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The Transportation Program Area addresses vehicle fleet management which includes optimizing vehicle maintenance operations, biofuels, pollution prevention tools and techniques, and used oil. Additionally included are links to software and databases that can model engine effectiveness and demonstrate appropriate pollution prevention techniques.

Both Executive Order (EO) 13423, Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management, dated 24 January 2007 and EO 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance, dated 5 October 2009 include goals and objectives applicable to the transportation sector. Note that EO 13514 builds upon and, in some cases, adds or amends to EO 13423. The goals, objectives, and sustainable practices outlined in both EOs must be met.

In EO 13423, Section 2(d), if the agency operates a fleet of at least 20 motor vehicles, the agency, relative to agency baselines for fiscal year 2005 is required to:

  • reduce the fleet's total consumption of petroleum products by 2 percent annually through the end of fiscal year 2015/ (NOTE: EO 13514, Section 2(a)(iii)(C) changed this date to 2020),
  • increase the total fuel consumption that is non-petroleum-based by 10 percent annually, and
  • use plugin hybrid (PIH) vehicles when PIH vehicles are commercially available at a cost reasonably comparable, on the basis of life-cycle cost, to non-PIH vehicles.

In relationship to Energy, EO 13423 Section 3(a) mandates that the heads of each agency implement within the agency sustainable practices for vehicle fleet management. EO 13514 Section 2(a)(iii) further requires a reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from a reduction in the use of fossil fuels by:

  • using low greenhouse gas emitting vehicles including alternative fuel vehicles, and
  • optimizing the number of vehicles in the agency fleet.

Section 12 of E.O. 13514 requires the DOE, in coordination with GSA–to issue comprehensive guidance on Federal fleet management. In April 2010, DOE's Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) issued the Guidance for Federal Agencies on E.O. 13514 Section 12 – Federal Fleet Management which fulfills this Section 12 requirement. This guidance, accompanied by the DOE Comprehensive Federal Fleet Management Handbook, will help Federal fleet managers to implement Federal fleet requirements. When finalized, the Handbook will be made available at: http://www.femp.energy.gov/pdfs/eo13514_fleethandbook.pdf.

The following definitions from the EOs are applicable to this Program Area:

  • Alternative Fuel Vehicle – vehicles defined by section 301 of the Energy Policy Act of 1992, as amended (42 U.S.C. 13211), and otherwise includes electric fueled vehicles, hybrid electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid electric vehicles, dedicated alternative fuel vehicles, dual fueled alternative fuel vehicles, qualified fuel cell motor vehicles, advanced lean burn technology motor vehicles, self-propelled motor vehicles such as bicycles and any other alternative fuel vehicles that are defined by the statute (EO 13514, Section 19(c)).

  • Excluded Vehicles and Equipment – any vehicle, vessel, aircraft, or non-road equipment owned or operated by an agency of the Federal Government that is used in (EO 13514, Section 19(h)):

    • Combat support, combat service support, tactical or relief operations, or training for such operations;
    • Federal law enforcement (including protective service and investigation)
    • Emergency response (including fire and rescue); or
    • Spaceflight vehicles (including associated ground-support equipment).

  • Greenhouse Gases – carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride (EO 13514, Section 19(i)).

  • Sustainability and Sustainable - to create and maintain conditions, under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony, that permit fulfilling the social, economic, and other requirement of present and future generations of Americans (EO 13423, Section 9 and EO 13514, Section 19(l)).

Please use the links below to quickly jump to the information area needed or scroll down to view all items.

Regulations, Guidance, and Policy
This act was signed into law on August 8, 2005. the Act contains a multitude of provisions covering energy production, distribution, storage, efficiency, conservation, and research. The Act requires efficiency standards for certain large appliances and extends Daylight Saving Time to reduce consumption. It provides funding to improve efficiency in low-income housing and expands the Energy Star program. It also requires the federal government to increase the efficiency of its buildings and vehicles and provides tax credits for certain energy efficient purchases or improvements. Other topic of note are: renewable energy, expanding of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, fuel production access in federal lands, the banning of drilling in the Great Lakes, electricity reliability, hydrogen vehicles, vehicle efficiency and alternative fuels, ethanol and motor fuels.
The 1990 Pollution Prevention Act focused industry, government, and public attention on reducing the amount of pollution through cost-effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use. Opportunities for source reduction are often not realized because of existing regulations, and the industrial resources required for compliance, focus on treatment and disposal. Source reduction is fundamentally different and more desirable than waste management or pollution control.
Signed on August 10, 2005 SAFETEA-LU authorizes the Federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit for the 5-yr period 2005-2009.
Executive Orders
Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management
24 January 2007
Executive Order 13423 "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", signed by President Bush on January 24, 2007. The order sets goals in the areas of energy efficiency, acquisition, renewable energy, toxics reductions, recycling, renewable energy, sustainable buildings, electronics stewardship, fleets, and water conservation. In addition the order requires more widespread use of Environmental Management Systems as the framework in which to manage and continually improve these sustainable practices.
Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance
5 October 2009
This EO sets sustainability goals for Federal agencies and focuses on making improvements in their environmental, energy and economic performance. The Executive Order requires Federal agencies to set a 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target within 90 days; increase energy efficiency; reduce fleet petroleum consumption; conserve water; reduce waste; support sustainable communities; and leverage Federal purchasing power to promote environmentally-responsible products and technologies.
This DOE document provides an overview of important dates to meet reporting requirements and Federal fleet management goals.
This GSA bulletin FMR B-33 provides guidance to Executive agencies regarding the acquisition of alternative fuel vehicles (AFVs) for law enforcement (LE) and emergency vehicle fleets. This bulletin is effective on 15 November 2011 and will remain in effect until specifically superseded or cancelled by the GSA.
This fleet guidance document issued by DOE's FEMP in April 2010 is organized around a cyclical fleet management framework--plan, collect, strategize, and implement. This framework is provided as a tool for agency fleet managers to select optimal petroleum reduction strategies for each fleet location, based on an evaluation of site-specific characteristics, including availability of alternative fuel, fleet size, fleet optimization and fleet vehicle composition. This document focuses on the first stage of this process--planning. The accompanying handbook will assist agencies in the collect, strategize, and implement process stages (NOTE: The final version of the accompanying handbook is not available as of April 15, 2010).
In accordance with Section 4(b) of Executive Order 13423, "Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management", implementing instructions have been issued to Federal agencies to provide detail and direction to agencies as the work to fulfill the goals and requirement of the Executive Order. Section 8 of these instructions are specific to pollution prevention. These instructions are dated March 29, 2007.
This document (EPA420-F-07-041a, August 2007) was prepared by EPA’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) in response to questions about the implementation of the RFS Program. The RFS Program went into effect on September 1, 2007. This document will be periodically updated.
SUBJECT: Energy and Fuel Conservation by Federal Agencies
Issued September 26, 2005, this memorandum directing the heads of executive departments and agencies to take appropriate actions to conserve natural gas, electricity, gasoline, and diesel fuel to the maximum extent consistent with the effective discharge of public responsibilities.
This memorandum, jointly issued by OMB and CEQ, encourages all agencies to adopt and implement EMS, including the establishment of a firm date for final completion of the efforts. Additionally, agencies are encouraged to work with the January 2006 scorecard initiative launched by OMB. The January 11, 2006 scorecards address Environmental Stewardship, Transportation Management, and Energy Management.
This memorandum, issued by OMB, issue the changed and finalized scorecards for Environmental Stewardship, Transportation Management, and Energy Management.
Issued 24 May 2011, this memo directs that all new light duty vehicles leased or purchased by agencies must be alternative fueled vehicles by 31 December 2015. It also requires the disclosure by the Agency on the Agency website of executive fleet vehicles that are larger than a midsize sedan or do not comply with alternative fueled vehicle requirements. The memo also addresses the management of fleet inventory.
Supporting Information and Tools
Databases/Software Tools
DOE's site to aid in the location of alternative fueling stations. Just specify which kind of fuel you want, then enter your address, and the locator will map out the closest stations that sell that fuel.
