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Army Strong Stories



  • Christmas Exodus??

    09.24.2012 - Hey i been having alot of questions and seems this is the best place to get answers! thanks guys..   Well my quest...

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  • Christmas exodus transportation

    10.17.2012 - Does the base provide shuttle to the airport/train stations on christmas exodus or are we responsible for that as well?

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  • A New Special Forces Recruit(18x)

    10.17.2012 - So I am a newley enlisted 18x(first time enlisting in the army). I was hoping that someone would be able to give me some...

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  • Will a military leadership camp help my chances of being selected for a rotc scholarship?

    10.17.2012 - I recently saw a military base near my home does a leadership academy, but it is fairly expensive. I was wondering if go...

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  • losing weight b4 BT..

    10.17.2012 - i need to lose 15 pounds before basic training!! doesnt the army have a special program that helps you lose weight and a...

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  • Me & My BF are both joining the army...

    10.17.2012 - Me and my boyfriend are both in the process of enlisting in the army... were both really worried about us not being able...

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  • Warrant Officer Flight Training - ask your questions here.

    06.05.2008 - Thought I would post this and see who bites. Serious WOFT-ers only please. Civilian or military....all are welcome. ...

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  • Color deficinet but can I be in 11B?

    05.14.2011 - I came back from my eye doctor and it turns out that im red/green color deficient. He said it was only mild but the test...

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  • Color blindness concern

    04.12.2011 - I am partially colorblind. What i mean by this is that my vision is not monochromic but i have issues percieving red and...

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  • How Good does your eyesight have to be to be an infantryman?

    03.25.2011 - I'm going to highschool next year and i want to start preparing for being an infantryman. I am worried about my eyesight...

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Female voice one : I think the Army community has an incredible bond, thank goodness for girlfriends and neighbors.

Female voice one : I feel like I have a sense of family and that I have a sense of community. I have never been so proud in all of my life.

Gary Sinise: The strength of our soldiers comes from the strength of their families.

Gary Sinise: Which is why the U.S. Army does all it can to keep Army families Army strong.