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International Training

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In an age where crime and terrorism know no borders, our international training initiatives are more important than ever to the FBI’s work to protect the American people both here and abroad.

Specifically, these initiatives strengthen legal and police systems overseas, which means fewer attacks on the U.S. from abroad. And they build one-on-one relationships that are instrumental in helping the FBI and its international colleagues track down fugitives, share information, and turn back serious criminal and security threats in this global age.

Over the years, we’ve trained hundreds of thousands of officers from all over the world. Our current international training efforts include:

  • Budapest ILEA classroom building
    The Budapest International Law Enforcement Academy.
    International Law Enforcement Academies: Teaches cutting-edge leadership and investigative techniques to international police managers through an intensive program similar to the FBI National Academy as well as provide specialized classes on everything from corruption to cyber crime. The FBI heads the facility in Budapest, Hungary, and supplies instructors to the academies in Bangkok, Gaborone, and San Salvador.
  • The Iraqi Training Initiative: Part of a multinational effort, helps Iraqi Police officers deal more effectively with everyday threats and concerns like abductions, terrorism, and sectarian violence.

  • The Middle Eastern Law Enforcement Training Center: Provides training to Dubai National Police and other officers in the region through a partnership between the government of Dubai and the FBI.
  • Latin American Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar (LALEEDS): A course taught at the FBI Academy (and modeled after FBI National Academy program), teaches leadership, administration, and investigative management skills to police managers of Latin American nations.
  • Arabic Language Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar: Similar to LALEEDS, trains police executives in Middle Eastern and Northern African countries.

  • Plan Colombia/Anti-Kidnapping Initiative: Provides training assistance to Colombian law enforcement in their battle against illegal drug production and organized criminal groups and terrorism.

  • Trainer giving a lecture
    Pacific Training Initiative: Focuses on transnational crimes like terrorism and corruption for senior-level personnel from various agencies in the Pacific Rim and Asia.

  • Anti-Terrorism Assistance Program: Develops the capacity of international police agencies to respond to a terrorist attack, especially those affecting U.S. citizens and property abroad.

  • International Counter-Proliferation Program: Supplies counter-proliferation training to our global partners in concert with the U.S. Department of Defense.

Our international training efforts are managed and coordinated by our International Training and Assistance Unit at Quantico. To carry out its mission, the unit works with other FBI operational divisions, our Office of International Operations, FBI Legal Attaché offices abroad, the Department of Justice’s Office of International Programs, the State Department, and U.S. embassies overseas.