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Publication Number: FHWA-HRT-12-040
Date: July 2012

Trends of Transportation Simulation and Modeling Based on A Selection of Exploratory Advanced Research Projects - Workshop Summary Report, August 2011

The Exploratory Advanced Research Program

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Our nation continues to look for new and innovative strategies that can improve the transportation system we use daily. Consequently, effective tools such as computer simulation and models are needed to assess the validity of various proposed transportation solutions.

On August 22, 2011, the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Office of Operations Research and Development (R&D), in partnership with the Exploratory Advanced Research Program, hosted a workshop as part of an ongoing effort to examine advancement in simulation and modeling. The workshop successfully brought together experts from multidisciplinary fields to share their knowledge and experience in applying various modeling and simulation methodologies to study topics including driver and traveler behavior, intersection control, and autonomous vehicles. Summaries of the five simulation studies presented in the workshop as well as recommendations provided by participants are reflected in this document.

Through the distribution of this workshop summary report, it is our hope that the information and thoughts shared at the meeting will help shape the FHWA’s further investment in modeling and simulation research through open solicitation, interagency agreements, or other appropriate mechanisms.

Joseph I. Peters
Director, Office of Operations R&D
Federal Highway Administration


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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration