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Pests Regulated by Canada

Plant Protection Regulations 29 (2a)

In order to protect Canada's resource base the following pests are regulated. Pests in this list are linked to the policy directives that are available electronically from 1994 on, but some may also be referred to in directives dated prior to 1994. The list may be revised at any time.

A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z

Letter A

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Achatina achatina L. giant west African snail Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Achatina fulica Bowdich giant African snail Mollusc D-90-07
Acrobasis pyrivorella Matsumura pear fruit moth Insect D-95-08
Acropolitis rudisana Walker leafroller caterpillar Insect D-95-08
Adelges piceae Ratz also called Dreyfusia piceae   D-08-04, D-01-12, D-02-12
Adelges tsugae Annand hemlock woolly adelgid Insect D-01-12, D-07-05
Adoxophyes orana Fischer von Röeslerstamm summer fruit tortrix moth Insect D-95-08
Agrilus planipennis
Emerald Ash Borer Insect D-02-12, D-03-08
Albino cherry agent also called Peach X-disease phytoplasma   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Alternaria gaisen Nagano black spot of Japanese pear Fungus D-95-08
Alternaria kikuchiana S. Tanaka also called Alternaria gaisen   D-95-08
American plum line pattern ilavirus (APLPV) American plum line pattern virus Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Amphitetranychus viennensis Zacher Hawthorn spider mite Mite D-95-08
Andean potato latent virus (APLV) Andean potato latent virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Andean potato mottle virus (APMoV) Andean potato mottle virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Anisogramma anomala (Pk) Müller eastern filbert blight Fungus D-08-04, D-00-03
Anoplophora glabripennis Motschulsky Asian long-horned beetle Insect D-08-04, D-01-12D-98-08, D-02-12
Anoplophora nobilis Yellow Spotted Starry Sky Beetle Insect D-08-04
Anoplophora spp. longhorned beetles Insect D-08-04, D-98-08
Apple chat fruit disease apple chat fruit Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple chlorotic leaf spot trichovirus (ACLSV) apple chlorotic leaf spot virus, peach dark sunken mottle Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple flat limb agent apple flat limb Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76), Addendum to Circular 3C of 27/05/76 (18/08/76)
Apple green crinkle agent apple green crinkle Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple proliferation phytoplasma (AP) apple proliferation phytoplasma Phytoplasma D-08-04
Apple ringspot agent apple ringspot agent Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple rosette agent apple rosette agent Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple rough bark agent apple rough bark Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple rubbery wood phytoplasma (ARW) apple rubbery wood Phytoplasma Circular 3C (27/05/76), Addendum to Circular 3C of 27/05/76 (18/08/76)
Apple scar skin viroid (ASSVd) dapple apple Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple star crack agent apple star crack Unknown  
Apple stem grooving capillovirus (ASGV) apple stem grooving virus Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apple stem pitting foveavirus (ASPV) apple stem pitting virus Virus D-86-39
Apricot ring pox agent apricot ring pox Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Apricot ringspot agent also called Apricot ring pox agent   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Archachatina degneri Bequaert & Clench giant African land snail Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Archachatina purpurea Gmelin giant African land snail Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Archachatina ventricosa Gould giant African land snail Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Argyrotaenia ljungiana Thunberg Eurasian fruit roller moth Insect D-95-08
Arracacha B virus, oca strain (AVB-O) arracacha virus B (oca strain) Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Artichoke Italian latent virus (AILV) artichoke Italian latent virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34

Letter B

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Beet curly top virus (BCTV) beet curly top virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Berberis spp. barberry Plant D-01-04, D-96-12
Bing spur agent also called Spur cherry agent   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Black currant reversion virus black currant reversion Virus D-08-04, D-95-08
Bois noir bois noir Phytoplasma D-97-06, D-94-34
Brenneria salicis (Day) Hauben et al. watermark disease of willow Bacteria D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12

Letter C

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Cacoecimorpha pronubana Hübner carnation tortrix Insect D-95-08
Callipogon relictus Semenov longhorned beetle Insect D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12
Carposina sasakii Matsumura peach fruit moth Insect D-95-08
Cepaea nemoralis L. banded wood snail Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Ceratocystis fagacearum (Bretz) Hunt oak wilt Fungus D-08-04, D-01-12, D-99-03, D-98-08, D-02-12
Ceratocystis ulmi (Buisman) C. Moreau also called Ophiostoma ulmi   D-08-04, D-97-07
Charrinia diplodiella (Speg.) Sacc. also called Coniella diplodiella   D-97-06, D-94-34
Cherry compact agent also called Spur cherry agent   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry green ring mottle foveavirus cherry green ring mottle virus Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry leaf roll nepovirus (CLRV) cherry leaf roll Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry mottle leaf trichovirus (CMLV) cherry mottle leaf Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry necrotic rusty mottle agent (CNRMV) cherry necrotic rusty mottle Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry pink fruit agent cherry pink fruit Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry rasp leaf nepovirus (CRLV) cherry rasp leaf virus Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry rough fruit agent cherry rough fruit Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry rusty mottle agent cherry rusty mottle Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry short stem agent cherry short stem Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Cherry twisted leaf agent also called Apricot ring pox agent   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (Spieckermann & Kotthoff) Davis et et al. bacterial ring rot of potato Bacteria D-98-01, D-97-12, D-97-11, D-97-08, D-95-18
Colletotrichum panacicola Nakata & Takimoto ginseng anthracnose Fungus D-94-25
Coniella diplodiella (Speg.) Petr. & Syd. white rot Fungus D-95-08
Conogethes punctiferalis Guenée yellow peach moth Insect D-95-08
Contarinia nasturtii Kieffer swede midge Insect RMD-08-03
Cornu aspersum European brown garden snail Mollusc D-09-01
Cuscuta spp. dodder Plant D-99-01, D-98-06, D-96-12, D-06-01
Cydia funebrana Treitschke plum fruit moth Insect D-95-08
Cydia inopinata Heinrich also called Grapholita inopinata   D-95-08
Cydia latiferreana Walsingham filbertworm Insect D-00-03, Schedule II
Cydia pomonella L. codling moth Insect D-95-08

Letter D

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch also called Viteus vitifoliae   D-94-34
Diaporthe tanakae Kobayashi & Sakuma European pear dieback Fungus D-95-08
Diaspidiotus pyri Lichtenstein pear scale Insect D-95-08
Dichocrocis punctiferalis Guenée also called Conogethes punctiferalis   D-95-08
Ditylenchus destructor Thorne potato rot nematode Nematode D-08-04, D-01-02, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-05, D-95-26
Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev stem and bulb nematode Nematode D-08-04, D-01-11, D-01-02, D-98-01, D-96-12, D-96-05
Dreyfusia piceae Ratzeburg balsam woolly aphid Insect D-08-04, D-01-12, D-03-09

Letter E

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Elsinoe ampelina Shears anthracnose Fungus D-08-04, D-97-06, D-95-08, D-94-34
Epiphyas postvittana Walker light brown apple moth, apple leafroller Insect D-95-08, D-07-03
Eupoecilia ambiguella Hübner European grape berry moth Insect D-95-08
Euproctis chrysorrhoea L. brown-tail moth Insect    
European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma peach or apricot chlorotic leafroll Phytoplasma Circular 3C (27/05/76)

Letter F

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Flavescence dorée phytoplasma flavescence dorée of grapevine Phytoplasma D-97-06, D-94-34
Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cannabis Noviello & W.C. Snyder fusarium wilt Fungus D-96-03

Letter G

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens pale cyst nematode Nematode D-08-04, D-03-09, D-01-02, D-00-04, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-05, D-95-26, D-94-34, D-94-26, D-94-25
Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens golden nematode Nematode D-08-04, D-03-09, D-01-02, D-00-04, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-12, D-96-05, D-95-26, D-94-34, D-94-26, D-94-25
Grapevine asteroid mosaic virus grapevine asteroid mosaic virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine Bulgarian latent virus (GBLV) grapevine Bulgarian latent virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine chasselas latent agent grapevine chasselas Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine (Hungarian) chrome mosaic virus (GCMV) grapevine chrome mosaic virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine corky bark virus grapevine corky bark Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine enation agent grapevine enation agent Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine vein mosaic or necrosis virus vein necrosis, vein mosaic Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapevine yellows grapevine yellows Phytoplasma D-97-06, D-94-34
Grapholita inopinata Heinrich Manchurian fruit or codling moth Insect D-95-08
Grapholita molesta Busck oriental fruit moth Insect D-08-04, D-95-08, D-99-04
Gremmeniella abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet scleroderris canker Fungus D-08-04, D-98-08, D-98-02, D-97-10
Gremmeniella abietina var. abietina (Lagerb.) Morelet scleroderris canker (European race) Fungus D-02-12, D-01-12, D-98-02, D-03-09
Guignardia baccae (Cavara) Jacz. black rot of grape Fungus D-95-08
Gymnosporangium fuscum DC. pear trellis rust Fungus  
Gymnosporangium yamadae Miyabe ex G. Yamada Japanese apple rust Fungus D-95-08

