received in the mail was a form letter with empty, irrelevant campaign rhetoric. This is simply more evidence that America needs new leadership in the White House.
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  4. Though I am currently in Tampa for the GOP Convention, I will be hosting a Telephone Town Hall Meeting this evening at 7:00PM. To join me, please call toll-free: (877) 229-8493 and enter passcode: 17849. You know I always prefer meeting in person, but with issues this important and stakes this high, it is critical for us to find ways to stay in touch as often as possible.
  5. I enjoyed visiting with the local chapter of the Vietnam Veterans of America and discussing the important issues facing our nation. You can read more about my visit in the news article below.

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