Speeches and Statements

Oct 4, 2012

Rep. Waxman Statement on Proposed Merger of T-Mobile and MetroPCS

Issues: Technology & Innovation, Consumer Protection

Today Ranking Member Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on the announced merger between T-Mobile and MetroPCS:

Sep 12, 2012

Rep. Waxman Statement on Proposed Relocation of the Beverly Hills Post Office

Today, Rep. Henry A. Waxman released a statement in response to a proposal from the United States Postal Service (USPS) to relocate and sell the Maple Post Office

Sep 12, 2012

Rep. Waxman Statement on McDonald’s Announcement on Nutrition Labeling

Issues: Health

Today Rep. Henry A. Waxman released the following statement on McDonald’s announcement that it will post calories for all items on its menu boards and drive-thru menus in the U.S.

Aug 1, 2012

Rep. Waxman Statement on H.R. 750 - The Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act

Issues: Foreign Affairs, Middle East, Foreign Aid & Human Rights

"The Iranian nuclear threat is a daunting and dangerous challenge. With Iran stalling diplomatic talks, adding enrichment centrifuges, and continuing work at unmonitored enrichment sites, there is frustration and alarm that time may be running out..."

Jul 10, 2012

Floor Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman during debate on the Repeal of Obamacare Act

Issues: Health

"This bill will take away health security and cause over 30 million people to lose health coverage over the next decade. That’s more people than the entire populations of New York and Ohio. Yet here we are again, wasting time that should be spent on improving the economy and putting people to work. Instead, we’re rehashing the same old arguments.......Let's move beyond this vote and show the American people this institution is about more than politics – it's about doing what is right for American families. Let's affirm our commitment to bring health security to all Americans. Let us reject this Republican bill that would again have the House go on record repealing the law, which has not yet been fully put into place."

Jun 1, 2012

Statement of Rep. Henry A. Waxman before the Budget Committee

Issues: Budget & Economy

"Democrats have a more optimistic vision. We believe that the economy works best when the government establishes the rules of the road, adopting sensible standards that protect the middle class, promote competition, and prevent corporate abuses. We believe that public investments in our country’s future pay off. We believe that educating tomorrow’s workers and supporting entrepreneurs and new industries will grow our economy faster and better. And we think history has repeatedly proven our vision is the right one for America."
