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Manager's Tool Kit
Asian longhorned beetleControl Mechanisms
Outlines biological, chemical, and mechanical control methods for invasive species.
People making decisionsDecision Support Tools
Covers risk assessments, ranking systems, and other decision-making tools.
Global mapManagement Plans by Geography
Contains invasive species management plans on the national, regional, state and international level.
Canada thistleManagement Plans by Species
Contains invasive species management plans for aquatic species, plants, animals, and microbes.
Men signing documentsPolicy Development
Describes guidelines for developing policies, strategies, and other methods of controlling invasive species.
Road Map to 2015: A Strategic Plan for Plant Protection & Quarantine (2011; PDF | 547 KB)
USDA. APHIS. Plant Protection and Quarantine.
Final plan released following public comment public and final review. The team developing the plan identified patterns and trends that could impact PPQ's ability to achieve its mission over the next 5 years and assessed PPQ's internal capacity to meet these challenges. They set goals and objectives and produced a complete set of strategies to support the achievement of the Strategic Goals.

Administrator Jackson Unveils Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan (Feb 22, 2010)
Environmental Protection Agency.
The Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan: FY2010 - FY2014 (Feb 21, 2010; PDF | 1.3 MB) directs aggressive action under five priority "focus areas" the task force has identified as vital for restoring the Great Lakes, which includes combating invasive species. The plan includes efforts to institute a "zero tolerance policy" toward new invasions, including the establishment of self-sustaining populations of invasive species, such as Asian Carp.

USDA Announces Comment Period on National Aquatic Health Plan for the United States (Aug 21, 2009)
USDA. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
The final draft of National Aquatic Animal Health Plan (NAAHP) is available for public review and comment. It is anticipated that this plan will provide a framework for how APHIS, FWS and NMFS should develop programs for diseases that affect the health of aquatic animals such as finfish, crustaceans and mollusks. Consideration will be given to all comments that are received on or before Oct 20, 2009.

2008-2012 National Invasive Species Management Plan (Aug 2008; PDF | 255 KB)
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Prepared by: National Invasive Species Council

Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force: Strategic Plan (2007 - 2012) (Mar 2007; PDF | 286 KB)
Aquatic Nuisance Species Task Force.

National Strategy and Implementation Plan for Invasive Species Management (Oct 2004)
USDA. Forest Service.
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Last Modified: Aug 09, 2012
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