Letter H

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Helix aspersa Muller brown garden snail Mollusc D-08-04, D-96-20, D-96-12, D-95-26
Helix spp. terrestrial snails Mollusc D-08-04, D-90-07
Hesperophanes campestris Faldermann hairy house longicorn Insect D-01-02, D-98-08
Heterodera glycines Ichinohe soybean cyst nematode Nematode D-08-04, D-03-09, D-01-02, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-12, D-96-05, D-95-26, D-94-34, D-94-26, D-94-25, D-94-17, D-96-07
Hungarian chrome mosaic virus also called Grapevine chrome mosaic virus   D-94-34
Hylastes ater Paykull black pine bark beetle Insect D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12

Letter I

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Ips typographus L. European spruce bark beetle, eight spined spruce bark beetle Insect D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12

Letter K

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Kober stem grooving Kober stem grooving Virus D-97-06, D-94-34

Letter L

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Lachnellula willkommii (Hartig) Dennis European larch canker Fungus D-08-04, D-01-12, D-97-10, D-96-12, D-02-12
Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say Colorado potato beetle Insect D-98-01, D-96-05
Leucoptera malifoliella Costa pear leaf blister moth Insect D-95-08
Little cherry closterovirus 1, 2 & 3 (LchV-1, LchV-2, LchV-3) little cherry disease Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
LN33 stem grooving LN33 stem grooving Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Lobesia botrana Denis & Schiffermüller European grapevine moth Insect D-95-08
Longidorus spp. Micoletzky needle nematodes Nematode D-97-06, D-94-34
Lymantria dispar L. gypsy moth Insect D-08-04, D-01-12, D-99-03, D-98-09, D-98-08, D-98-02, D-97-10, D-96-12, D-02-12, D-95-11, D-95-03
Lymantria mathura Moore rosy (pink) gypsy moth Insect D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12
Lymantria monacha L. nun moth Insect D-08-04, D-02-12, D-01-12, D-98-08

Letter M

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Mahoberberis spp. barberry Plant D-01-04, D-96-12
Mahonia spp. barberry Plant D-01-04, D-96-12
Mayetiola destructor Hessian fly Insect D-99-01, D-08-01
Melissopus latiferreanus Walsingham also called Cydia latiferreana   D-00-03, Schedule II
Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden, O'Bannon, Santo & Finley Columbia root-knot nematode Nematode D-08-04, D-00-04, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-05, D-95-26, D-94-26
Monilia polystroma van Leeuven   Fungus D-08-04, D-95-08
Monilinia fructigena Honey brown rot Fungus D-08-04, D-95-08
Monilinia mali Apple Blossom blight Fungus D-95-08
Monochamus alternatus Hope dark pine longicorn Insect D-01-12, D-02-12
Monochamus spp. boring beetles Insect D-98-08, D-07-02

Letter N

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Naupactus xanthographus Germar fruit tree weevil Insect D-95-08
Neovossia indica (Mitra) Mundk. also called Tilletia indica   D-99-01
Numonia pirivorella Matsumura also called Acrobasis pyrivorella   D-95-08
Nysius vinitor Bergroth Rutherglen bug Insect D-95-08

Letter O

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Operophtera brumata L. winter moth Insect D-01-12
Ophiostoma novo-ulmi Brasier Dutch elm disease Fungus D-01-12, D-98-08, D-97-07, D-02-12
Ophiostoma ulmi (Buisman) Nannf. Dutch elm disease Fungus D-08-04, D-01-12D-98-08, D-97-07, D-02-12
Orgyia anartoides Walk. painted apple moth Insect D-95-08
Orobanche spp. broomrape Plant D-99-01, D-98-06, D-96-12, D-96-03
Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner European corn borer Insect D-96-12, D-96-08, D-95-28
Otala lactea Müller milk snail Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Otala vermiculata Müller N/A Mollusc D-94-14, D-90-07
Otiorhynchus corruptor   Insect  
Otiorhynchus ligustici L. alfalfa snout beetle Insect D-08-04,
Oulema melanopus L. cereal leaf beetle Insect RMD-07-02, D-99-01

Letter P

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Peach chlorotic leafroll phytoplasma also called European stone fruit yellows phytoplasma   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peach dark green sunken mottle virus also called Apple chlorotic leaf spot trichovirus   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peach mosaic trichovirus (PMV) peach mosaic Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peach rosette mosaic nepovirus (PRMV) peach rosette mosaic virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34, Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peach wart agent peach wart Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peach yellows phytoplasma peach yellows Phytoplasma Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peach X-disease phytoplasma Peach X-disease Phytoplasma Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Pear blister canker viroid (PBCVd) pear blister canker Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Pear bud drop agent pear bud drop Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Pear decline phytoplasma pear decline, pear moria Phytoplasma D-08-04
Pear rough bark agent pear rough bark Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Pear stony pit agent pear stony pit Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Peronospora hyoscyami f.sp. tabacina (Adam) Skalicky tobacco blue mold Fungus  
Phalaenoides glycinae Lewin grapevine moth Insect D-95-08
Phoma exigua var. foveata (Foister) Boerema potato gangrene Fungus D-98-01, D-96-05
Phomopsis viticola (Sacc.) Sacc. deadarm disease of grapevine Fungus D-97-06, D-95-08, D-94-34
Phony peach also called Xylella fastidiosa   Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Phytophthora ramorum Werres et al. sudden oak death Fungus D-08-04, D-01-12, D-01-01, D-98-08, D-96-20, D-95-26, D-02-12
Phytophthora spp. Phytophthora Fungus D-08-04, D-01-12, D-00-08, D-98-08, D-02-12
Pierce's disease also called Xylella fastidiosa   D-97-06, D-94-34
Plum pox potyvirus (PPV) plum pox virus, sharka Virus D-08-04, D-99-07, Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Plum rusty blotch plum rusty blotch Unknown Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Pogonomyrmex occidentalis Cresson western harvester ant Insect D-96-14, D-94-14
Popillia japonica Newman Japanese beetle Insect D-08-04, D-98-02, D-96-20, D-96-15, D-96-12, D-95-26, D-95-08, D-94-26
Potato deforming mosaic virus (PDMV) potato deforming mosaic virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato mop top virus (PMTV) potato mop top virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) potato spindle tuber viroid Virus D-98-01
Potato virus T (PVT) potato virus T Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato virus U (PVU) potato virus U Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato virus V (PVV) potato virus V Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato virus YC (PVYC) potato virus YC Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato virus YN (PVYN) tobacco veinal necrosis strain of PVY Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato virus YNTN (PVYNTN) potato virus YNTN Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato yellow vein virus (PYVV) potato yellow vein virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Potato yellowing virus (PYV) potato yellowing virus Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Proeulia spp. Chilean fruit leaf folders Insect D-95-08
Prune dwarf ilavirus (PDV) prune dwarf virus Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Prunus necrotic ringspot ilavirus (PNRSV) Prunus necrotic ringspot virus Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Pseudomonas solanacearum, Race 3 E.F. Smith also called Ralstonia solanacearum, Race 3    D-08-04, D-98-01, D-96-20
Pseudomonas syringae pv. aesculi horse chestnut bleeding disease   RMD-10-27
Pseudomonas syringae pv. cannabina (Sutic & Dowson) Young et al. bacteriosis of hemp Bacteria D-96-03
Pseudoperonospora cannabina (G.H. Otth) Curzi downy mildew of hemp Fungus D-96-03
Pseudopeziza tracheiphila Müller-Thurgau grapevine red fire disease Fungus D-97-06, D-94-34
Puccinia coronata Corda crown rust of oats Fungus D-01-04
Puccinia graminis Pers. black stem rust of cereals Fungus D-01-04
Puccinia horiana Henn. chrysanthemum white rust Fungus D-08-04, D-97-05, D-96-12

Letter Q

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Quadraspidiotus pyri Lichtenstein also called Diaspidiotus pyri   D-95-08

Letter R

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Ralstonia solanacearum Race 3 (Smith) Yabuuchi et al. potato brown rot Bacteria D-08-04, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-05, D-95-26
Raspberry ringspot nepovirus (RRSV) raspberry ringspot virus Virus D-94-34, Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Rhacodiella vitis Sterenberg also called Sclerotinia pseudotuberosa   D-97-06, D-94-34
Rhagoletis cerasi L. European cherry fruit fly Insect D-95-08
Rhagoletis mendax Curran blueberry maggot Insect D-08-04, D-02-04, D-96-20, D-95-08
Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh apple maggot Insect D-08-04, D-00-07, D-96-20, D-95-08, D-94-26, D-94-02
Rhamnus spp. buckthorn Plant D-01-04, D-01-01
Rosellinia necatrix Prill. white root rot Fungus D-97-06, D-94-34

