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CERT Training: Safety in the After-Disaster Environment

CERT members can prepare to work in a post-disaster area by understanding more about the potential hazards, by preparing their own safety kit and by wearing the right gear. The purpose of this training video is to prepare the CERT members for the kinds of hazards they may experience after a disaster and to help them stay safe as they work in the disaster area. This video will support the materials presented in the CERT Basic Training course Unit 5: Light Search and Rescue Operations. CERT trainers will be able to use the materials presented in this video to start a dialogue about the potential challenges CERT members may face.

Running Time 31:44

Online Playback Instructions
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Watch this video with Spanish subtitle (Español)

Classroom Playback Instructions

Select here to download this video for use in the classroom.

Name of Video File Size 56k DSL (384 Kbps) Cable (2 Mbps)
CERT Safety After a Disaster 170 MB 7 hrs, 5 mins 58 mins 11 mins
  1. Select "Save to My Computer." Save the file to an easy location to find, such as the Desktop.
  2. Once the file finishes downloading, double-click the Self-Extracting Zip file. This will create a folder on your Desktop with the video name.
  3. Open the folder and double-click the HTML file with the video name. This will launch the video player in your Web browser.

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  5. If you see an ActiveX security warning at the top of your screen, select the bar and select "Allow blocked content."