Trent's Blog

Franks in the News -- Week of 4/22/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on April 27, 2012

Eighty-one Republican members of Congress, including Arizona Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. Lamar Smith (Texas) and Rep. Steve King (Iowa), have filed a friend-of-the-court brief supporting the Arizona law and calling Obama’s argument that it pre-empts federal law “without merit.” Almost 70 Democratic members have filed another brief arguing just the opposite.
Arizona law already has similar provisions, dubbed the Victims' Bill of Rights, but Montgomery said a federal constitutional amendment would change the way crime victims are treated nationally.
Often the only exception is for sex-linked genetic disorders. These countries have said loud and clear that choosing which children get to live and which ones are slated to die based simply on their gender is an evil their society will not tolerate.
Federal law and 92 percent of states’ laws allow abortions to be committed even if it is just because of an unborn baby’s race or sex.
The brief argues the appeals court decision "sets up an untenable conflict between Congressional immigration policy and Administrative 'priorities' that the separation of powers doctrine requires the Administration to lose."
Congressman from Arizona Trent Franks widely spoke about the US-Azerbaijan security cooperation.
What is CIANA? It is a modest attempt to deal with the truth that not all states require notification of or consent from at least one parent, or authorization from a court, prior to performance of an abortion on a minor.

Franks in the News -- Week of 4/15/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on April 20, 2012

At issue was a reconciliation submission, to the Committee on the Budget, of the Help Efficient, Accessible, Low-cost, Timely Healthcare (HEALTH) Act of 2011.
Due to their increasing age, many of the Japanese Americans veterans who served in these units were unable to attend the CGM ceremony in Washington D.C. Therefore, Arizona Japanese American veterans who served in the 100th, 442nd or MIS will be presented locally with their CGMs.
A doctor in Washington state is advertising that he can deliver dreams to expectant parents through gender selection...

Franks in the News -- Week of 4/8/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on April 13, 2012

Since its inception in September 2011, Operation American Patriot has assisted more than 500 veterans and organized several training seminars for the law enforcement agencies in the Valley. 
Rep. Trent Franks, Rep. John Shadegg and Rep. Paul Broun: supporters of the CAIR congressional investigation.
Congressman Flake recently co-sponsored Congressman Trent Franks’ (AZ-02) bill, the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R. 3803), which recognizes the pain that unborn humans feel at 20 weeks gestation and beyond.
But when it comes to having the same name as the duchess of Cambridge, Capitol Hill’s own Kate Middleton — who serves as press secretary for Rep. Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) — seems to be a pretty good sport.

Franks in the News -- Week of 4/1/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on April 6, 2012

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Trent Franks, R-Ariz., thinks hauling young girls across state lines for abortions without their parents’ knowledge or consent is a bad idea. So he’s worked hard to pass CIANA, the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, to make this behavior a crime.
A young U.S. Marine officer whose career was jeopardized after he ordered his men to fire upon a tractor in Afghanistan to keep the Taliban from using it has seen his cause taken up by members of Congress who are drafting legislation that would give combat troops accused of violating stringent rules of engagement a military hearing outside the chain of command.
WASHINGTON (BP) -- A bill that would criminalize transporting a minor across state lines in certain situations with the intent of obtaining an abortion has advanced in the House of Representatives.
The Wigwam Resort is a big place, and it was just right for the first of four open houses being held in Arizona by the U.S. Air Force for comments on its environmental impact study of the F-35A training basing at Luke Air Force Base.

Franks in the News -- Week of 3/25/12

Posted By: Congressman Trent Franks on April 2, 2012

Reps Trent Franks (R-Ariz.) and Renee Ellmers (R-N.C.) became the latest members of Congress to start "pinning" this week.