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Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management
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Department of Labor
2010 Hiring Reform
Barrier Identification and Action Plan


Action Items

Measurable Results

Implementation Timeframe

Responsible Party

2010 Hiring Reform: Use of Category Rating

Goal: Implementation by November 1, 2010


Divergent skill level and experience in the use of Category Rating across DOL HR staff and agency management

Root Cause: Infrequent use of category rating procedures

HRC in coordination with HROs will educate all DOL HR staff and agency management on Category Rating by developing a centralized training solution and identifying a DOL distribution strategy

Key elements include:

  • Job Analysis/Crediting Plans
  • CBQs

Application of DOORS in the process

Increase in applicant satisfaction

Increase in management satisfaction

Source: Applicant survey results & CHCO management survey results

Q1 – FY2011

HRC and Servicing HRO


Need for up-to-date policy and procedures on the use of Category Rating

Root Cause: Infrequent use of category rating procedures and additional Hiring Reform requirements

HRC to update and develop DOL-wide policy

HROs will update and develop procedures and processes for the proper implementation of Category Rating within their servicing area

Policy developed and published

Source: Completed document

Q4 - FY2010

HRC and Servicing HRO


Need to ensure procedures for managing increased recruitment workload brought about by the use of Category Rating.

Root Cause: Infrequent use of category rating procedures and additional Hiring Reform requirements

HRC will consider and advise HROs on strategies to help manage high-yielding recruitments for vacancies advertising single or few positions (establishing cut off dates, # of applications received cut off, etc.)

Average number of days to issue certificate

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Q1 – FY2011

HRC and Servicing HRO


Need for processes to ensure consistent execution of Category Rating across DOL

Root Cause: Infrequent use of category rating procedures and additional Hiring Reform requirements

HRC will ensure that the accountability review process incorporates a sufficient review of the use of Category Rating.

HRO will ensure that internal DEU auditing and quality reviews incorporate a sufficient review of the use of Category Rating

Report of implementation status

Accountability Review reports

DEU quarterly reports and agency internal audits

Source: Data call for HROs

Q2 – FY2011

HRC and Servicing HROs

2010 Hiring Reform: Elimination of Essay-style Questions

Goal: Implementation by November 1, 2010


Need for process and procedures for establishing a hurdled approach for the use of essay-style questions in the category rating process at DOL

Root Cause: Infrequent use of category rating procedures and additional Hiring Reform requirements

HRC in coordination with HROs will develop policy, processes and procedures for the proper implementation of essay-style questions in the application process. This process will take into account the use of essay-style questions in a phased or hurdled approach, introducing them after the initial application is submitted but before the formation of the certificate

Establish Policy Development Workgroup to develop policy guidance relating to Hiring Reform requirements

Issuance of policy and procedural guidance

Source: Completed document(s)

Source: HRM Accountability Review

Q4 – FY2010

HRC and Servicing HROs


Need to ensure guidance for consistent utilization of hurdled approach for category rating process

Root Cause: Elimination of Essay-style questions and automated staffing tool configuration requirements

Train HR Specialist on phasing procedures and utilization within DOORS

Educate managers on hurdled approach as related to recruitment needs

Monster Solutions is addressing system configuration to facilitate a hurdled approach

Average number of days to issue certificate

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Q1 – FY2011

Servicing HROs
and Management

2010 Hiring Reform: Allow for the Acceptance of Resumes

Goal: Implementation by November 1, 2010


DOL processes and procedures have not established the use of DOORS functionality to accept resumes in a variety of formats

Root Cause: Acceptance of resume requirement

System capabilities will be "turned-on" effective 11/1/10

Develop uniform DOL guidance on content of resume

Applicants can successfully upload resumes into DOORS

Issuance of guidance

Source: Feedback from DOORS Helpdesk Mgr

Source: Completed document(s)

Q1 – FY2011



Need for a standardized and consistent process for verification of self-reported rating

Root Cause: Lack of specific guidance describing flexibility and procedures for lower a candidate self assessment

HRC will develop policy on validation process to ensure HR Specialists are verifying self assessment and where appropriate lower invalidated assessments