From the Defense Energy Support Center, an information website about different types of alternative fuels including tutorials about the Energy Policy Act requirements, ethanol (E85), biodiesel, and alternative fuel logistics.
CEDB enables comparison of the potential emissions associated with moving passengers and freight via various transportation modes. The CEDB comprises emissions data for a wide range of vehicles across all modes. This data can be used as input to emissions models to calculate inventories and health and climate impacts.
Tool which is used to submit Standard Form 82, Agency Report of Motor Vehicle Data. This include fuel consumption and age of vehicle.
This Carbonfund calculator helps users measures fleet emissions based on the types of vehicles used and the miles driven.
This tool tracks participating Federal agencies fleet fuel consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and vehicle inventories. FleetDASH was developed by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) to support the sustainability efforts of Federal fleets, including reducing petroleum consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and increasing the use of alternative fuels.
A fuel-cycle model that allows researchers to evaluate various engine and fuel combinations on a consistent fuel-cycle basis. To address technology improvements over time, GREET separates fuels and vehicle technologies into near- and long-term options. The latter are assumed to have improved energy and emission performance compared with the former.
This tool enables drivers to find the five closest biodiesel, electricity, E85 (ethanol), hydrogen, natural gas, and propane fueling sites. This convenient tool uses well-known, easy-to-navigate Google Maps to automatically generate maps to fueling sites and lists each station's contact information and business hours. Detailed driving directions and an instant phone connection to the station can all be accessed.
This emission modeling system estimates emissions for on-road and nonroad mobile sources, cover a broad range of pollutants, and allows multiple scale analysis.
A free, desktop computer application which estimates the technology cost for automobile manufacturers to achieve variable fleet-wide levels of vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Hosted by DOE, this tool enables fleet managers to create a plan for their fleet to reduce petroleum consumption and emissions.
This database contains examples of streamlining and stewardship practices used by states to efficiently and effectively fulfill their NEPA obligations.
The objective of this tool kit is to provide a user-friendly, web-based source of methods, strategies, and procedures for integrating land use and transportation planning, decision-making, and project implementation.
This tool allows users to compare emissions and lifetime operating costs of specific vehicle models, including conventional cars and trucks, as well as vehicles running on alternative fuels such as electricity, ethanol, natural gas, or biodiesel. With this calculator, which was developed by DOE's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), car shoppers, small business owners, and fleet managers can make side-by-side comparisons between thousands of conventional, electric drive, and alternative fuel vehicles from model year 1996 and newer.
The VISION modeling tool provides estimates of the potential energy use, oil use, and carbon emission impacts through 2050 of advanced light and heavy-duty vehicle technologies and alternative fuels. The model consists of two Excel workbooks: a base case of U.S. highway fuel use and carbon emissions to 2050, and a copy of the base case that can be modified to reflect alternative assumptions about advanced vehicle and alternative fuel market penetration.
The official publication of Clean Cities, an initiative of the U.S. Department of Energy's FreedomCar and Vehicle Technology Program, designed to reduce petroleum consumption in the transportation sector by advancing the use of alternative fuel vehicles, idle reduction technologies, hybrid electric vehicles, fuel blends, and fuel economy.
This is a semiannual electronic newsletter that provides fleet managers and stakeholders with updates about the State and Alternative Fuel Provider Fleet Program and the Energy Policy Act (EPAct).
The Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Federal Fleet Files monthly e-newsletter highlights the latest news and developments affecting Federal fleets, including vehicle and fuel management strategies and alternative fueling infrastructure updates.
Addresses major environmental issues (such as meat consumption, transportation, and energy use) and offers a range of suggestions for readers to reduce their environmental impact in their everyday activities. Greentips is sent out on a monthly basis. Sponsored by the Union of Concerned Scientists.
The National Idling Reduction Network brings together trucking and transit companies, railroads, equipment manufacturers, local, state and federal government agencies (including regulators), and national research laboratories to identify consistent, workable solutions to heavy vehicle idling for the entire United States.
The intent of the newsletter is to provide information on the Vessel General Permit (VGP) program, changes in state program, publicize public hearings, Environmental Technology Verification protocols, and other actions or activities impacting vessels.
A resource directory for local governments to use in developing and implementing climate change initiatives. This guide includes information on, among many other items, how the U.S. EPA can help with:
  • greening transportation;
  • land-use decisions and building construction requirements;
  • improving recycling;
  • conserving water; and
  • using more efficient and renewable energy
A publication devoted to providing news and information about tire and rubber recycling.
