• Opportunities_Title
  • Success Reports


    Transitioning technology beyond Phase II and into operational environments is extremely challenging for small businesses. We thank the small businesses whose success stories are published in these success reports for sharing their transition pathways, challenges and valuable lessons learned so others may benefit from their experiences.

    The technologies and solutions described in these SBIR/STTR Success Report booklets illustrates the range of important problems being addressed by DARPA, and highlights the benefits of applying the innovative technologies and solutions developed by these small businesses into operational environments. These companies have successfully created new approaches and solutions resulting in improved capabilities not only for the military but also for commercial markets.

    Many of the SBIR/STTR Success Reports also describe how small businesses collaborate with universities, including both private and public research institutions, to advance technology. The primary reasons, reported in the success reports, for working with universities on their DARPA SBIR/STTR projects, include to:

    • Augment their know-how, especially in areas of significant advancements in basic technologies, and specialized technical fields
    • Conduct advanced research and development
    • Verify research through testing and evaluation
    • License the university’s research

    To find out more about how universities were involved with SBIR/STTR projects, search the success reports by keyword "university".

    The modern warfighter, whether on land, air or sea, must constantly innovate to keep one step ahead of the changing twenty-first century battlefield. Innovative research projects lead by small businesses such as those in the Success Reports, are providing cutting-edge technology to U.S. military personnel and ultimately saving lives. Each report captures technology innovations spanning several years and multiple industries, as well as the lessons learned by the small businesses during the transition of their technology from an idea into the market.  Booklet 3 looks back the furthest in time, and is the latest addition to the Success Booklets.

    As you read the success stories of these companies, remember that America was built by entrepreneurs, and small businesses are still the backbone of our nation’s economy today.  There are many challenging scientific and technological problems yet to be solved. We hope each company’s success story serves as motivation for SBIR and STTR companies to remain focused on their transition path and for new small businesses to consider participating in future SBIR or STTR solicitations. (download .pdf)    Small businesses are encouraged to apply for funding from the SBIR/STTR Program. 

    Saving Lives in Theater - the TALON Robot: A Technology Development Story

    In 1993, development of small robots for use in combat began at Foster-Miller, Inc., a small business now part of QinetiQ North America, with the first Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award.

    Today, the company estimates that about 3,000 TALON robots are being used by US forces around the world to support several mission areas—Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD), reconnaissance, communications, sensing, security, defense, and rescue. Many lives have been saved by these innovative, complex technologies and they have been important contributors during missions in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Bosnia, as well as in New York City at Ground Zero.

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