Franks in the News -- Week of 6/3/12

Date: June 8, 2012

By: Congressman Trent Franks

I think that it is hard for the other side to deal with this debate because, on the one hand, they realize that the country and even their own hearts tell them it is wrong to kill a little girl just because she is a little girl. But once they make that statement, then they have tacitly recognized that what is being done here is the taking of an innocent life.
There are indications the practice of sex-selection abortion is beginning to rear its ugly head in the United States, due in part to the rise of immigrants from Asia and India. As a result, Rep. Trent Franks (R.-Ariz.) introduced HR 3541, known as the Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA). Franks indicated the purpose of his bill was to ensure equal rights for unborn children -- boys and girls.
Moreover, 51 percent now say abortion is morally wrong compared to 38 percent who say it is morally acceptable.
The evidence has become overwhelming, from this country and abroad, that with the diffusion of ultrasonography – with the means of discovering the sex of the child in the womb – there has been a persistent inclination to prefer males and abort females. The result has been a massive skewering of sex ratios, with portentous effects.
A proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would preserve the longstanding traditional right of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children was introduced last night in the U.S. Congress.
Michael Farris, president of, which organizes the nationwide grassroots effort behind the amendment expects many more cosponsors this time, but asks for all concerned citizens to contact their members of Congress to aid in its passage.
According to a 2006 Zogby poll, 86% of all Americans feel the practice of selective sex abortion should be illegal in America. Barack Obama has come out in favor of this horrific practice.
Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton took a proactive stance against an anticipated bill from Rep. Justin Amash, Michigan Republican, that would prohibit minors from obtaining abortions in the District without parental consent, forbids non-doctors from performing abortions and provides protections for individuals or health care providers that refuse to perform abortions.
Michigan GOP Congressman Announces New D.C. Anti-Abortion Restrictions On Facebook Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI) posted that his bill would “requir[e] minors in D.C. to receive their parents’ consent before having an abortion, prohibits non-doctors from performing abortions, and provides conscience protections for individuals and health care facilities in D.C. that refuse to perform abortions.”
As the global battle over parental rights heats up, Republicans in Congress responded on Tuesday by introducing a proposed amendment to the U.S. Constitution enshrining the liberty of parents to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Activists and lawmakers say the move is needed to permanently and explicitly guarantee what has long been recognized as a fundamental freedom. 
Prenda and Live Action Videos Amplify the Conversation About Sex-Selective Abortions in the U.S.  PRENDA, introduced by Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., failed to get a 2/3 majority under a congressional provision called “a suspension of rules,” though the bill could be voted on again. For the tally, 226 Republican and 20 Democrat representatives voted for the legislation; seven Republicans and 161 Democrats voted against it.

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