A newsletter published by Argonne National Laboratory's Transportation Technology R&D Center, reports on recent accomplishments in transportation research.
Wheels & Wings is a quarterly GSA newsletter that addresses issues concerning motor vehicle and aircraft management policies.
GSA's quarterly newsletter addressing issues concerning motor vehicle and aircraft management policies.
The Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center (AFDC, formerly known as the Alternative Fuels Data Center, provides a wide range of information and resources to enable the use of alternative fuels (as defined by the Energy Policy Act of 1992), in addition to other petroleum reduction options such as advanced vehicles, fuel blends, idle reduction, and fuel economy.
Sponsored by the U.S. DOT, the clearinghouse is designed as a one-stop source of information on transportation and climate change issues. It includes information on greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories, analytic methods and tools, GHG reduction strategies, potential impacts of climate change on transportation infrastructure, and approaches for integrating climate change considerations into transportation decision making.
This site provides information about measuring greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, the contribution of transportation sources to total emissions of greenhouse gases, and solutions for reducing emissions from transportation.
A comprehensive clearinghouse, funded by the Joint Services, for pertinent and timely environmental information to help installations and facilities proactively plan for the future of their missions and operations.
An information service of the U.S. EPA dedicated to reducing and eliminating industrial pollutants through technology transfer, source reduction, education and public awareness.
ACE was formed in 1988 to bring together a wide range of groups in support of ethanol. Part of its mission is to unite agricultural producers, commodity and farm organizations, ethanol producers, rural electric cooperatives, businesses, and individuals. Its mission is to promote and expand the development of the ethanol industry.
CTR develops advanced propulsion and emissions control technologies, operates a variety of programs to overcome the technical barriers to reducing fuel consumption and exhaust emissions, evaluates the effects of federal energy and transportation policies, and examines the prospects for new transportation technologies.
USDA formed the BBCC whose goal is to carry out programs to increase the domestic research, development and commercialization of biobased industrial and commercial products.
The National Automotive Environmental Compliance Assistance Center for the automotive industry.
A voluntary, program designed to help fleets reduce their emissions and petroleum use. The program provides managers with the facts, strategies, and tools they need to overcome internal and external obstacles in their efforts to green their fleets. Evergreen Fleets Certification is a voluntary performance standard that creates an incentive for fleets to adopt more fuel-efficient practices and invest in cleaner technologies.
Provides links to the Green Purchasing programs and policies for individual Federal agencies.
The Federal Fleet Policy Council (FEDFLEET) is composed of representatives and alternates from federal agencies or activities, at the national level, that manage and operate federal motor vehicle fleets. Activities of the Council are directed by an elected steering committee.
The mission of the IGPN is to: globally promote the spread of environmentally friendly product and service development and Green Purchasing activities; share information and know-how internationally on Green Purchasing and environmentally friendly products and services; and harmonize the efforts of Green Purchasing and the development of environmentally friendly products and services from a global viewpoint.
This is a not-for-profit association for professionals who manage fleets of sedans, public safety vehicles, trucks, and buses of all types and sizes, and a wide range of military and off-road equipment for organizations across the globe.
The national trade association representing the biodiesel industry as the coordinating body for research and development in the United States.
Building on the successes of EPA's regulatory and voluntary efforts to reduce emissions from diesel engines, EPA has created the National Clean Diesel Campaign (NCDC). The Campaign will work aggressively to reduce diesel pollution across the country through the implementation of varied control strategies and the aggressive involvement of national, state and local partners. To fully address the challenges of reducing diesel emissions, the Campaign is implementing both voluntary and regulatory measures. Contact: Jim Blubaugh, phone: (202) 343-9422, email: blubaugh.jim@epa.gov.
A consortium of eight regional pollution prevention information centers, funded in part through grants from EPA.
The national trade association for the U.S. ethanol industry. The RFA promotes policies, regulations and research and development initiatives that will lead to the increased production and use of fuel ethanol.
A member-based network of procurement stakeholders dedicated to improving human health and the environment through best practices, superior products, improved supply, purchasing tools, market education, peer networking.
TERC is intended to help you find information on the environmental regulations that affect the transportation sector.
This center will provide information and guidance to other federal agencies, private industry and private citizens respecting the biobased procurement program mandated under the 2002 Farm Bill.
Supporting Information and Tools Bottom Border
Lessons Learned
Sample language to use in statements of work for vehicle maintenance.
