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The GHG Accounting and Reporting Newsletters publishes monthly summaries of news on tools, legislation and reporting developments relevant to agencies and energy managers across the federal government. Our staff monitors legislative, technical and market development to assess their potential impact on GHG strategies and protocols.

Specifically, articles contained in this newsletter come from a variety of identified sources including:

  • sites of organizations that facilitate, support, or conduct GHG reporting and accounting;
  • sites that provide GHG resources, analysis, and reports; and weekly and daily news sources.
  • a host of RSS web feeds

Monthly Memos – Prior to July 2010, Greenhouse Gas News appeared as a series of monthly memos to the Federal GHG Working Group.

GHG Accounting and Reporting Newsletters
White House Announced 54.5 MPG Fuel Efficiency Standard, Guidelines Approved for Growing the Nation's Electricity Grid, UN Approves GHG Shipping Standards, New European Carbon Fees for Airlines Impact U.S., NOAA Seeks Comment on National Climate Assessment, Trading Carbon Magazine.
White House Launches Federal Electric Vehicles, Smart Grid Development, Carbon Capture and Hydrokinetic Energy Proposals Pass Senate Committee, DoD to Prioritize Energy Savings in Acquisition, New Jersey Leads RGGI Members in Auction Spending, City Climate Summit, Draft Recommendations for Regional Offset System, New Climate Levels, GHGMI Announces the Environmental Professional (GHG) Certification, C40 Report.
Suit Declares Atmosphere a Public Trust, New Bill Creates Energy Efficiency Reporting Standards for Federal Agencies, Improved Fuel Efficiency Standards will Soon Impact Agencies, Ruling on GHG Permitting in Texas Gives Authority to the EPA, Changes in RGGI Membership, Proposal to Reduce HFCs in Addition to Montreal Protocol, US and China to work together on Climate Change, IPCC Releases Renewable Energy Report, Assessment of Natural Gas Vehicles.
Federal Government Greenhouse Gas Inventory Results, Obama Sets New Energy Goal, GHG Case goes to The Supreme Court, USDA Announces Program to Promote Access to Biofuels, California Increases Renewable Portfolio Standard, EU Official Broaches Linking California with European Emissions Trading Scheme, Reducing Solar Energy Costs, Invitation to Inform New Guidance, IEA Releases Smart Grid Technology Roadmap, Are We Accounting for All Our Emissions?, Natural Gas Greenhouse Emissions in Question
CEQ Issues Guidance, DOE to Build Partnerships for Clean Energy Technologies, Ethanol Tax Credit May Be Repealed, CA Cap-and-Trade News, RGGI Auction Proceeds go to Energy Programs, UN Website To Track Climate Change Negotiations, GAO Issues Report on Offsets, EPA Updates eGRID, Net Zero Energy Military Installations.
Presidential Budget Ups Climate Change Funding, GOP Seeks to Block GHG Regulation Funding, Regulators Propose to Tie TN State Controls To Fate of Federal GHG Rules, Environmental Ministers Considering New Environmental Governance, CARB Releases Cap-and-Trade Activities Schedule, USDA Requests Comment on Tools and Guidance for Estimating GHGs, Pew Center Updates 101 Series, EPA Interim Report on CHP at Wastewater Facilities, The Global Nitrous Oxide Budget Revisited, New ISO Brochure on Standards.
Biofuels and the Environment, States are Ready to Implement GHG Permitting Requirements, CDP Releases Report on City GHG Emissions Reporting, TCR Releases a Summary of GHG Reporting Programs, NY Governor Announces Plan to Lower GHG Emissions by 80 Percent, Oregon Enacts Emissions Reporting System, Global Methane Initiative Launched, EPA Defers Permitting Requirements for Biogenic Sources, Global Forest Management in Focus, The WRI proposes guidelines for measuring scope 3 emissions.
Chamber of Commerce Again Challenges EPA on GHG Regulation, Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment, Federal Agency Strategic Sustainability Performance Plans, EPA Sends GHG Rule For Heavy- Duty Vehicles to OMB for Review, Obama sets target to reduce emissions from commutes, TX Tells EPA of Refusal to Implement GHG Permit Requirements, India Imposes Tax on Coal Production, UK Firms Face Carbon Emissions Fines, China Municipality to Launch Pilot Carbon Bond, Testing Completed for new GHG Protocol Standards, Reforestation Projects Store Carbon, Restored Wetlands Store Carbon, Webinars on America's Climate Choices Reports.
EPA Reaffirms Scientific Basis for Regulating Emissions, US Climate Change Bill, Western Climate Initiative Releases Design Plan, China's GHGs Must Peak by 2020, Scientists Have Created a Unique Map of the World's Forests, What Exactly is a Carbon Offset?
Climate Change Bill, CBO Finds Net Effect of APA Would Be Deficit Reduction, EIA Reviews the Energy Market and Economic Impacts of APA, WRI Publishes Report of Potential for Emissions Reductions without New Federal Bill, Federal Contractors May Need to Start Reporting Emissions, WCI Releases Economic Analysis of Regional GHG Reduction Plan, China to Pilot Test Emissions Trading Program, Global CO2 Emissions Fall in 2009, New Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC, Maine to Sell Carbon Credits from Weatherization, CEQ Proposes Guidance for Federal Agencies on Measurement of GHG Emissions.
US Government Publishes Fifth Climate Action Report, US Climate Change Bill, Presidential Memorandum of May 21, 2010, Chicago Exchange Sold, Maryland Adopts Carbon Tax, Regional Carbon Trading Organizations Meet, Republic of Korea to Host Next IPCC Meeting, Regional White Paper on Offsets Published, Offset Provisions in the American Power Act of 2010, Carbon Sequestration and Storage Complicated, Lengthy, and Leaky.

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Monthly Memos
The focus of this memo is on the U.S. climate change bill, national news, developments in science, and international news. Read about developments regarding the climate energy reform bill, find out more about the approval of the first offshore wind farm, and the feasibility of carbon capture and sequestration.
Read article summaries on technical and market developments, U.S. legislative and regulatory developments, and international developments related to GHGs. Topics include emissions protocol for products and supply chain, alternatives to the cap-and-trade, and 100 nations' sign up for Copenhagen deal.
Article sources are from the World Resources Institute, the Pew Center on Climate, and ICLEI. This is the first memo that addresses offsets, specifically offset quality and integrity.
This memo spotlights articles on U.S. climate change bill, U.S. regulations and legislation, national news, international news, and developments in science. Read more about offshore drilling, what agencies can do to shrink their carbon footprints, and how to help poor countries tackle climate change.
Major news sources this month come from Politico and ScienceDaily. Find out more about strategies for increasing carbon storage in forests and the effects of on carbon trading as the Chicago Climate Exchange is sold.
This memo covers GHG legislative fronts, markets and technology, and GHG accounting tools. Open this memo to see a review of eight GHG management tools.
Includes highlights on the Final Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule and Endangerment and Cause of Contribute Findings for Greenhouse Gases under the Clean Air Act.