Issuance of policy and procedural guidance

Source: Completed document(s)

Q4 – FY2010


2010 Hiring Reform: Ensure manager responsibility & accountability for hiring

Goal: Implementation by November 1, 2010


Need to provide management training on the hiring reform process

Root Cause: Recent establishment of hiring reform requirements

Develop management training module in concert with updated policy to educate management on key elements of the hiring reform and recruitment to include:

  • Hiring Reform Overview
  • Recruiter Training
  • CBQ Development
  • Job Analysis
  • Crediting Plan
  • Category Rating Procedures

Establish training as mandatory requirement

Coordinate with OPM in the development of management training

Incorporate management training module into new management training

Increased management satisfaction & participation in hiring process

Source: CHCO Management Survey & EVS

Source: Learning Link

Q4 – FY2011

Sr. Leadership,
Servicing HRO


Need to improve established process for engaging management in hiring and recruitment process

Ensure agency process incorporates HR engagement with management for hiring reform activities

Increased management satisfaction

Source: CHCO Management Survey

Q4 – FY2011

Servicing HROs,

2010 Hiring Reform: Notify Applicants about their status

Goal: Implementation by November 1, 2010


Need to ensure consistent approach in notifying applicants

Develop DOL policy and procedures for uniformed points of applicant notification

Ensure DOORS system updated in accordance with established policy including coding and uniform e-mail templates to the applicant

Ensure DOORS users are informed and educated on new process

Consistent application of notifying applicants

Issuance of policy and procedural guidance

Source: Completed document(s)

Source: DOORS system quarterly report

Source: HRM Accountability Review

Q1 – FY2011

Servicing HROs

2010 Hiring Reform: Improve the quality and speed of hiring

Goal: 10 day reduction in overall average days


Need to ensure servicing HROs have standard operating procedures in place that outlines documents or decisions required for submitting personnel action requests

HRC will develop recruitment checklist and strategic conversation document that may be submitted with recruitment requests

Reduction in average days to post vacancy

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Action item completed and positive results noted in DOL Fill Time Report

HRC and Servicing HRO


Need to improve the communication of recruitment priorities with HROs

Administrative Officers will routinely communicate recruitment priorities with servicing HRO

Reduction in average days to post vacancy

Reduction in average days to issue certificate

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Q4 – FY2010

Administrative Officer
and Servicing HRO


Need to improve skills of interviewers

HRC will incorporate interview techniques in the new supervisors training curriculum

HROs will educate new selecting officials on interviewing techniques when certificate is issued

Reduction in average days managers has certificate

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Q1 – FY2011

HRC and Servicing HRO


Need to improve outreach to entry level audiences or mid-career candidates

Development of Recruitment Brochure

Increase branding and imaging of DOL

Development of Strategic Recruitment Campaign

Increase use of Social Media/Network

Increase use of language proficient recruiters

Reduction in total days to process

Increases positive responses from applicant and management survey

Source: DOL Fill Time Report
CHCO Mgmt Survey
Applicant Survey

Q1 – FY2011

HRC, Servicing HRO and Managers


Need to increase selecting officials completing the CHCO Management Satisfaction Survey

ASAM to issue memorandum to Agency Heads emphasizing requirements to complete survey

Review data and improve hiring process accordingly

Reduction in Total days to process

Increases response rate from applicant and management survey

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

CHCO Mgmt Survey

Q1– FY2011

HRC / ASAM / Agency Heads


Validity of certificates – need to revise current policy which allows selecting officials to hold certificate for 90 days

HRC to reduce or clarify policy guidance regarding the validity of certificates

Reduction in avenge number of days manger has certificate

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Q4 – FY2011



Need to improve time to post vacancy announcement and issue certificates

HRO will develop E2E Roadmap and identify barriers and corrective measure to reduces/and or eliminate barriers

Reduction in number of days required to post vacancy announcement

Reduction in average days to issue certificates

Source: DOL Fill Time Report

Action item completed and positive results noted in DOL Fill Time Report

Servicing HRO and EEO Manager