DOE Counterintelligence Richland Field Office
DOE Counterintelligence Richland Field Office
Counterintelligence Richland Field Office

 Richland Field Office Logo Welcome to your Counterintelligence (CI) Website!

Please take this opportunity to explore the Web site to find out information about the Department of Energy's (DOE) counterintelligence program, counterintelligence in general, and your responsibilities regarding counterintelligence as a DOE/NNSA contractor employee, subcontractor, or consultant.


  Navigation Arrow   Employee Responsibilities:

If you're interested in discovering just what your employee responsibilities are regarding foreign travel, reporting contacts with foreign nationals, or hosting, escorting, and meeting foreign nationals, go to the Employee Responsibilities section of the CI Web. This section also provides information on countermeasures you can use to protect yourself in all these situations.

  Navigation Arrow   CI Information:

If you'd like to find out just what counterintelligence is all about and how you can protect yourself and the national security with added knowledge of how espionage and spies work, then go to the CI Information section of the CI Web.

  Navigation Arrow   CI Resources:

In the CI Resources section of the CI Web, you will find forms for reporting various types of counterintelligence information; all the governing directives for counterintelligence; a Recommended Reading List of relevant counterintelligence publications; and a page of related links to other excellent counterintelligence-related Web sites.

  Navigation Arrow   Points of Contact

  Navigation Arrow   Counterintelligence Briefing Center

  Navigation Arrow   Counterintelligence Richland Field Office Printable Calendar (PDF)


RFO Podcasts/Videos

Did you watch the motion picture Breach? Listen to David G. Major, retired FBI counterintelligence expert and President of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, discuss the validity of the new film Breach based upon his personal interaction with Robert Hanssen, a senior FBI agent who spied for the Soviets/Russians. Not only will you discover the role that lead character Eric O'Neill actually played in Hanssen's apprehension, but you will also learn the inner workings of the FBI as related to the Hanssen espionage case and see how they compare to the movie's portrayal.


"The Bomb in my Garden" - Lecture given by Dr. Mahdi Obeidi


Related Information 

Counterintelligence Update

The CI Update is a locally made presentation designed to increase the awareness of the audience to current espionage and terrorism investigations. The presentation is unclassifed and ranges from a 10-15 minute table talk to a 45 minute to one our PowerPoint presentation with video.

Please contact our office at 373-1865 to schedule a presentation.


Terrorism 101

What is terrorism? When are terrorists most vulnerable to detection by you? Do you understand Islam? How did Usama bin Laden and al Qaida rise to power? What was Operation Bojinka? Do you know about the recent terrorism cases in the Pacific Northwest?

Terrorism awareness is critical to the safety of our site, community, and nation. RFO offers a free, unclassified presentation covering all of these topics and more to all DOE, contractor, and civic group organizations. To schedule a presentation for your organization, please contact RFO at 509-373-1865.








Last Updated 05/01/2012 10:52 AM