

The U.S. Navy operates thousands of aircraft, over 280 battle force ships and submarines, 140 auxiliary ships, and approximately 200 installations to support those assets worldwide. Our mission includes defense, force projection, humanitarian assistance, disaster relief, anti-piracy, and other operations in support of our nation’s objectives.

As that mission continues, the U.S. Navy also has a responsibility to serve as a good steward of the environment. We demonstrate that commitment by investing in programs that minimize, and in some cases eliminate, the effects of our operations on the environment. The Navy’s environmental goals and strategies to achieve goals are described here.

Navy’s Environmental Goals

1) Environmentally Sound Acquisition – Ensure environmental requirements are considered throughout all acquisition efforts, including design, construction, operation, maintenance, repair and retirement.

2) Environmentally Compliant Operations – Operate our ships, submarines, aircraft, craft, and facilities in compliance with all applicable environmental regulations and policies. Ensure that these assets are equipped to do so, allowing the fleet to operate and train worldwide without restriction.
For details on these and other environmental programs, please visit the pages, links and documents referenced on this site.

3) Protection of ocean, marine, and coastal water quality – Control our ecological footprint in relation to oceans, marine life, coastal areas, and water quality.

4) Marine Mammal Protection – Operate our ships and conduct training while minimizing any impacts to marine mammals, or threatened and endangered species.

Navy’s Environmental Strategy

• Ensure shipboard environmental compliance with solid waste, oily wastewater, non-oily wastewater, hazardous material regulations through the implementation of eEnvironmentally sound practices and/or the installation, maintenance, and use of shipboard equipment.
• In partnership with the National Marine Fisheries Service (NFMS), develop and implements appropriate science-based protective measures to protect marine mammals during Navy operations at sea.
• Implement programs to manage wildlife, including threatened and endangered species on and around installations.
• Safely clean up past hazardous waste sites for future reuse.
• Explore and develop new, greener, technologies for equipment design and maintenance.
• Establish and implement Environmental Management Systems for all Navy facilities.
• Partner with local communities on volunteer shoreline, neighborhood cleanups and other environmental projects.

For details on these and other environmental programs, please visit the pages, links and documents referenced on this site.