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Publication Number: N/A
Date: April 2012

This presentation is part of the 2012 National Highway Research Priorities Webinar Series.

Economic Competitiveness

Coordination of Highway Research with University Transportation Centers
April 5, 2012

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Joseph I. Peters, Ph.D.
Director, Office of Operations Research and Development
Federal Highway Administration

Coordination of Highway Research with University Transportation Centers

Webinar Series Topics and Dates

  1. State of Good Repair, March 28th
  2. Economic Competitiveness, April 5th
  3. Safety, May 8th
  4. Livability and Sustainability, May 9th
  5. Policy and Innovative Financing, May 10th

Invited Participants

Host and Presenters

Webinar Purpose

Thanks for Your Participation

Thanks to the Research and Innovative Technology Administration (RITA) for this opportunity to communicate priorities to the UTCs

For more information about UTC participation, contact:
Debra Elston, 202-493-3181

Visit our Web Site at

Economic Competitiveness

Topics to be Covered


System Performance

Grand Challenge to Improving US Competitiveness

National Travel Delay National Congestion Cost

Congestion Getting Dramatically Worse Especially on Truck Routes

2007 Congestion Map 2040 Congestion Map

(Freight Facts and Figures 2011)

Satisfying National Needs with Operations Research and Technology

There’s a role for UTC’s in all of the above

Why Does FHWA Focus on Improving Operations?

Three FHWA Operations Themes Guiding the Current Program (1 – 5 Years)

  1. Managing Congestion by Improving Reliability and Operating the System at Peak Performance
  2. Improving Reliability Through Efficient Movement of Freight
  3. Building a Strong Foundation for Proactive Operations

  1. Managing Congestion by Improving Reliability and Operating the System at Peak Performance
    • Active Transportation and Demand Management
    • Arterial Management/Traffic Signal Operations
    • Congestion Pricing
    • Real-Time Transportation Information
    • Road Weather Management
    • Traffic Incident and Events Management
    • Work Zone Mobility and Safety

  1. Improving Reliability Through Efficient Movement of Freight
    • Commercial Vehicle Size and Weight
    • Freight Data and Analysis
    • Freight Operations and Technology
    • Freight Professional Development

Freight Management Strategies

  1. Building a Strong Foundation for Proactive Operations
    • Accelerating Implementation of Operations and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Technologies and Strategies
    • Providing Operations and Freight Performance Measurement and Management
    • Organizing and Planning for Operations
    • Developing Traffic Analysis Tools
    • Improving Traffic Control (MUTCD)

FHWA Operations Themes Guiding the Current Program

For more information:

Operations Innovation Strategies (5 to 10 Years)

Areas of Innovation

Transportation Enabling Technologies

Where is the vehicle? Vs. Where does it think it is?

Where is the vehicle? Vs.  Where does it think it is?

GPS System Error: All the dots should be in the same lane!

GPS System Error:  All the dots should be in the same lane!

Onboard Equipment Testing at TFHRC, 50 MPH, Westbound

Probe Data captured through live feed from Service Delivery Node to Prototype Data Environment

Probe Data captured through live feed from Service Delivery Node to Prototype Data Environment

Areas of Innovation

Establishing a Data Environment for Real-Time Data Capture and Management

Incrementally Constructing the Research Data Exchange (RDE)

Incrementally Constructing the Research Data Exchange (RDE)

Areas of Innovation

Concepts and Analysis

Future Activities

Areas of Innovation

Transportation Operations Applications

Traffic Signal System Applications

Intelligent Network Flow Optimization

Wide Array of Other Applications Being Developed

Real-World Performance Characteristics. Validation/Calibration Data. Data Sets

Living Laboratories. Multiple Locations..Once Connected Systems

Relevant Exploratory Advanced and Transformational Research Projects ( 5 – 20 Years)

The Technology Base: A Foundation for the Future( 1 – 20 Years)

The Technology Base: A Foundation for the Future( 1 – 20 Years)

The Technology Base: A Foundation for the Future( 1 – 20 Years)

The Technology Base: A Foundation for the Future( 1 – 20 Years)

The Technology Base: A Foundation for the Future( 1 – 20 Years)

The Technology Base: A Foundation for the Future( 1 – 20 Years)

Satisfying National Needs with Operations Research and Technology

There’s a role for UTC’s in all of the above !

Technical Support and Tasks for the Saxton Transportation Operations Laboratory

Solicitation Number: DTFH61-12-R-00022

Agency: Department of Transportation
Office: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Location: Office of Acquisition Management

Any questions?

For more information, contact:
Joseph I. Peters, 202-493-3269



United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration