Economic Indicators


May 7 – 18, 2012

Application deadline

April 7, 2012




This seminar is designed for economists, statisticians, analysts, researchers, and others who need to understand economic indicators. Participants should have knowledge of basic statistics and some experience in analyzing labor or social data.


To identify key economic indicators and understand how they are used to track an economy by:

  • Learning how indicators signal change in the direction of the economy or economic activity
  • Distinguishing between leading, lagging, and coincident indicators
  • Understanding the relationship different indicators have to the business cycle and to each other

Program content

Timely and sound economic data are of critical importance to policymakers, the business community, consumers, and investors. Economics information helps a wide array of people assess how well an economy is performing and guides decision making. What are economic indicators? What is their significance? How should they be interpreted? This seminar is an introduction to key economic indicators and how they are used. In depth discussion on how to construct the various indicators is not provided in this seminar.

The following BLS economic indicators and topics will be presented in this seminar. Meetings with other U.S. national statistical organizations will be included to discuss indicators such as national accounts, industrial production, the money supply and interest rates, manufacturing and trade sales, and agricultural output.

Employment and Unemployment

  • Data on employed persons and the unemployment rate provide a vital snapshot of the strength of a labor market. The seminar will discuss national indicators as well as the value of local area unemployment statistics. A range of measures of labor underutilization also will be presented.

Job Openings and Labor Turnover

  • Data on job openings, hires, quits, layoffs and discharges, and other separations are valuable indicators that measure worker flows. The number of unfilled jobs—used to calculate the job openings rate—is an important measure of the unmet demand for labor. With this statistic, it is possible to paint a more complete picture of a labor market than by looking solely at the unemployment rate, a measure of the excess supply of labor. Information on labor turnover is valuable in the proper analysis and interpretation of labor market developments and as a complement to the unemployment rate.

Business Employment Dynamics

  • Business Employment Dynamics statistics track changes in employment at the establishment level or job flows, revealing the dynamics underlying net changes in employment. These data include the number and rates of gross jobs gained at opening and expanding establishments, as well as the number and rates of gross jobs lost by closing and contracting establishments.

Wages and Labor Costs

  • Wages, earnings, and benefits account for a substantial part of a country’s national income and are closely linked to the economic cycle. Determining levels and trends of pay rates by occupation, industry, locality, and region is important in the analysis of current economic developments. The seminar also will discuss indexes that measure the change over time in labor costs (Employment Cost Index) and data measuring the level of average costs per hour worked (Employer Costs for Employee Compensation).


  • Price indexes, indicators of the rates of inflation in a country’s economy, also serve as a tool for adjusting wages, salaries, and other income payments to keep in step with rising prices. The seminar will address the importance of Consumer Price Indexes, Producer Price Indexes, and Import and Export Price Indexes.

Productivity and Unit Labor Costs

  • Productivity is one of the major determinants of the standard of living, since increases in productivity can result in higher real income and increased price stability. Measures of productivity and unit labor costs are important signals of international competitiveness.


  • Over the course of a year, prices and the levels of employment and the associated job flows may undergo sharp fluctuations due to such seasonal events as changes in the weather, reduced or expanded production, harvests, major holidays, and the opening and closing of schools. The effect of such seasonal variation can be very large. In many countries these seasonal events follow a more or less regular pattern each year, so adjusting these statistics from quarter to quarter can eliminate their influence. These adjustments make non-seasonal developments, such as declines in economic activity, easier to spot. The adjusted figure provides a more useful tool with which to analyze changes in economic activity.

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Last modified: March 29, 2012