VIDEO: Climate Change and National Security

Dr. John Ohab is a new technology strategist at the Department of Defense Public Web Program.

As we continue our recap of the TEDxPentagon event, we move from Army technology to the hot topic of climate change.

In the above video, Oceanographer for the U.S. Navy, RADM David Titley, discusses climate change and its impending ramifications on national security. Listen as he details some of the top facts and figures you should know about climate change and your future, explained in terms that even the most unfamiliar with science would be able to understand.

Rear Admiral David W. Titley, Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy

Rear Admiral David W. Titley, Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy (Photo: U.S.Navy)

In 2009, RADM Titley assumed duties as oceanographer and navigator of the Navy and director, Task Force Climate Change. He has a Ph.D. in Meteorology and is a fellow of the American Meteorological Society. You’ll get to learn about some of his personal journey in science during his talk.

Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments section!

About TEDx, x = independently organized event: In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. (Subject to certain rules and regulations.)

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  • Mike

    Let’s make this mandatory viewing for all GOP congress members who don’t understand the relationships between global warming and weather.

  • Speakeasy Live

    READ THIS: An Exposé on Climate Control- Weedin’ Our Garden Of Eden

  • Patricia Vollmer

    I’ve thoroughly enjoyed watching this! I’ve had the honor of working with RADM Titley in the late 1990s, and recently saw him at a Penn State function this past summer. Awesome talk, hopefully he’s inspired folks about the importance of DoD keeping their scientific edge.

  • Austin PR

    The video wouldn’t play off of the site. Had to go to youtube to watch it.

  • Armed with Science

    Patricia: Agreed! I was fortunate enough to see RADM Titley’s talk in person. Awesome talk!

  • Armed with Science

    Austin, that was likely a temporary issue with YouTube, but it appears to be resolved. Thanks for letting me know. ~ John

  • Armed with Science

    That was from John, by the way!

  • Luckycrater

    0.6º C to 1º C temperature increase per century is neither unprecedented, nor cause for alarm.
    Neither is is justification for chicken little -esque spreading pf hype with the aim of supporting a tax on CO2 emissions, without a guaranteed plan for mitigation.
    I’m not talking about a plan to reduce carbon emissions, I’m talking about mitigating and controlling global climate, and global temperature.
    The human race, and it’s governments, notably the US government needs to get off it’s high horse and stop trying to micromanage things that are unmanageable.
    Terraforming the planet earth, and controlling the climate is a joke, in context with support, like this vid, for carbon tax, given that the US CO2 emissions are dwarfed by India and China, and their projected growth of fuel burning industry and transportation.

  • WordsPerMinute

    So I’m supposed to listen 20 minutes to find out the climate changes beyond a lifetime. The Earth is not static. Okay maybe we all die. His point is?
    My point is there was climate change before mankind existed! As long as the earth endures, summer and winter, springtime and harvest, will not end.

  • WordsPerMinute

    So I’m supposed to listen 20 minutes to find out the climate changes beyond a lifetime. The Earth is not static. Okay maybe we all die. His point is?
    My point is there was climate change before mankind existed! As long as the earth endures, summer and winter, springtime and harvest, will not end.

  • Wadio

    Panic is unbecoming of a Naval Officer. Mankind has always adapted and always survived even without the US government. Imagine that! What he is enabling is dismantling market forces as agents of change in the way we live and replacing it with all out panic. Panic that will result in you and I turning over our way of life to absolute government control. All this while ignoring the pressing needs of people right now.

    So ship traffic will increase in the Bering Strait. Don’t talk to us about just go guard it if you are around. That’s your job. So sea levels rise a few inches over the next century big deal. Consider the ant you lazy mind. When a summer storm comes and washes away a mound the ants cooperate soundlessly and rebuild. They even shore up their mound as the barometric pressure falls knowing, without quadratic equations, that a storm is coming.

    This video is so NOT useful. But thanks for giving me something to post on my blog:

  • Wadio

    Panic is unbecoming of a Naval Officer. Mankind has always adapted and always survived even without the US government. Imagine that! What he is enabling is dismantling market forces as agents of change in the way we live and replacing it with all out panic. Panic that will result in you and I turning over our way of life to absolute government control. All this while ignoring the pressing needs of people right now.

    So ship traffic will increase in the Bering Strait. Don’t talk to us about just go guard it if you are around. That’s your job. So sea levels rise a few inches over the next century big deal. Consider the ant you lazy mind. When a summer storm comes and washes away a mound the ants cooperate soundlessly and rebuild. They even shore up their mound as the barometric pressure falls knowing, without quadratic equations, that a storm is coming.

    This video is so NOT useful. But thanks for giving me something to post on my blog:

  • Ed

    Right away he turned me off by stating he was once a climate change skeptic. No one is denying that climate change exists but rather is MAN the cause of the climate change and is there anything we can do about it realistically without bankrupting ourselves.

    And please, enough with the apples to oranges comparisons of CO2 to other examples. Blood to alcohol has nothing to do with the EXTRA amount of CO2 being pumped into the atmosphere. Also, no mention of methane which is a more potent greenhouse gas.
