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Labor Standards for the Registration of Apprenticeship Programs (Title 29, CFR Part 29)

To ensure that apprenticeship remains a highly successful talent development strategy, the Department of Labor and other key stakeholders have worked closely to revise the regulations governing the National Apprenticeship System. These revised regulations published, on October 29, 2008, update Title 29 CFR, part 29 and provide a framework that supports an enhanced, modernized apprenticeship system.

The revised regulations provide a framework to the following:

  • Promotes apprenticeship and advances the National Apprenticeship System
  • Protects the welfare of the apprentices
  • Provides consistency and accountability across the system to enhance program quality and performance
  • Creates flexibility within the apprenticeship model and aligns it with the needs of a new generation of workers and a broad range of employers

Full text of the Revised Regulations: Title 29 CFR, part 29

Education and Outreach Materials for Title 29, CFR Part 29

Brochure - 21st Century Apprenticeship: How the Revised Regulations Strengthen the National Apprenticeship System- Describes the rationale for updating the apprenticeship regulations and highlights benefits to the apprenticeship community

Development of Revised Regulations - Details the process for developing the revised regulations

Regulations Fact Sheet- Describes key changes in the final rule as they pertain to apprentices, program sponsors, State Apprenticeship Agencies and other stakeholders

Regulations at a Glance - 10 one-page reference guides that describe how the final rule addresses the following topics:

Three Approaches to Apprenticeship Program Completion Interim Credentials
Electronic Media in Related Instruction Provisional Registration
Program Performance Standards Probationary Periods and Cancellations
Proposed Modifications to State Apprenticeship Legislation Reciprocal Approval
Recognition of State Apprenticeship Agencies (SAAs) SAA Re-application for Recognition

Regulations News Release - Announces the publication of the revised regulations in the Federal Register

Webinars - Recording, PowerPoint presentation slides and supplemental materials for the January 8, 2009 webinar, "A New Year, A New Day in Registered Apprenticeship.”
[PLEASE NOTE: Viewing this webinar and the supplemental materials requires free registration at]

Apprenticeship Framework SGA (Solicitation for Grant Applications) - Details the availability of approximately $6.5 million for 10-20 grants to promote the adoption of the 21st century Registered Apprenticeship framework established by the Final Rule published on October 29, 2008.

Questions and Answers for Revised Regulations, Title 29, CFR Part 29
Regulations Policy Guidance Development - Lists specific issues in the final rule for which the Office of Apprenticeship will develop additional policy guidance.
Posted November 10, 2008 - Responses have been developed for some of the questions raised during the webinar held on October 30, 2008.  

Contact the Office of Apprenticeship: Please send regulation implementation questions to the Office of Apprenticeship via e-mail:

Background Materials to Revise Title 29, CFR Part 29

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) - On December 13, 2007, the Department announced its proposal to revise apprenticeship regulations and solicited comments from the public on this proposed rulemaking. This NPRM and the comments received on the proposal provided the basis for the final rule.

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) Fact sheet - Provides a summary overview of the proposed changes to apprenticeship rulemaking.

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) in Apprenticeship (Title 29, CFR Part 30)
Sets forth policies and procedures to promote equality of opportunity in registered apprenticeship programs. 

Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Provisions and Procedures
Sets forth labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering Federally financed and assisted construction.