Provides information on how to contact DLA supported activities and learn about DLA supported activities such as the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service (DRMS), the Dod Ozone Depleting Substance Reserve, Fuel-related Environmental Services, Renewable Energy Certificates, Energy Saving Performance Contracts, DoD EMALL, Green Procurement, and the DoD Shelf Life Program
EPA and Department of Energy program to provide fuel economy information on vehicles. Includes information on hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles.
Each year, AFVs are bid to GSA and offered for purchase or full-service leases through GSA Automotive Vehicle Solutions site, AutoChoice.
This guide, produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) covers vehicles and fuels that operate efficiently, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and increase energy security.
This guide, produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN) provides information and recommendations on responsible purchasing, use, and disposal of tires and wheel weights with emphasis on low rolling resistance (LRR) tires, retread tires, and lead-free wheel weights.
Award Winners
This award recognizes an individual or groups of individuals who through their ingenuity and dedication make significant innovations in reducing the environmental impact caused by the transportation industry. These innovative achievements may occur in motorized vehicles for land, sea, air, and space in the areas of fuels, alternative propulsion methods, fuel usage, materials, energy usage, manufacturing methods, logistics support, as well as in education, training and improving public awareness.
Fleet Management
This approved tire list has been prepared by the Associated Consultants of Technical Services (ACTS) Inc. for the U.S. Army Tank Automotive and Armaments Command (TACOM). It is prepared for Group 1, passenger car tires, Group 2, light truck tires, Group 3, medium and heavy truck/bus tires, Special Application tires and Military retread tires. Tires listed in this CATL have been tested and/or approved for procurement by U.S. Federal, State and Local Government agencies.
Developed by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the guidebook addresses topics such as: air quality, coastal zone management, community impacts, floodplains, hazardous waste, brownfields, cultural resources, roadside vegetation, wetlands, water quality, drinking water, and wildlife.
EPA Document Number EPA 530-C-09-003 is written for federal managers and staff who have responsibility over the areas of program and resource management, facilities and fleet management, purchasing and federal bankcard management, contracts and grants management. The ESRG can be used as an outreach tool, a training tool and as a resource for what is required, what actions can be taken, what resources are available to take those actions, what training is available and what EPA and other federal agencies are doing. It includes sample outreach brochures, presentations, and other materials to assist you in getting support for and implementing your environmental stewardship practices.
Guidance on incorporating environmental considerations into purchasing.
A part of the Western Sustainability Pollution Prevention Network (WSPPN) website, these tips and suggestions will enable fleet managers to reduce energy consumption.
A database of success stories that feature information on niche market applications (such as airports, schools, and national parks). These stories offer an inside look at how fleets use AFVs, deal with infrastructure issues, obtain funding, and more.
Federal Agencies are mandated by the executive order and legislation to purchase alternative fuel vehicles, to increase consumption of alternative fuels, and to reduce petroleum consumption.
Greenhouse Gases
In the United States, transportation is the largest source of green house gas (GHG) emissions, after electricity generation. Within the transportation sector, cars and trucks account for a majority of emissions. The objective of this study is to advance the practice and application of transportation planning among state, regional, and local transportation planning agencies to successfully meet growing concerns about the relationship between transportation and climate change. This report explores the possibilities for integrating climate change considerations into long range transportation planning at state DOTs and MPOs. The report reviews the experience of a number of DOTs and metropolitan transportation plans (MPOs) that are already incorporating climate change into their transportation planning processes and identifies their successes as well as challenges faced by these agencies.
Petroleum Alternatives
A part of the Western Sustainability Pollution Prevention Network (WSPPN) website, the site offers technical information on the most common alternative fuel choices.
A compilation of case studies which can be sorted by the type of fuel, type of vehicle, and how the vehicle is used to link to pertinent case studies.
This site is devoted to current and prospective federal government users of biobased products. It includes the Biobased Products Best Practices Guide, product information, and profiles of federal agencies who are successfully using biobased products.
This strategy, dated 25 September 2007, was developed to facilitate the DON goal of significantly decreasing its dependence on foreign oil. This strategy was implemented by a Department of Navy memorandum dated 7 November 2007.
This EPA page provides links to information about alternative fuel conversions, vehicle standards and regulations, emission and fuel economy test data, certification procedures, and guidance letters.
May 21, 2010, this document was prepared to assist Federal agencies in implementing Executive Order 13514, Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy, and Economic Performance. This document outlines the recommended steps for cost-effective creation of a bicycle-friendly environment for employees at and visitors to Federal facilities, thereby reducing the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). This document was developed by the Office of the Federal Environmental Executive with assistance from the Inter-Agency Task Force on Bicycling and Active Transportation.
