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  • Ambassador Nancy Powell with participants at the opening of the Global Ambassadors Conference sponsored by the Vital Voices Global Partnership and Bank of America in New Delhi, October 17, 2012. The program mobilizes distinguished professionals to serve as mentors to emerging women leaders in developing countries.

    Global Ambassadors Conference in Delhi

    Amb. Powell at the opening of the Global Ambassadors Conf. sponsored by the Vital Voices Global Partnership and Bank of America in New Delhi, Oct. 17. The program mobilizes distinguished professionals to serve as mentors to emerging women leaders in developing countries.

  • ADM Locklear, US PACOM Commander, Visits Delhi

    ADM Locklear, US PACOM Commander, Visits Delhi

    U.S. Ambassador to India Nancy J. Powell, and Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, Commander of U.S. Pacific Command, met with India Minister of Defense Shri A.K Antony and staff at the Ministry of Defense in New Delhi on October 11. (US PACOM Photo by Army Staff Sgt. Carl N. Hudson)

  • Celebrating UN International Day of the Girl Child

    Celebrating UN Int'l Day of the Girl Child

    The U.S. Embassy celebrated the UN’s first International Day of the Girl Child with students from Deepalaya School, New Delhi. The festivities at Deepalaya celebrated the Father-Daughter Alliance, which promotes fathers taking interest in their daughter’s education.

  • Sec. Clinton on International Day of the Girl Child

    Sec. Clinton on Int'l Day of the Girl Child

    "When you give girls the opportunity to go to school, receive quality health care, and be free from violence and discrimination, you are also laying the foundation for stronger families and communities, and a more peaceful, prosperous, and secure world."

    ALSO:  Video
  • PDAS Pyatt at Indo-U.S. Nuclear Energy Safety Summit

    PDAS Pyatt at Indo-U.S. Nuclear Summit

    "... we look forward to U.S. and Indian companies working together in the near future bringing innovative technology to India’s nuclear energy market."


More News from the Embassy

  • Sec. Geithner at U.S.-India Economic and Financial Partnership JPC
    Sec. Geithner on U.S.-India Economic and Financial Ties

    "India is very important to the United States, and I came here to demonstrate our commitment to building on the progress of the last several years. We have a very promising and rapidly expanding economic and financial relationship."   More »

  • U.S. and India sign MOU on Antitrust Cooperation
    U.S. and India sign MOU on Antitrust Cooperation

    “It will strengthen the already excellent relations among the U.S. and Indian competition authorities by further facilitating cooperation on policy and enforcement matters,” FTC Chairman Leibowitz, September 27, 2012. 

  • Embassy Announces a New Visa Processing System
    Embassy Announces a New Visa Processing System

    “As the U.S.-India relationship continues to grow, we look forward to supporting and strengthening the people-to-people ties between our two countries by facilitating travel with secure and efficient visa processing” Minister Counselor for Consular Affairs Julia Stanley, September 5, 2012. 

  • Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly
    Remarks by the President to the UN General Assembly

    Today, we must reaffirm that our future will be determined by people like Chris Stevens -- and not by his killers. Today, we must declare that this violence and intolerance has no place among our United Nations.  

  • Microsoft India is a 2012 Secretary’s Award for Corporate Excellence Finalist
    Microsoft India is 2012 Sec’s Award for Corp Excellence Finalist

    For its efforts to provide community technology skills for young adults in rural and underserved communities; donate software for non-governmental organization efforts for community development.