Democratic Republic of Congo


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Latest from USIP on Democratic Republic of Congo

  • March 29, 2012   |   Publication

    USIP leaders explain the effect that events around the world and here at home will have on the U.S., and the contributions the Institute can and does make during a time of tremendous challenge – and opportunity.

  • March 29, 2012   |   Publication

    As six of the world’s ten fastest growing countries are in Sub-Saharan Africa, the United States must help develop the potential and strengthen mutually beneficial partnerships with African nations, Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Wendy Sherman told a packed auditorium at the U.S. Institute of Peace on March 28.

  • March 23, 2012   |   Publication

    With its research, analysis and field work, USIP is on the ground in key African nations working to prevent conflicts from turning deadly and to build local capacity to stop disputes from escalating into violent conflict.

  • January 4, 2012   |   Publication

    Gender and Peacebuilding Center Director, Kathleen Kuehnast, discusses USIP's focus on women's equality in 2011 and looks ahead at the gender projects USIP will work on in 2012.

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On November 28th, 2011 the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is set to hold its second presidential and legislative elections since the country’s independence in 1960.  The elections will be held against a backdrop of logistical challenges, deepening poverty and political machinations in the run up to the elections.  The elections will also be marked by continuing violence and a significant worsening of sexual violence in the north east, remnants of the more than 15 years of conflict that has plagued the country since the end of the genocide in neighboring Rwanda.  This underlying political, economic and social fragility is worsened by the misuse/abuse of the country’s abundant resource wealth (including new oil deposits in the north east), the flourishing war economy, weak state authority, and a culture of impunity and rampant corruption.

The success and results of the elections will have important implications for the stability of the country as well as the stability of the surrounding eastern, central, and southern regions of Africa whose economies, security and politics are intrinsically linked to those of the DRC.  A lasting solution will therefore require substantial national, regional and international support to improve governance, reduce corruption, improve civilian security, and create an environment for economic growth and development.

USIP’s partners with local and international partners and focuses on developing conflict-sensitive and viable anti-corruption strategies, delinking mining from violence and crafting innovative solutions to the scourge of sexual violence.

Going Forward: USIP Goals in the Democratic Republic of Congo

  • Facilitate conflict management by working with all levels of society to develop a set of recommendations that could delink the mining industry from violence and the war economy;
  • Analyze the multifaceted drivers and effects of conflict (including poverty, gender, ethnicity, regional instability and illicit mining);
  • Explore innovative approaches that would improve the effectiveness of foreign assistance in the DRC;
  • Identify the key causes of weak governance and corruption in the DRC, and provide viable recommendations for lasting peace and human security.

USIP Projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo

  • DRC Diaspora Dialogue| A series of meetings geared towards energizing members of the diaspora to contribute more effectively to conflict management and peace promotion in the DRC. Particular areas of emphasis include anti-corruption, economic development, governance and private sector development.
  • Countering Corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo| A project, in collaboration with the African Institute of Corporate Citizenship and EthicSA, to facilitate the development and implementation of anti-corruption code of conduct among the business and local communities.  USIP’s focus on conflict-sensitive solutions helped focus the initiative on the reality of challenges facing war-affected economies.
  • Gender and Peacebuilding Initiative| A project that coordinates gender-related issues of peacebuilding to contribute to holistic recommendations to conflict resolution. The initiative, headed by Kathleen Kuehnast, reflects the Institute’s commitment to gender awareness in both its analytical and practitioner work on conflict and peacebuilding.


USIP Media of the DRC

Access Audio and Video from Past USIP Events, for other country and topics view the Sustainable Economies Media Library

  • October 16th, 2009| Trans-Atlantic DRC Diaspora Dialogue

Weblinks for the DRC

Access useful information and resources by topical categories on the DRC, including the DRC Government and embassy sites, international NGO's working in the DRC, and other financial and security organizations with useful information.


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