Franks in the News -- Week of 4/29/12

Date: May 5, 2012

By: Congressman Trent Franks

WASHINGTON - Nevada and Arizona lawmakers are pressing Congress to designate an interstate highway link between Las Vegas and Phoenix.
According to the Canamex Corridor Coalition’s website, the corridor extends from Nogales, AZ, to Phoenix, northwest to Las Vegas, picking up I-15 to Salt Lake City, through Idaho Falls, ID, and through Montana to the border with Alberta, Canada.
Gosar to lead Fast and Furious ‘special order’ on House floor next week, demands Democrats support justice for Brian Terry A Gosar spokesperson told TheDC that other House members who have confirmed they’ll participate in the special order include Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, Texas Rep. Bill Flores, Georgia Rep. Lynn Westmoreland and Mississippi Rep. Alan Nunnelee.
Doesn’t human life, especially at its most vulnerable, deserve the same protection if not more than the life of a raccoon or a skunk? I would wager to say the average person would answer yes, but the Council of the District of Columbia, and the District’s non-voting delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, have a different response.


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