Expeditionary Working Group


The Expeditionary Working Group is responsible for the implementation of the Navy’s energy goals within the Naval Expeditionary community. The group has representation from across the Naval Expeditionary Enterprise (Fleet, Resource Sponsor, and Acquisition Community), and is actively collaborating with the other Services, government agencies, and industry to identify opportunities to improve energy use and increase the capability of expeditionary forces.

Current energy programs managed within the Expeditionary community include:

  1. The on-board vehicle power initiative is an American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funded effort that will improve tactical wheeled vehicle fuel economy while providing exportable electric power.
  2. Improved environmental control equipment is also AARA funded, and will improve ECU energy efficiency up to 23 percent and reduce electrical power requirements by 10-25 percent.
  3. Integrated generator/environmental control will provide full 30kW of electrical power output in all environments.