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Dr. Hudson Jackson
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Engineering Department
15 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06320
(860) 444‐8315
Hudson Jackson, Ph.D., P.E., Dipl-Ing
Associate Professor
Engineering Department
U.S. Coast Guard Academy

Dr. Jackson received his Ph.D. from Rutgers University, New Jersey, in the area of Geotechnical Engineering. His research involves the nondestructive testing of pavements by seismic techniques. Dr. Jackson has 20 years of professional experience in consulting, academics and research in geotechnical engineering, pavement engineering, construction management, field inspections, structural design, and construction quality control. He has served as project manager, project engineer, design engineer and field operations manager on several projects for both private and government clients in Africa, Europe and North America. Before joining the Coast Guard Academy, Dr. Jackson was an Associate at Stantec Consulting where he served as office leader, project and field operations manager on several nationwide pavement engineering and research projects. Dr. Jackson has authored or coauthored several proposals, reports, technical and research papers. 

  • Ph.D., Geotechnical Engineering, May 2003, Rutgers University
  • Mpl. Geotechnical Engineering, October 2000, Rutgers University
  • Dipl. Ing. Geotechnical Engineering/Structural Design and Construction, Technology University of Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany, Jan.1994

Courses Taught:
  • Civil Engineering Materials, lecture and lab
  • Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, lecture and lab
  • Geotechnical Engineering Design, lecture
  • Civil Engineering Capstone Design; Advisor

Selected Publications and Presentations:
  • Jackson, H., Gucunski, N., “Recycled Portland Cement Concrete Modulus Evaluation using Surface Waves,” Accepted for publication and presentation at the GeoCongress-2012, Annual American Society of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Engineering Conference, March 2012.
  • Blanshard, A., Jackson, H., “Promoting National Development Through Improvement of Education Provision for All Sierra Leoneans-The Role of the Diaspora,” Sierra Leone Conference on Development and Transformation, Jan, 2012, Freetown, Sierra Leone-(accepted for publication and presentation).
  • Blanshard, A., Jackson, H., “The Role of Science, Engineering and Technology Education in the National Development of Sierra Leone,” International Conference on Education and Development in Sierra Leone, Freetown, Sierra Leone, 2011.
  • Jackson, H., Rumsey, N., Zelmanowitz, S. and Daragan, P., “Work in Progress-Assessing Information Literacy in Civil Engineering,” Proceedings of the 41st Frontiers in Education Conference, Grand Rapids, SD, 2011.
  • Maggi, B., Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., Russell, J., “Work In Progress-United States Coast Guard Academy Robotics on Water Competition as Recruiting Tool-Program Enhancement for STEM and Diversity Outreach,” Proceedings of the 41st Frontiers in Education Conference, Grand Rapids, SD, 2011.
  • Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., Zapalska, A. and Zelmanowitz, S., “Strategies to Infuse Global Perspectives and Industrial Collaboration in Engineering Education,” Proceedings of the 40th Frontiers in Education Conference, Arlington, VA, 2010.
  • Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., Morrissey, A. And Podoll, N., “Developing Civil Engineering Leaders at the United States Coast Guard Academy,” Proceedings of the 40th Frontiers in Education Conference, Arlington, VA, 2010.
  • Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., Fleischmann, C., Rumsey, N. And Zelmanowitz, S., “Work in Progress-Selection and Execution of Civil Engineering Capstone Design Projects at the United States Coast Guard Academy,“ Proceedings of the 40th Frontiers in Education Conference, Arlington, VA, 2010.
  • Russell, J., Tarhini, K. and Jackson, H., “Work in Progress-United States Coast Guard Academy Robotics on Water-New Program for STEM and Diversity Outreach,“ Proceedings of the 40th Frontiers in Education Conference, Arlington, VA, 2010.
  • Gucunski, N, Jackson, H. and Maher, A, “In situ evaluation of rubblized PCCP modulus by surface waves,” Proceedings of CETRA, First International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure, Opatija, Croatia, 2010.
  • Podoll, N., Tarhini, N. and Jackson, H., “Model Activities for Coordinating Core Engineering Courses,” American Society of Engineering Education, North East Regional Conference, Boston, MA, 2010.
  • Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., Fleischmann, C., Rumsey, N. and Zelmanowitz, S., “Selection and Execution of Civil Engineering Capstone Design Projects at the United States Coast Guard Academy,” American Society of Engineering Education, North East Regional Conference, Boston, MA, 2010.
  • Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., and Zelmanowitz, S. “Addressing Globalization in Civil Engineering at the United States Coast Guard Academy,” Proceeding of the 39th Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, Oct 2009.
  • Jackson, H., Tarhini, K., and Zelmanowitz, S. “Infusing Industry, Community and the Coast Guard into the Civil Engineering Program at the United States Coast Guard Academy,” Proceeding of the 39th Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, Oct 2009.
  • Ellis, E., Jackson, H., “Incorporating Engineering into PreK to grade 12 curricula Through Career Imprinting,” Proceedings of the 39th Frontiers in Education Conference, San Antonio, TX, 2009.
  • Jackson, H., Ellis, E., “Early and Continuous Exposure to Engineering as a Profession: Career Imprinting in Grades PreK-12,” Annual Zone 1 Conference of American Society of Engineering Education, West Point, NY, 2008.
  • Helali, K, Jackson, H., “Potential Benefits of Implementing Preventive Maintenance into the New Jersey DOT Pavement Management System,” Proceedings of the 84rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2005.
  • Jackson, H., Zaghloul, S, Jumukis, A, “Integration of a Preventive Maintenance Program in the New Jersey DOT Pavement Management System,” Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC, 2004.
  • Jackson, H., Gucunski, N., “ Void Detection Underneath Rigid Pavements: Numerical Simulation of the Impulse Response Method,” Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Co, 2000.
  • Jackson, H., Gucunski, N., “Improved Pavement Model For Reduction of Impulse Response Test Data, Proceedings of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, Denver, Las Vegas, Feb 2002.
  • Jackson, H., Gucunski, N. & Maher, A., “Alternative Models For the Impulse Response Method,” 8th European Conference on Nondestructive Testing, June 2002.
  • Jackson, H., Gucunski, N., Maher, A., “Verification of Pavement Undersealing by Impulse Response Method,” Proceedings of Nondestructive Testing in Environmental Protection, MATEST 2001, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Sept. 2001.
  • Jackson, H., Gucunski, N., “Finite Element Analysis of the Impulse Response Technique for Void Detection Underneath Rigid Pavements,” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of Slovenian Society of Nondestructive Testing, Portoz, Slovenia, Sept. 2001.

Technical Reports:
  • Zaghloul, S., Gucunski, N., Jackson, H., “Material Characterization and Seasonal Variation in Material Properties” Final Technical Report FHWA-NJ-2005-024, Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation, Feb 2006.
  • Zaghloul, S., Gucunski, N., Jackson, H. and Marukic, I., “Ride Quality Follow-up,” Final Technical Report FHWA-NJ-2005-017, Federal Highway Administration and New Jersey Department of Transportation, Dec 2005.
  • Gucunski, N., Zaghloul, S., Jackson, H. and Marukic, I., “Falling Weight Deflectometer versus Laboratory Determined Resilient Modulus (Slab Curling Study),” Final Technical Report FWD-RU6701, Dec 2005.

  • Southern Regional Educational Board Doctoral Scholar, 2001
  • National Dean’s List, 2001
  • Chi Epsilon, Rutgers University Chapter, 2000
  • Student of the year, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT), 1999
  • University Transportation Research Center Fellow, 1999
  • German Academic Exchange (DAAD) Fellow, 1989

Professional Memberships:
  • Professional Engineer: Pennsylvania
  • American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Member
  • Geo Institute of ASCE
  • Deep Foundation Institute (DFI)
  • American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE)
  • Transportation Research Institute