IPaC - Information, Planning, and Conservation System 
Environmental Conservation Online System
IPaC features
  • Initial Project Scoping »:
    Find out if any threatened or endangered species, designated critical habitat, or other natural resources of concern may be affected by your proposed project and then receive a list of conservation measures (or best management practices) designed specifically for your activity types. Enter here to request an official Fish and Wildlife Service species list.
  • Project Builder »:
    Refine your project design and construct the environmental review documents you'll need.
  • Conservation Measure Search »:
    Create a custom query against the conservation measure database.
  • FAQs »:
    Read more about how IPaC works and the type of information you can retrieve from IPaC.
What's coming?

Soon you will have the capability to get USFWS-recommended project design measures that help you avoid anticipated effects on proposed and listed species.

With the upcoming IPaC Project Manager tool, you will have a way to enter the details of your projects, such as actions, locations, and timelines, and have IPaC provide a more narrowed and refined list of project design measures.

Based on this information and input from you, IPaC can then assist you in creating your Biological Assessment and other Environmental documents.

What is IPaC?

The Information, Planning, and Conservation (IPaC) decision support system is a conservation planning tool for streamlining the environmental review process. It provides you, our partners, with the ability to explore the landscape and help you to site your projects in a way that minimizes conflicts with natural resources.

With IPaC's landscape explorer tool, you can view wetlands, GAP land cover, USFWS critical habitat, and other natural resource map layers.

Through IPaC, you can get a preliminary USFWS species list, and in many locations across the U.S., a USFWS Official Species list. Available, too, are links to species life history information, the USFWS Migratory Bird program, Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act information, and more.

[read more at our FAQ page]
IPaC is a Partnership between:

Last updated: February 14, 2013