Special Events Calendar
Conserving the Nature of America


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Event Category: National Wildlife Refuge Week (Oct. 14-20)
Date of Event: October 20, 2012 (Saturday)
Time of Event: 9 AM-3 PM
Event Site: Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai'i
Event Description: An Open House will be held at Hakalau Forest NWR on the Big Island of Hawai'i,on October 20, 2012 in conjunction with National Wildlife Refuge Week. The general public can enjoy visiting ancient rainforest habitat for guided bird hikes, view active forest restoration planting sites, greenhouse tours where native koa,ohia,and rare lobeliads and mints are propagated for outplanting. Home to endangered Akepa, Io (Hawaiian hawk), Nene, Akiapola'au, and Hawai'i Creeper.
Geographic Region: US - Pacific
State/Province: Hawaii
Contact Information: Contact the refuge office for details at 808-443-2300
Event URL: http://www.fws.gov/hakalauforest


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Last updated: April 22, 2010