ACORN's First Time Homebuyer Program

Alert:  Due to the current government shutdown, some new mortgage processing may be delayed. Income verification by the IRS was not deemed “essential”, and though the service is restarting soon there is a two-plus week backlog.  Support staff at HUD and the VA are furloughed, so there will be delays in processing FHA and VA loans.  Federal  employment verifications are also on hold.

Intimidating to nearly everyone, the home buying process can seem impossible to millions of low- and moderate-income Americans.  

Beginning in 1986, ACORN Housing’s mortgage counseling program started a program to help first time homebuyers learn about and be better prepared for the process of buying a home. …

Rep. Waters to Focus on Restoring CFPB

On January 3, 2019, Democrats officially took over leadership of the US House of Representatives. Representative Maxine Waters (D, CA-43), a longtime champion of the CFPB, became head of the House Financial Services Committee.

In an interview that evening on MSNBC’s “All In with Chris Hayes”, Representative Waters said "I've been focused on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. That was the centerpiece of the Dodd/Frank reform. And Mulvaney [has] tried to dismantle the consumer financial protection bureau. I'm going to focus on that and we're going to try and undo the damage that Mulvaney has done," she added. "The last two years have been very dangerous. I have been appalled and surprised at how blatant it has been."

In October 2018, Rep. Maxine Waters introduced a bill that would:

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