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Interactive Knowledge Exchange (IKE) Scenarios
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It is important that everyone understands that the IKE, and the information in the scenarios presented, are intended for the use of all field employees. While many of our field personnel have ready access to a computer and their own mailbox, some do not have full access. We expect each Inspector in Charge (IIC) to share and discuss these scenarios with all off-line personnel. The IIC may also post these for review and discussion by on-line personnel.

For IKE related questions, send mail to Ike@fsis.usda.gov. Send  all other general questions, to Policy Development Division or askFSIS.

This information should also be shared with plant management.

2009 |2008 | 2007 |2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002

IKE Scenarios 2009
  • IKE Scenario 01-09: Conducting Weekly Meetings to Discuss the Review of Data Generated by Prerequisite Programs that May Affect the Hazard Analysis and Food Safety | PDF (Apr 13, 2009)

IKE Scenarios 2008
  • IKE Scenario 03-08: Conducting Weekly Meetings to Verify Changes in Plant Processes which May Affect the Hazard Analysis or Alter the HACCP Plan | PDF (Sep 15, 2008)
  • IKE Scenario 02-08: Direct Observation of Corrective Actions | PDF (Aug 4, 2008)
  • IKE Scenario 01-08: FSIS Verification of 9 CFR 416.2(d) Regarding Frozen Condensate in Product Freezers (Part II) | PDF (Jan 15, 2008)

IKE Scenarios 2007
  • IKE Scenario 07-07: FSIS Directive 12, 600.2 – Determining When Inspection Coverage Is Required and Overtime Is Charged | PDF (Dec 13, 2007)
  • IKE Scenario 06-07: Foreign Material Contamination | PDF (Aug 8, 2007)
  • IKE Scenario 05-07: Application of Common Source Rule to E. coli O157:H7 Samples | PDF (Aug 3, 2007)
  • IKE Scenario 04-07 (Revision 1): Experimentation with On-line Poultry Reprocessing In Accordance with 9 CFR 381.3(b) | PDF (Aug 1, 2007)
  • IKE Scenario 03-07: Determining When Inspection Coverage Is Not Required and Overtime Is Not Charged | PDF (Aug 1, 2007)
  • IKE Scenario 02-07: FSIS Verification of 9 CFR 416.2(d) Regarding Frozen Condensate in Product Freezers (Jul 20, 2007)
  • IKE Scenario 01-07: Citing Relevant Regulations When Documenting SRM Noncompliance (Feb 2, 2007)

IKE Scenarios 2006
  • IKE Scenario 09-06: Verification Procedures Involving E. coli O157:H7 as Described in FSIS Notice 63-06 (Nov 16, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 08-06: Verification Procedures Involving E. coli O157:H7 as Described in FSIS Notice 63-06 (Nov 16, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 07-06: Verification Procedures Involving E. coli O157:H7 as Described in FSIS Notice 63-06 (Nov 16, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 06-06: Extended Cleanup (May 25, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 05-06: Condensation Over a Kettle Cook Process (May 16, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 04-06: Clarification of the Appeal Process for FSIS Personnel and Industry (Example: Appeal Denied) (Apr 20, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 03-06: Clarification of the Appeal Process for FSIS Personnel and Industry (Example: Appeal Granted) (Apr 06, 2006)
  • IKE Scenario 01-06: Meat and Poultry Bioterrorism:
    Food Defense Verification at Meat and Poultry Facilities (Jan 24, 2006)

IKE Scenarios 2005
  • IKE Scenario 06-05: Verification of Water Activity(Aw) in Shelf Stable RTE Jerky Products
  • IKE Scenario 05-05: Humidity Requirements for the Production of Meat and Poultry Jerky.
  • IKE Scenario 04-05: Clarification of IKEs 01-05, 02-05 and 03-05: Determining Establishment Notification Prior to Sampling a Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Product.
  • IKE Scenario 03-05: Establishment Notification Prior to Sampling Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Product: Process Example 3 - Brine Held for Thirty Days.
  • IKE Scenario 02-05: Establishment Notification Prior to Sampling Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Product: Process Example 2 - Product Sliced over Multiple Days.
  • IKE Scenario 01-05: Establishment Notification Prior to Sampling Ready-to-Eat Product: Process Example 1 - Brine Reused for Multiple Days.

IKE Scenarios 2004
  • IKE Scenario 07-04: Updated information included in the October, 2004 version of the Compliance Guidelines to control Listeria monocytogenes in Post-lethality Exposed Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Meat and Poultry Products.
  • IKE Scenario 06-04: Illustration of FSIS Notice 50-04 Concerning Removal of Tonsils
  • IKE Scenario 05-04: Verification of Procedures for Controlling Fecal Material in Poultry Slaughter Operations.
  • IKE Scenario 04-04: Program Employee Verification Activities for Instructional Statements on Raw Ground Beef Components or Raw Beef Patty Components.
  • IKE Scenario 03-04: Performing 03B01 & 03B02 Procedures for Determining Compliance with the Food Safety Standard for Raw Product-Ground.
  • IKE Scenario 02-04: Performing 03B01 & 03B02 Procedures for Determining Compliance with the Food Safety Standard for Raw Product-Ground.
  • IKE Non-Technical Scenario 1-04: Professionalism.

IKE Scenarios 2003
  • IKE Scenario 07-03: Performing 03J01 and 03J02 Procedures for the Determination Compliance with the Food Safety Standard for Fecal Material, Ingesta and Milk on Livestock Carcasses During Slaughter Operations.
  • IKE Scenario 06-03: Performing 03J01 and 03J02 Procedures for the Determination Compliance with the Food Safety Standard for Fecal Material, Ingesta and Milk on Livestock Carcasses During Slaughter Operations.
  • IKE Scenario 05-03: Performing 03J01 and 03J02 Procedures for the Determination Compliance with the Food Safety Standard for Fecal Material, Ingesta and Milk on Livestock Carcasses During Slaughter Operations.
  • IKE Scenario 04-03: Update to FSIS Directive 10,010.1. Microbiological Testing Program for E. coli O157:H7 in Raw Ground Beef.
  • IKE Scenario 03-03: Update to FSIS Directive 10,010.1. Microbiological Testing Program for E. coli O157:H7 in Raw Ground Beef.
  • IKE Scenario 02-03: Sampling Ready-to-Eat (RTE) Products.
  • IKE Scenario 01-03: 9 CFR 441.10 Implementation of Retained Water Regulation.

IKE Scenarios 2002

Last Modified: April 13, 2009


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