
July 12, 2012Press Item
Democrats introduced a comprehensive jobs plan two years ago to get more Americans back to work by creating the right conditions for manufacturing businesses to invest, expand and hire. Our plan, called “Make It in America,” aims to revitalize our manufacturing sector in order to increase economic competitiveness and create jobs that won’t be shipped overseas.
July 11, 2012Press Item
"Recently, attacks on voters' rights in states across the country have threatened one of our most sacred constitutional rights - the ability for citizens to cast a ballot and make their voice heard.  I am disheartened by these attempts to limit this right, which generations of Americans have fought to secure.
July 11, 2012Press Item
“‘Repeal it and replace it.’ For the 31st time we have a repeal with no replacement. No alternative. No protection offered by my Republican colleagues. Not one. You could of course introduce legislation that said, ‘we're going to repeal and replace with this.’ You haven't done it. You haven't done it. So the American people have no idea.
July 11, 2012Press Item
“Millions of people are going to lose protections they now have and insurance companies are going to be put back in charge if this were to become law. But Republicans know this isn’t going to become law – it’s not going to pass the Senate and the President’s not going to sign it. So once again we are spending time… doing things for political purposes, not for policy purposes, and not addressing the creation of jobs which is our number one priority.”
July 11, 2012Press Item
“With millions still out of work and families struggling to make ends meet, Republicans are responding by voting to take away critical health care protections.  Polls show a clear majority of Americans want Congress to move on from the health care issue and spend time focusing on creating jobs and moving our economic recovery forward.
July 11, 2012Press Item
“With millions of Americans still out of work through no fault of their own, we must approach job-creation with the seriousness and urgency this challenge deserves.  Unfortunately, the Republican leadership has chosen instead to hold a vote repealing health reform again – a vote the House has already held thirty times this Congress.
July 11, 2012Press Item
“The Republican party continues to pursue its message and not substance. This is the 31st time we've voted on repealing the health care bill and it's the 31st time that it will fail. Everybody knows that the President is committed to it – he’s not going to sign that bill if it passes; but they also know the Senate is not going to pass that bill.  It's about politics and not policy. Very frankly, if it passed and if it became law, literally millions of millions of Americans would lose benefits they already have - young people would be kicked off their family's insurance policy; pre-existing conditions would now be used by the insurance company to keep children from getting health care insurance; seniors in the ‘donut hole’ would be again placed in a position where they may not be able to afford prescription drugs they need to keep their life healthy.                                              
July 10, 2012Press Item
This week, Republicans are taking their 31st vote this Congress to repeal or defund the landmark health reform law, arguing to take away health care benefits from millions of Americans. Rather than wasting time on the same political show votes over and over, Republicans ought to be focusing on the issues most important to Americans – creating jobs and growing our economy.
July 9, 2012Press Item
House Minority Whip Steny H. Hoyer on Monday called on Congress to take quick action on pending legislation that could spur U.S. manufacturing growth.
July 9, 2012Press Item
I commend the President for standing up for middle-class families by calling for Congress to act swiftly in extending the middle-class tax cut.  This is an area where Democrats and Republicans ought to be working together.  Instead, Republicans have held hostage the prospect of continuing a lower tax rate for middle-class families in return for tax cuts for the wealthy.
July 9, 2012Press Item
Democrats’ Make It In America plan is based on the belief that when more products are made in America, more families will be able to Make It In America. The plan is intended to create the conditions to help American businesses produce goods here, innovate here, and create jobs here; it includes many of the investments necessary for America to out-educate, out-innovate, and out-build its international competitors. President Obama has already signed ten Make It In America bills into law, many of which won bipartisan support. Business and labor leaders alike support Democrats’ Make It In America plan—because Making It In America is central to the future of our competitiveness, our jobs, and our place in the world.
July 9, 2012Press Item
As he prepared to take office, President Kennedy spoke to a nation troubled by anxiety over America’s leadership in the world and uncertainty over whether future Americans would inherit a strong and secure economy.
July 5, 2012Press Item
"With the private sector continuing to create jobs for the twenty-eighth consecutive month, our economic recovery continues to push forward.  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics report released this morning, private businesses added 84,000 jobs in June.  However, this is still fewer jobs than we have recently seen created each month, and it is nowhere near where we need to be if we are to ensure quality, well paying jobs for all Americans who seek them.