
July 18, 2012Press Item
We write to request that the Ways and Means Committee schedule a mark-up of the Republicans’ proposed tax legislation before it is considered by the full House. The looming expiration of current tax policy deserves a full and fair consideration of alternative approaches, with members of both parties allowed to offer amendments. 
July 18, 2012Press Item
"Today's attack is a tragic reminder of the threat of terrorism Israelis face at home and abroad.  Those who planned, carried out, and sponsored this attack will surely be identified and face justice for their actions and involvement.
July 18, 2012Press Item
“The American people ought to know the full extent to which the budget sequester would be disastrous for our economy and security.  That is why this bill is so important.  The sequester was never intended to take effect – it was an irrational deterrent meant to force both sides to the table and still ought to be viewed as an unacceptable alternative to inaction on the part of Congress. 
July 18, 2012Press Item
“The President’s new STEM Master Teachers Corps is a bold initiative aimed at making American students more competitive in today’s job market.  In meetings with manufacturing leaders, I hear the same message:  manufacturers want to bring jobs back, but we are not producing enough workers with the science and math skills necessary.  Recruiting, retaining, and rewarding highly-effective STEM teachers will improve the likelihood that our students will graduate with the skills they need to compete for jobs and pursue postsecondary studies.  I am pleased the President will immediately make resources available through the Teacher Incentive Fund to meet these objectives.  
July 17, 2012Press Item
“Again, as I do repeatedly when I rise to speak on issues related to our closest ally in the Middle East, Israel, and the relationship between our two countries to congratulate the Chairman of the Committee, the Gentlelady from Florida, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, for her leadership on this issue and focus on the importance not only of the relationship but on the importance of making sure that Israel is strong and able to defend herself. And also to congratulate the Gentleman from California, Mr. Berman.
July 17, 2012Press Item
“The final recommendations of the Advanced Manufacturing Partnership Steering Committee, released this afternoon by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, represent another step forward in the Obama Administration’s drive to boost our manufacturing competitiveness.  While Republicans in Congress continue to delay and obstruct Democratic proposals to invest in manufacturing growth and job creation, the President has continued to pursue other avenues aimed at making it easier for manufacturers to relocate here, innovate, expand, and create well paying, middle-class jobs. 
July 17, 2012Press Item
As our nation’s economy continues to recover, we must give middle class families economic certainty and make sure their tax rates will not increase.  Democrats’ proposal would extend the middle class tax cuts so that 98% of Americans and 97% of small businesses will continue to receive the full tax cut they have now, providing them with the financial certainty they need to expand and hire.  Instead, Republicans are holding tax cuts for the majority of Americans hostage in order to ensure that taxes don’t go up for the wealthiest 2% in our country.  For the sake of hard-working families across the country, both parties should work together to extend tax cuts for middle class Americans, a policy both Democrats and Republicans support.
July 16, 2012Press Item
“Today, Republicans voted to block consideration of the DISCLOSE Act, a measure that would provide greater transparency to political financing.  This represents a disappointing setback when it comes to ensuring that all Americans have an equal voice in choosing those who serve us in office.  The DISCLOSE Act would require the disclosure of donations to organizations engaged in campaign activity in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision.  
July 16, 2012Press Item
“I’m pleased to announce the start of our third annual Member Online All-Star Competition – an online competition between Members of the Democratic Caucus to gain Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and YouTube subscribers. Social media is critical to having an ongoing dialogue with the public, and over the course of the contest, House Democrats will work to engage with even more constituents and get our message out to millions of Americans. Last year’s competition resulted in over 57,000  new fans, followers, and subscribers, and I know this year will be even more successful.”
July 10, 2012Press Item
Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer (Md.) this week is unveiling his next step in the battle over voting rights in the form of a pop-up Web application that informs people where to vote and how to register.
July 12, 2012Press Item
House Democrats this week upped their pressure on GOP leaders to lend a boost to U.S. manufacturing.
July 12, 2012Press Item
WASHINGTON, DC - House Democratic Whip Steny H. Hoyer (MD) discussed House Democrats' Make It In America jobs plan and the Republican vote to take away health care protections for millions of Americans on CNN, MSNBC and FOX. See below for excerpts of the interviews and links to the videos.