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Safety Videos List

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Inherently Safer: The Future of Risk Reduction
Inherently Safer: The Future of Risk Reduction

“Inherently Safer: The Future of Risk Reduction”... More

Hot Work: Hidden Hazards
Hot Work: Hidden Hazards

safety video detailing 2010 hot work accident at DuPont Buffalo ... More

Animation from "Hot Work: Hidden Hazards"
Animation from "Hot Work: Hidden Hazards"

Animation from the CSB's safety video entitled "Hot Work: Hidden Hazards" ... More

Iron in the Fire
Iron in the Fire

Three iron dust fires in 2011 fatally injure 5 workers in Gallatin, TN.... More

Experimenting with Danger
Experimenting with Danger

Hazards associated with conducting research at chemical laboratories in academic institutions.... More

Fatal Exposure: Tragedy at DuPont
Fatal Exposure: Tragedy at DuPont

Three accidents occur over a 33-hour period at the Dupont plant in Belle, WV. ... More

Animation of January 23, 2010 Phosgene Accident
Animation of January 23, 2010 Phosgene Accident

Animation of January 23, 2010 Phosgene Accident ... More

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U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board
2175 K Street NW   |   Washington, DC 20037
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