This tool enables drivers to find the five closest biodiesel, electricity, E85 (ethanol), hydrogen, natural gas, and propane fueling sites. This convenient tool uses well-known, easy-to-navigate Google Maps to automatically generate maps to fueling sites and lists each station's contact information and business hours. Detailed driving directions and an instant phone connection to the station can all be accessed.
Pollution Prevention Opportunities
Revised in November 2003, this document from the Joint P2 Library discusses the recycling of spent antifreeze solutions as a viable alternative to disposal.
New technologies now commercially available in 2007 will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from car and truck air conditioning systems. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Mobile Air Conditioning Climate Protection Partnership helped developed these advances. The new technologies will help reduce emissions by 1 million metric tons of carbon equivalent from current levels, the equivalent of the annual emissions from more than 650,000 cars.
The collection of fact sheets on biobased products in the Joint Pollution Prevention Library.
DSCR offers re-refined motor oil in two distinct ways. The Closed Loop program includes delivery of re-refined oil and pick-up of used oil up to 120% of the amount of oil purchased for the same price. Used oil in excess of 120% of that which was purchased under the program may be removed for a fee of $.20 per gallon. Totals will be calculated on a yearly basis. Closed Loop service is limited to the continental United States (CONUS.) The Basic program consists of standard one-way delivery of re-refined motor oil to any location worldwide, including CONUS. POC is Jim Fazzio 804-279-4908.
A non-profit organization dedicated to offering the public community-specific resources to improve their quality of life. Information can be found about your community-specific recycling centers, green shopping opportunities, energy conservation strategies, household hazardous waste storage and handling, environmental education, local composting, and many other resources
Use this guide to choose the cleanest and most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets your needs.
Revised in November 2003, this document from the Joint P2 Library discusses alternatives to replace Chlorofluorocarbon-12 (CFC-12).
A series of fact sheets that provide complete environmental, technical and economic evaluations of the top Pollution Prevention "fixes" for auto repair and fleet maintenance operations.
Developed by the California Department of Toxic Substances Control, the site presents pollution prevention strategies and best management practices to help in reducing smog forming air emissions, reducing and properly managing hazardous waste, and eliminating contaminated storm water releases.
Revised in May 2003, this document from the Joint P2 Library discusses an alternative to the disposal of industrial wipe rags as hazardous/solid waste disposal, the cleaning of such rags using a conventional hot-water laundry, or the use of a commercial rag cleaning service.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this guide covers vehicles and fuels that operate efficiently, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and increase energy security.
Produced by the Responsible Purchasing Network (RPN), this Guide provides information and recommendations on responsible purchasing, use, and disposal of tires and wheel weights with emphasis on low rolling resistance (LRR) tires, retread tires, and lead-free wheel weights.
A part of the Joint Services Pollution Prevention Library, this site provides links to fact sheets, process alternatives, and solvent alternatives.
Developed by EPA Region 5 and the state of Illinois, the guidebook targets tire manufacturers, state and local government, regulators, auto recyclers and collectors. It includes information on example scrap tire cleanup programs, legal considerations and property issues, cost recovery, local and regional markets for scrap tires, cleanup planning, selecting contractors, and project management.
Guidance provided by the American Petroleum Institute.
Training, Presentations, and Briefings
FEMP offers webinars, classroom training, and on-demand training addressing issues such as lighting, energy efficient products, fleet management, renewable energy, greenhouse gases, and water efficiency.
This course provides insight into ways to accelerate infrastructure upgrades and partner with other entities to advance the use of electric vehicles in Federal fleets.
Federal Fleet Management 101 helps Federal agencies meet Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 and other Federal fleet requirements through best practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions and petroleum consumption while increasing alternative fuel use and fleet fuel efficiency. First Thursday Seminars are FEMP training opportunities targeting Federal energy, environmental, and fleet professionals offered at no cost by leading experts. The training sessions are delivered live via satellite or through streaming media at your desktop.
This course offers an introduction to the Executive Order (E.O.) 13514 Section 12 Guidance Document and its accompanying Federal Fleet Management Handbook. This training guides users through both the Guidance Document and Handbook, helping to identify which sections are relevant to their specific work. Topics covered include Federal fleet regulatory requirements and reporting timelines, as well as strategies and best practices to help Federal agencies.
Presentation given during the 2010 DOI Conference on the Environment in April 2010.
Conferences and Events
April 2013
04/23 - NAFA 2013 Institute and Expo (Until 04/26)
April 2014
04/08 - NAFA 2014 Institute and Expo (Until 04/11)
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Last Updated: July 31, 2012