Letter S

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Sclerotinia fructigena (Pers.) J. Schrot. also called Monilinia fructigena   D-95-08
Sclerotinia pseudotuberosa Rehm acorn rot, chestnut rot Fungus D-97-06, D-94-34
Sclerotium cepivorum Berk. white rot of onion Fungus D-08-04, D-01-02, D-00-04
Sesamia cretica Lederer durra stem borer Insect D-96-08, D-95-28
Sirex noctilio Fabricius sirex woodwasp, wood boring wasp Insect D-98-08D-01-12, D-02-12
Spur cherry agent spur cherry, bing spur Virus Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Strawberry latent ringspot nepovirus (SLRV) strawberry latent ringspot virus Virus D-94-34, Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Striga spp. witchweed Plant D-98-06, D-96-12
Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilb.) Percival potato wart Fungus D-08-04, D-03-09, D-01-02, D-00-04, D-98-01, D-96-20, D-96-05, D-95-08, D-94-34, D-94-26, D-94-25

Letter T

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Teia anartoides Walker also called Orgyia anartoides   D-95-08
Tetranychus truncatus Ehara spider mite Mite D-95-08
Tetranychus viennensis Zacher also called Amphitetranychus viennensis   D-95-08
Tetropium castaneum L. longhorned beetle Insect D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12
Tetropium fuscum Fabricius brown spruce longhorn beetle Insect D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12
Thaumatobia leucotreta false codling moth Insect D-10-01
Theba pisana Mueller white garden snail Mollusc D-90-07
Thecaphora solani (Thirum & M.J. O'Brien) Mordue potato smut Fungus D-08-04
Tilletia controversa J. G. Kühn dwarf bunt of wheat Fungus D-08-04, D-06-03, D-03-07, D-00-04, D-99-01, D-96-07, D-95-08
Tilletia indica Mitra karnal bunt of wheat Fungus D-06-03, D-99-01, D-96-07
Tobacco rattle virus tobacco rattle virus Virus D-98-01
Tobacco ringspot nepovirus (TRSV) tobacco ringspot virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34
Tobacco ringspot virus, potato calico strain (TBRSV-CA) tobacco ringspot virus, potato calico strain Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Tomato black ring nepovirus (TBRV) tomato black ring virus Virus D-98-01, D-97-06, D-96-05, D-94-34
Tomato black ring virus (beet ringspot strain) tomato black ring virus (beet ringspot strain) Virus D-98-01, D-96-05
Tomato bushy stunt tombusvirus (TBSV) tomato bushy stunt virus Virus D-94-34, Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Tomato ringspot nepovirus tomato ringspot virus Virus D-97-06, D-94-34, Circular 3C (27/05/76)
Tomicus piniperda L. pine shoot beetle Insect D-08-04, D-02-12, D-01-12, D-98-08, D-98-02, D-96-12, D-95-11, D-94-22
Trichodorus spp. Cobb stubby root nematodes Nematode D-94-34
Trichoferus campestris Faldermann also called Hesperophanes campestris   D-01-12, D-98-08, D-02-12
Trogoderma granarium Everts khapra beetle Insect D-95-09, Circular 4C (14/06/68)
Tuta absoluta Tomato leaf miner, South American tomato moth Insect D-10-01

Letter U

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Urocystis agropyri (Preuss) J. Schrot. flag smut of wheat


D-06-03, D-99-01, D-96-07

Letter V

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Venturia nashicola Asian Pear scab fungus D-95-08
Vergilbungskrankheit bois noir, flavescence dorée Phytoplasma D-97-06, D-94-34
Viteus vitifoliae Fitch grape phylloxera Insect D-94-34

Letter X

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Xanthomonas ampelina Panagopoulos also called Xylophilus ampelinus   D-97-06, D-94-34
Xanthomonas campestris pv. cannabis* Severin leaf spot of hemp Bacteria D-96-03
Xanthomonas populi (Ridé) Ridé & Ridé bacterial canker Bacteria D-02-12, D-01-12, D-98-08
Xiphinema spp. Cobb dagger nematodes Nematode D-94-34
Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. Pierce's disease, phony peach Bacteria D-97-06, D-94-34
Xylophilus ampelinus (Panagopoulos) Willems et al. bacterial blight Bacteria D-97-06, D-94-34

Letter Y

Scientific Name and Authority English Common Name Pest Type Directive
Yponomeuta malinellus Zeller apple (or cherry) ermine moth Insect D-08-04, D-96-02